Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Kaunas, Lithuania


Self-guided Tours
Paid Tours & Activities

Are you ready for an unforgettable time in Kaunas, Lithuania? Then you've come to the right place with our sightseeing tours. Whether you prefer a guided free walking tour with insider knowledge or enjoy the freedom of a self-guided route, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Click on a tour and find out more about the highlights that await you!

Activities in KaunasIndividual Sights in Kaunas
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2h
Reviews 4.7/5 stars, 91 ratings

Hidden Gems of Kaunas - Free Walking Tour
Kaunas is blessed with a cosy environment- spacious fine buildings, two rivers converging into one and plenty of trees. It was once a castle, then a fortress city and later it became the cultural...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2 hours
Reviews 9.4/10 stars, 13 ratings

Hidden Gems of Kaunas - Free Walking Tour
Kaunas is blessed with a cozy environment- spacious fine buildings, two rivers converging into one, and plenty of trees. It was once a castle, then a fortress city and later it became the cultural...
Book for free on Freetour*

Self-guided Tour #1

Show tour on map
Number of sights 22 sights
Distance 6.6 km
Ascend 87 m
Descend 104 m

  • Knygnešių sienelė
  • National Theater of Drama in Kaunas
  • Kauno valstybinis lėlių teatras
  • Philharmony of Kaunas
  • Synagogue of Kaunas
  • Kauno Tado Ivanausko zoologijos muziejus
  • Kauno Šv. Gertrūdos bažnyčia
  • Kauno Švč. Sakramento bažnyčia ir Domininkonų vienuolynas
  • Istorinė prezidentūra
  • Owl Mountain
  • St. Nicholas Church
  • Kauno pantomimos teatras
  • Kauno evangelikų liuteronų bažnyčia
  • House of Perkunas
  • Vytautas Magnus Church
  • Church of Jesuites
  • Town Hall of Kaunas
  • Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Kaunas Cathedral Basilica of apostles St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Trinity Church
  • Museum of Lithuanian Sport
  • Santakos parkas
Details for Tour #1 in Kaunas

Self-guided Tour #2

Show tour on map
Number of sights 21 sights
Distance 6.5 km
Ascend 103 m
Descend 102 m

  • Aleksoto funikulierius
  • Vytautas Magnus Church
  • Museum of Lithuanian Sport
  • Town Hall of Kaunas
  • Church of Jesuites
  • House of Perkunas
  • Kauno evangelikų liuteronų bažnyčia
  • Kauno Švč. Sakramento bažnyčia ir Domininkonų vienuolynas
  • Kauno Šv. Gertrūdos bažnyčia
  • Kauno Tado Ivanausko zoologijos muziejus
  • Synagogue of Kaunas
  • Philharmony of Kaunas
  • Kauno evangelikų reformatų bažnyčia
  • M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum
  • Knygnešių sienelė
  • Kauno valstybinis lėlių teatras
  • Kauno miesto kamerinis teatras
  • Kaunas State Musical Theatre
  • National Theater of Drama in Kaunas
  • St. Michael the Archangel Church
  • Jurgio Mačiūno aikštė
Details for Tour #2 in Kaunas

Self-guided Tour #3

Show tour on map
Number of sights 7 sights
Distance 2.2 km
Ascend 51 m
Descend 80 m

  • Mažoji Kristaus Prisikėlimo bažnyčia
  • Christ's Resurrection Church
  • Žaliakalnis Funicular Railway
  • Lenartavičių koplyčia
  • M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum
  • Museum of Devils
  • Kauno evangelikų reformatų bažnyčia
Details for Tour #3 in Kaunas

Self-guided Tour #4

Show tour on map
Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 7.5 km
Ascend 182 m
Descend 122 m

  • Santakos parkas
  • Monument for Pope John Paul II
  • Church of Saint George the Martyr
  • Trinity Church
  • Town Hall of Kaunas
  • Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Kaunas Cathedral Basilica of apostles St. Peter and St. Paul
  • Kauno pantomimos teatras
  • St. Nicholas Church
  • Kauno Švč. Sakramento bažnyčia ir Domininkonų vienuolynas
  • Istorinė prezidentūra
  • Owl Mountain
  • Kauno evangelikų reformatų bažnyčia
  • Museum of Devils
  • Lenartavičių koplyčia
  • Žaliakalnis Funicular Railway
  • Christ's Resurrection Church
  • Mažoji Kristaus Prisikėlimo bažnyčia
  • Kauno Viešpaties Apsireiškimo cerkvė
Details for Tour #4 in Kaunas

Self-guided Tour #5

Show tour on map
Number of sights 8 sights
Distance 4.4 km
Ascend 83 m
Descend 84 m

  • Kaunas mosque
  • Tibeto skv.
  • Jurgio Mačiūno aikštė
  • St. Michael the Archangel Church
  • National Theater of Drama in Kaunas
  • Kaunas State Musical Theatre
  • Kauno miesto kamerinis teatras
  • Aleksoto funikulierius
Details for Tour #5 in Kaunas


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Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Kaunas at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.