Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #1 in Brussels, Belgium


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 29 sights
Distance 7.3 km
Ascend 155 m
Descend 139 m

Experience Brussels in Belgium in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in BrusselsIndividual Sights in Brussels

Sight 1: Église Saint-Antoine de Padoue - Sint-Antonius van Paduakerk

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The Saint Anthony of Padua Monastery is a 19th-century neo-Gothic monastery with a monastery church in the Artesiëstraat in Brussels, designed by the Dutch architect Pierre Cuypers.

Wikipedia: Sint-Antonius van Paduakerk (Brussel) (NL)

159 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 2: François Anneessens - Frans Anneessens

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The monument to François Anneessens is an eclectic statue erected in memory of François Anneessens, doyen of the profession of the Four Crowned Ones executed in public on the Grand-Place in Brussels in 1719 at the time of the Austrian Netherlands.

Wikipedia: Monument à François Anneessens (FR)

495 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 3: Église Notre-Dame aux Riches Claires - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ter-Rijke-Klarenkerk

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The Church of Notre-Dame aux Riches Claires, located on Rue des Riches Claires in Brussels, Belgium, is a Baroque style church built in 1665 by the Mechelen sculptor and architect Lucas Faydherbe.

Wikipedia: Église Notre-Dame aux Riches Claires (FR)

232 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: Ancienne Belgique

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The Ancienne Belgique (AB) is a concert hall for contemporary music in Brussels, Belgium. Located in the historic heart of Brussels, it is one of the leading concert venues in Belgium, hosting a wide variety of international and local acts. Some 300,000 people attend a concert at the "AB" every year.

Wikipedia: Ancienne Belgique (EN), Website

213 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Le Cracheur - Den Spauwer

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Den Spauwer is an old wall fountain in Brussels. It is located near the Grote Markt, on the corner of Steenstraat and Kolenmarkt.

Wikipedia: Den Spauwer (NL), Website, Mapillary_url

80 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 6: Brussels Town Hall

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The Town Hall of the City of Brussels is a landmark building and the seat of the City of Brussels municipality of Brussels, Belgium. It is located on the south side of the famous Grand-Place/Grote Markt, opposite the neo-Gothic King's House or Bread House building, housing the Brussels City Museum.

Wikipedia: Brussels Town Hall (EN)

109 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 7: Brussels City Museum

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The Brussels City Museum is a municipal museum on the Grand-Place/Grote Markt of Brussels, Belgium. Conceived in 1860 and inaugurated in 1887, it is dedicated to the history and folklore of the City of Brussels from its foundation into modern times, which it presents through paintings, sculptures, tapestries, engravings, photos and models, including a notable scale-representation of the town during the Middle Ages.

Wikipedia: Brussels City Museum (EN), Website

157 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 8: Église Saint-Nicolas - Sint-Niklaaskerk

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The Church of St. Nicholas in Brussels, built around 1125, is one of the first four churches in the city of Brussels in Belgium and the best preserved in its successive developments. Being next to the Palais de la Bourse, it is commonly known as Saint-Nicolas de la Bourse.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Nicolas (Bruxelles) (FR)

33 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 9: La Laitière - Het Melkboerinnetje

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The Milkman's Wife is a statue in the Rue du Butter in the Belgian city of Brussels. It is located in front of the St. Nicholas Church not far from the Grote Markt. The statue was made by the sculptor Marc de Vos. The statue is based on a ghostly legend that took place in the 1670s.

Wikipedia: Het Melkboerinnetje (NL)

37 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 10: Les Aveugles - De Blinden

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The Blind Watering Trough is a drinking water fountain located in Rue au Beurre, in Brussels, Belgium, in front of the Church of St. Nicholas.

Wikipedia: Abreuvoir des Aveugles (FR)

111 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 11: Bruxella 1238

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Bruxella 1238 L’auteur n’a pas pu être identifié automatiquement. Il est supposé qu'il s'agit de : Ben2~commonswiki (étant donné la revendication de droit d’auteur). / CC BY-SA 3.0

Bruxella 1238 is an archaeological site located in the centre of Brussels and unearthed in June 1988, during road works.

Wikipedia: Bruxella 1238 (FR)

111 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 12: Orts Fountain

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This high-flow drinking water fountain is located at the corner of Rue Auguste Orts and Place de la Bourse in Brussels.

Wikipedia: Fontaine Orts (FR)

163 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 13: Joseph Deschamps

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Joseph Deschamps Christian Michelides / CC BY-SA 4.0

The list of Stumbling Stones in the Brussels-Capital Region provides an overview of the memorial stones that have been placed in cities in the Brussels-Capital Region since May 2009, as part of the Stumbling Stones project by the German sculptor-artist Gunter Demnig. Stumbling stones are also called stumbling stones, memorial cobblestones or pavés de mémoire. As the Stolpersteine project is ongoing, this list may be incomplete.

Wikipedia: Lijst van Stolpersteine in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (NL)

564 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 14: Belgian Museum of Freemasonry

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The Belgian Museum of Freemasonry is a museum in the city of Brussels. It was founded in 1985, then closed and reopened in 2011. The museum aims to make the public more familiar with Freemasonry.

Wikipedia: Belgisch Museum van de Vrijmetselarij (NL), Website

265 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 15: Maison des Chats - Hier ist in den Kater en de Kat

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The Maison des Chats is a building built in 1873-1875 in Brussels, Belgium by the architect Henri Beyaert, following the vaulting of the Senne and the creation of the "boulevards du Centre".

Wikipedia: Maison des Chats (Bruxelles) (FR)

154 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 16: Église Notre-Dame du Finistère - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Finisterraekerk

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The Church of Notre-Dame du Finistère, built in the eighteenth century, is a parish church located on Rue Neuve in Brussels.

Wikipedia: Église Notre-Dame du Finistère (FR)

159 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 17: Théâtre des Martyrs

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The Théâtre des Martyrs is a Brussels theatre located on the Place des Martyrs. Directed by the director Daniel Scahaise between 1998 and 2015, it is now under the artistic direction of the director Philippe Sireuil, since January 1, 2016.

Wikipedia: Théâtre de la Place des Martyrs (FR), Website

92 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 18: Pro Patria

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The Monument to the Martyrs of the 1830 Revolution, also known as the Pro Patria Monument, is an allegorical monument on the Place des Martyrs/Martelaarsplein in Brussels, Belgium, commemorating the victims of the Belgian Revolution of 1830.

Wikipedia: Monument to the Martyrs of the 1830 Revolution (EN)

420 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 19: Royal Mint Theatre

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The Royal Theatre of La Monnaie is an opera house in central Brussels, Belgium. The National Opera of Belgium, a federal institution, takes the name of this theatre in which it is housed—La Monnaie in French or De Munt in Dutch—referring both to the building as well as the opera company. As Belgium's leading opera house, it is one of the few cultural institutions to receive financial support from the Federal Government of Belgium. Other opera houses in Belgium, such as the Vlaamse Opera and the Opéra Royal de Wallonie, are funded by regional governments.

Wikipedia: La Monnaie (EN), Website

253 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 20: Jeanneke Pis

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Jeanneke Pis is a modern fountain sculpture in central Brussels, Belgium. It was commissioned by Denis-Adrien Debouvrie in 1985 and erected in 1987 as a counterpoint to the city's famous Manneken Pis. The 50-centimetre (20 in) bronze statue depicts a naked little girl with short pigtails, squatting and urinating on a blue-grey limestone base.

Wikipedia: Jeanneke Pis (EN), Website

192 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 21: Galerie du Roi - Koningsgalerij

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The King's Gallery in Brussels, along with the Queen's Gallery and the Princes' Gallery, is part of the Royal Galleries of Saint-Hubert built by the architect Jean-Pierre Cluysenaar and inaugurated in 1847; it extends from the rue des Bouchers to the rue d'Arenberg. It is home to the Théâtre Royal des Galeries.

Wikipedia: Galerie du Roi (FR)

297 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 22: Baudouin - Boudewijn

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The Bust of King Baudouin is a memorial located in Brussels, Belgium.

Wikipedia: Buste du roi Baudouin (FR)

145 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 23: Saint Michael and Gudula Cathedral

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The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, usually shortened to the Cathedral of St. Gudula or St. Gudula by locals, is a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral in central Brussels, Belgium. It is dedicated to Saint Michael and Saint Gudula, the patron saints of the City of Brussels, and is considered to be one of the finest examples of Brabantine Gothic architecture.

Wikipedia: Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula (EN)

401 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 24: Museum of the National Bank of Belgium

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Museum of the National Bank of Belgium

The Museum of the National Bank of Belgium is a museum in central Brussels, Belgium, belonging to the National Bank of Belgium (NBB). Opened in 1982, it is one of the oldest central bank museums in Europe.

Wikipedia: Museum of the National Bank of Belgium (EN), Website

379 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 25: Belgian Comic Strip Center

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The Belgian Comic Strip Center is a museum in central Brussels, Belgium, dedicated to Belgian comics. It is located at 20, rue des Sables/Zandstraat, in an Art Nouveau building designed by Victor Horta, and can be accessed from Brussels-Congress railway station and Brussels-Central railway station.

Wikipedia: Belgian Comic Strip Center (EN), Website

947 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 26: André Vésale - Andreas Vesalius

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The statue of Andreas Vesalius is a statue erected on the Place des Barricades in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, to the glory of Andreas Vesalius, a famous Brussels physician and anatomist of the sixteenth century.

Wikipedia: Statue d'André Vésale (FR)

706 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 27: Église Saint-Josse - Sint-Joostkerk

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The church of Saint-Josse in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode (Brussels) is a neo-baroque style church built from 1867 by the architect Jules-Jacques Van Ysendyck who took over the work begun in 1864 by Jean-Frédéric Van der Rit.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Josse (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode) (FR)

238 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 28: Théâtre Le Public

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The "Le Public" theatre is a Brussels theatre located in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode.

Wikipedia: Théâtre Le Public (FR), Website

224 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 29: Maison Govaerts - Huis Govaerts

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The "Maison Govaerts" is an Art Nouveau building located at 112 rue de Liedekerke in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, one of the 19 municipalities that make up the Brussels-Capital Region in Belgium.

Wikipedia: Maison Govaerts (FR), Heritage Website


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