Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Brussels, Belgium


Self-guided Tours
Paid Tours & Activities

Are you ready for an unforgettable time in Brussels, Belgium? Then you've come to the right place with our sightseeing tours. Whether you prefer a guided free walking tour with insider knowledge or enjoy the freedom of a self-guided route, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Click on a tour and find out more about the highlights that await you!

Activities in BrusselsIndividual Sights in Brussels
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.9/5 stars, 1480 ratings

⭐ Stories About Brussels ⭐ No.1 Tour by Local Storytellers
Tell Me Stories About Brussels What's in a name? Stories... and Brussels. This is not just another history tour overloaded with details. Our goal is to offer a fun experience where you get to know...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.8/5 stars, 367 ratings

Get ready to immerse yourself in the history, culture and charms of the beautiful Belgian capital. Join us on a walking tour of the city's most iconic locations as we reveal their fascinating...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish
Duration 2h 15min
Reviews 4.7/5 stars, 5412 ratings

Discover the wonders that the city of Brussels hides. Our adventure in the dazzling Grand Place or Grote Markt that will dazzle us with its great variety of architectural styles. There we will...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish
Duration 2h 15min
Reviews 4.7/5 stars, 1994 ratings

Mundistour is a company made up of professional guides, whose purpose is to be able to show travelers who want to know Belgium the most important and monumental places, but also those secrets and...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, French
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.7/5 stars, 134 ratings

Free Historical Tour: The Story of Brussels | By Local Legends
Explore the vibrant heart of Brussels while learning about the history and legends of the city with an experienced local guide. By the end of the tour, you'll know more than a local! Places we...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish
Duration 2h
Reviews 4.5/5 stars, 139 ratings

Free Evening Tour: The Dark Side of Brussels | History & Mystery Tour | By Local Legends
Welcome to Brussels as you've never experienced it before! Behind the pristine facades and countless chocolate stores, there lies a dark and bloody past that is rarely discussed. During this...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish, French
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.4/5 stars, 32 ratings

Free Tour Art Nouveau and Victor Horta (Brussels)
ART NOUVEAU AND VICTOR HORTA TOUR Art Nouveau Brussels guided tour: birth and evolution of this architectural style through its most beautiful achievements.​ This is a guided tour of Art Nouveau...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish, French
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.3/5 stars, 190 ratings

Free Tour "Unusual and alternative Brussels the Lower Town"
Brussels: "The Lower City is unusual and alternative" In the company of our professional guides, come every day to enjoy an interesting visit to the historic center of Brussels. We will be able to...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish, French
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4/5 stars, 151 ratings

Free Tour of the authentic historical center of Brussels
Free Tour in the authentic center of Brussels. Our guides are waiting for you every day to enjoy an interesting visit in the authentic historical center of Brussels, the capital of Europe....
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish, French
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4/5 stars, 70 ratings

Free tour: Brussels the Royal Palace and the Grand Sablon
Free tour: Brussels the Royal Palace and the Grand Sablon Visit the historical centre of Brussels and learn about the Belgian Monarchy, the political system, the European Union in relation to...
Book for free on GuruWalk*

Self-guided Tour #1

Show tour on map
Number of sights 29 sights
Distance 7.3 km
Ascend 155 m
Descend 139 m

  • Église Saint-Antoine de Padoue - Sint-Antonius van Paduakerk
  • François Anneessens - Frans Anneessens
  • Église Notre-Dame aux Riches Claires - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ter-Rijke-Klarenkerk
  • Ancienne Belgique
  • Le Cracheur - Den Spauwer
  • Brussels Town Hall
  • Brussels City Museum
  • Église Saint-Nicolas - Sint-Niklaaskerk
  • La Laitière - Het Melkboerinnetje
  • Les Aveugles - De Blinden
  • Bruxella 1238
  • Orts Fountain
  • Joseph Deschamps
  • Belgian Museum of Freemasonry
  • Maison des Chats - Hier ist in den Kater en de Kat
  • Église Notre-Dame du Finistère - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Finisterraekerk
  • Théâtre des Martyrs
  • Pro Patria
  • Royal Mint Theatre
  • Jeanneke Pis
  • Galerie du Roi - Koningsgalerij
  • Baudouin - Boudewijn
  • Saint Michael and Gudula Cathedral
  • Museum of the National Bank of Belgium
  • Belgian Comic Strip Center
  • André Vésale - Andreas Vesalius
  • Église Saint-Josse - Sint-Joostkerk
  • Théâtre Le Public
  • Maison Govaerts - Huis Govaerts
Details for Tour #1 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #2

Show tour on map
Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 1.6 km
Ascend 8 m
Descend 19 m

  • Ancienne gare de Laeken - Voormalig station van Laken
  • Parc Annie Cordy - Annie Cordypark
  • Chapelle Notre-Dame de Laeken - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekapel
  • Church of Our Lady of Laeken
  • Monument au Travail - Monument aan de Arbeid
Details for Tour #2 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #3

Show tour on map
Number of sights 11 sights
Distance 3.7 km
Ascend 114 m
Descend 144 m

  • Fountain of Neptune
  • Château du Belvédère - Kasteel Belvédère
  • Monument to the Dynasty
  • Parc de Laeken - Park van Laken
  • Villa Schonenberg
  • Fontaine Sainte-Anne - Sint-Annabron
  • Chapelle Sainte-Anne - Sint-Annakapel
  • Jardins du Fleuriste - Tuinen van de Bloemist
  • Parc Jean Sobieski - Jan Sobieskipark
  • Jardin Colonial - Koloniale Tuin
  • Église Saint-Lambert - Sint-Lambertuskerk
Details for Tour #3 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #4

Show tour on map
Number of sights 8 sights
Distance 3.7 km
Ascend 37 m
Descend 79 m

  • Comtes d'Egmont et de Hornes - Graven van Egmont en Hoorn
  • Église Notre-Dame au Sablon - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ter-Zavelkerk
  • Jewish Museum of Belgium
  • Église Saints-Jean-et-Etienne aux Minimes - Sint-Jan en Sint-Stefaan Ter Miniemenkerk
  • Église Notre-Dame Immaculée - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Onbevlekt-Ontvangenkerk
  • Musée national de la Résistance - Nationaal Museum van de Weerstand
  • Église Saint-François-Xavier - Sint-Franciscus-Xaveriuskerk
  • National Monument to the Jewish Martyrs of Belgium
Details for Tour #4 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #5

Show tour on map
Number of sights 20 sights
Distance 10.1 km
Ascend 244 m
Descend 214 m

  • Musée du CPAS de Bruxelles - Museum van het OCMW van Brussel
  • Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
  • Théâtre de la Toison d’Or
  • Théâtre Molière
  • Église Saint-Boniface - Sint-Bonifaaskerk
  • Théâtre Mercelis - Mercelistheater
  • Le Rideau de Bruxelles
  • Museum for Natural Sciences of Belgium
  • Musée Wiertz Museum
  • Parc Léopold - Leopoldpark
  • House of European History
  • Unity in Peace
  • Chapel of the Resurrection
  • Monument to the Belgian pioneers in Congo
  • Art & History Museum
  • Archs of the Cinquantenaire
  • Autoworld Museum
  • Institut Nalanda - Nalanda Instituut
  • Église du Divin Sauveur - Goddelijke Zaligmakerkerk
  • Parc Georges Henri - Georges Henripark
Details for Tour #5 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #6

Show tour on map
Number of sights 12 sights
Distance 7.1 km
Ascend 114 m
Descend 139 m

  • Bois de la Cambre - Ter Kamerenbos
  • Théâtre de Poche
  • Église Notre-Dame du Rosaire - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van de Rozenkranskerk
  • Parc Montjoie - Montjoiepark
  • Van Buuren Museum & Gardens
  • Gardens van Buuren
  • Parc Brugmann - Brugmannpark
  • 't Bieken
  • Église Sacré-Cœur - Heilig Hartkerk
  • Au Vieux Spijtigen Duivel
  • Église Saint-Pierre - Sint-Pieterskerk
  • Parc de Wolvendael - Wolvendaelpark
Details for Tour #6 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #7

Show tour on map
Number of sights 13 sights
Distance 8.3 km
Ascend 151 m
Descend 123 m

  • Colonne du Congrès - Congreskolom
  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
  • André Vésale - Andreas Vesalius
  • Église Saint-Josse - Sint-Joostkerk
  • Maison Govaerts - Huis Govaerts
  • Théâtre Le Public
  • Jazz Station
  • Maison Devalck
  • Église Sainte-Alice - Sint-Aleydiskerk
  • Parc Josaphat - Josaphatpark
  • Église Sainte-Thérèse d'Avila - Sint-Teresia van Avilakerk
  • Église de l'Épiphanie - Driekoningenkerk
  • Église Saint-Joseph - Sint-Jozefkerk
Details for Tour #7 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #8

Show tour on map
Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 3.5 km
Ascend 53 m
Descend 63 m

  • Brussels Expo
  • Design Museum Brussels
  • Parc d'Osseghem - Ossegempark
  • Parc de Laeken - Park van Laken
  • Église du Christ-Roi - Christus-Koningkerk
Details for Tour #8 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #9

Show tour on map
Number of sights 11 sights
Distance 8 km
Ascend 196 m
Descend 219 m

  • Fountain of Neptune
  • Château du Belvédère - Kasteel Belvédère
  • Parc de Laeken - Park van Laken
  • Villa Schonenberg
  • Jardin Colonial - Koloniale Tuin
  • Église Saint-Lambert - Sint-Lambertuskerk
  • Parc d'Osseghem - Ossegempark
  • Mini-Europe
  • Boule et Bill - Bollie en Billie
  • Musée communal du Comté de Jette - Gemeentelijke museum Graafschap Jette
  • Villa gallo-romaine - Gallo-Romeinse villa
Details for Tour #9 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #10

Show tour on map
Number of sights 9 sights
Distance 6.8 km
Ascend 126 m
Descend 140 m

  • Église du Christ-Roi - Christus-Koningkerk
  • Parc de Laeken - Park van Laken
  • Église Saint-Lambert - Sint-Lambertuskerk
  • Parc d'Osseghem - Ossegempark
  • Design Museum Brussels
  • Mini-Europe
  • Fontaine Charles de Brouckère - Fontein Charles de Brouckère
  • Boule et Bill - Bollie en Billie
  • Musée communal du Comté de Jette - Gemeentelijke museum Graafschap Jette
Details for Tour #10 in Brussels

Self-guided Tour #11

Show tour on map
Number of sights 9 sights
Distance 7 km
Ascend 126 m
Descend 107 m

  • Le Penseur
  • Square du vingt-et-un-juillet - Square van de 21ste juli
  • Queen Astrid Memorial
  • Royal Palace of Laeken
  • Square Prince Léopold - Prins Leopoldsquare
  • Parc Paul Garcet - Paul Garcetpark
  • Église de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Lourdeskerk
  • Église Sainte-Madeleine - Sint-Magdalenakerk
  • Église Saint-Martin - Sint-Martinuskerk
Details for Tour #11 in Brussels


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Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Brussels at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.