Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #4 in Brussels, Belgium


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 20 sights
Distance 10.9 km
Ascend 236 m
Descend 207 m

Explore Brussels in Belgium with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in BrusselsIndividual Sights in Brussels

Sight 1: Musée de la Porte de Hal - Hallepoort Museum

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The Halle Gate is a former medieval city gate and the last vestige of the second walls of Brussels, Belgium. Built between 1381 and 1383, it was heavily restored in the 19th century in its current neo-Gothic style by the architect Henri Beyaert. It is now a museum dedicated to the medieval City of Brussels, part of the Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH).

Wikipedia: Halle Gate (EN), Website

334 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 2: Musée du CPAS de Bruxelles - Museum van het OCMW van Brussel

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Musée du CPAS de Bruxelles - Museum van het OCMW van Brussel

The Museum of the Public Centre for Social Welfare of Brussels is a museum in the Marolles district. It is located high up in an administrative building and can only be visited about eight hours a week.

Wikipedia: Museum van het Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van Brussel (NL), Website

857 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 3: Great Synagogue of Europe

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Great Synagogue of Europe

The great synagogue of Brussels, located 32 rue de la Régence, is the seat of the Central Israelite Consistory of Belgium (CCIB). It is the nerve center of Belgian Judaism.

Wikipedia: Grande synagogue de Bruxelles (FR)

167 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Egmont Park

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Egmont Park or Egmont Palace Park is a public park in Brussels located between Rue aux Laines, Rue du Grand-Cerf, Boulevard de Waterloo and Egmont Palace.

Wikipedia: Parc d'Egmont (FR)

521 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 5: Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

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The prokathedral of the Holy Trinity is an Anglican church building in the Brussels municipality of Ixelles. The Anglican community, which has been present in Brussels for about two hundred years, originally came together in private homes. Only after the Battle of Waterloo were the first regular municipalities established. The first chapel of this municipality was in the Belliardstraat in Brussels. The current church was built between 1883 and 1885 by contractor Jean François to the plans of architect William Barber. In 1897 the church was expanded with the choir to a design by the architects Huvenne and Jasinski. After the First World War, in 1928, the Church House (Pastorij) was founded along the street. In 2001 a modern hall complex was added to the church building.

Wikipedia: Heilige Drievuldigheidskathedraal (Brussel) (NL), Website

825 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 6: Église Saint-Boniface - Sint-Bonifaaskerk

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St. Boniface Church is a Roman Catholic church located at 21a-23 rue de la paix, in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Boniface d'Ixelles (FR)

881 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 7: Leopold II

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The Equestrian Statue of Leopold II is a statue erected near the Royal Palace in Brussels in memory of King Leopold II, the second King of the Belgians.

Wikipedia: Statue équestre de Léopold II (FR)

174 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 8: Hôtel de la Liste civile - Hotel van de Civiele Lijst

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The Hôtel de la Liste civile is a neo-classical building that forms the left annex of the Royal Palace of Brussels and is a counterpart to the Hôtel Bellevue.

Wikipedia: Hôtel de la Liste civile (FR), Heritage Website

100 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Adolphe Quetelet

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The statue of Adolphe Quetelet is a monument erected in Brussels, Belgium, in memory of the mathematician, astronomer, naturalist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet, who was the founder of the Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Wikipedia: Statue d'Adolphe Quetelet (FR)

662 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 10: Square Frère-Orban - Frère-Orbansquare

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Square Frère-Orban is a square and park in the Leopold Quarter in Brussels. It covers an area of 75 ares and is named after the Belgian politician and Prime Minister Walthère Frère-Orban. Initially, it was called St. Joseph's Square.

Wikipedia: Frère-Orbansquare (NL)

45 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 11: Alexandre Gendebien

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The statue of Alexandre Gendebien is a statue erected in Brussels, Belgium, in memory of Alexandre Gendebien, who was a member of the provisional government that emerged from the Belgian Revolution in 1830.

Wikipedia: Statue d'Alexandre Gendebien (FR)

1061 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 12: Musée Wiertz Museum

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The Wiertz Museum is a museum dedicated to the oeuvre of a single artist; the painter, sculptor and writer Antoine Wiertz (1806-1865). The Wiertz Museum, located in Rue Vautier in the Brussels municipality of Ixelles, was built as a studio and residence at the expense of the state for the painter Antoine Wiertz, who would leave behind seven monumental paintings in return. Shortly after the artist's death, the studio became a museum. Henri or Hendrik Conscience lived in the house from 1868, until his death in 1883.

Wikipedia: Wiertzmuseum (NL), Website

496 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 13: House of European History

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The House of European History (HEH) is a history museum and cultural institution in Brussels, Belgium, focusing on the recent history of Europe. It is an initiative by the European Parliament, and was proposed in 2007 by the Parliament's then-president, Hans-Gert Pöttering; it opened on 6 May 2017.

Wikipedia: House of European History (EN)

228 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 14: Chapel of the Resurrection

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The chapel of the Resurrection, also called chapel for Europe, is a Catholic chapel with an ecumenical vocation located 24 rue Van Maerlant, in the heart of the European district of Brussels. The activities are celebrated in several languages, but mainly in English and French. The pastoral responsibility of the chapel was entrusted to the Jesuits.

Wikipedia: Chapelle de la Résurrection (FR), Website

899 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 15: Monument to the Belgian pioneers in Congo

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The Monument to the Belgian Pioneers in Congo is an allegorical monument in the Parc du Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark in Brussels, Belgium. It was designed by the sculptor Thomas Vinçotte and crafted between 1911 and 1921 to commemorate the Congo Free State. In particular, it honours the Belgian 'pioneers' (soldiers) who brought 'civilisation' to the Congo, especially through the Congo–Arab War (1892–1894) that sought to conquer present-day East Congo and end the Arab slave trade there.

Wikipedia: Monument to the Belgian Pioneers in Congo (EN), Heritage Website

197 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 16: Grande mosquée de Bruxelles - Grote Moskee van Brussel

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The Great Mosque of Brussels is a Muslim place of worship located in the Cinquantenaire Park in Brussels. Built in 1897 as an exhibition attraction, it was transformed into a Muslim place of worship in 1978 by Saudi Arabia, which managed it for forty years. From April 2019 to June 2023, it was led by the Executive of Muslims in Belgium, which is close to the Moroccan administration. It is no longer the most important mosque in Brussels, neither in terms of surface area, nor in terms of number of worshippers, nor in terms of influence.

Wikipedia: Grande mosquée de Bruxelles (FR), Heritage Website

27 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 17: Pavilion of Human Passions

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The Pavilion of Human Passions, also known as the Horta-Lambeaux Pavilion, is a neoclassical pavilion in the form of a Greek temple that was built by Victor Horta in 1896 in the Parc du Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark of Brussels, Belgium. Although classical in appearance, the building shows the first steps of the young Victor Horta towards Art Nouveau. It was designed to serve as a permanent showcase for a large marble relief The Human Passions by Jef Lambeaux.

Wikipedia: Temple of Human Passions (EN), Heritage Website

1057 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 18: Square des Griottiers - Morelleboomsquare

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Square des Griottiers - Morelleboomsquare

The Square des Griottiers is a small triangular square in the municipality of Schaerbeek in Brussels formed by the intersection of Avenue Émile Max, Avenue Milcamps and Avenue Félix Marchal. The inauguration of the square took place on November 22, 1992 on the occasion of the annual chapter of the Brotherhood of the Order of the Cherry Tree. There are no homes with this address.

Wikipedia: Square des Griottiers (FR)

755 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 19: Clockarium

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The Clockarium, Museum of the Art Deco Ceramic Clock in Brussels is a museum in Schaerbeek, a municipality of Brussels, Belgium, devoted to Art Deco ceramic clocks.

Wikipedia: Clockarium (EN), Website

1646 meters / 20 minutes

Sight 20: Parc Georges Henri - Georges Henripark

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Georges Henri Park is a park in the municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Lambert in Brussels, Belgium. It is located next to the Square de Meudon. The development of the park is the result of the decommissioning of the Etterbeek cemetery, which had been built in 1897 on a three-hectare plot.

Wikipedia: Parc Georges Henri (FR)


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