Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #2 in Belgrade, Serbia


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 3.1 km
Ascend 26 m
Descend 31 m

Experience Belgrade in Serbia in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in BelgradeIndividual Sights in Belgrade

Sight 1: Евангеличка црква

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Евангеличка црква

The Evangelical church in Zemun /'Serbia'/ was built in 1926–30 at the corner of Prilaz and Tošin Bunar streets. It was designed by Jewish-Croatian architect Hugo Ehrlich to serve needs of Zemun's Evangelical community at the time mostly consisted of Germans.

Wikipedia: Evangelical Church, Zemun (EN), Heritage Website

479 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 2: Бомбаш

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42 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 3: City Park

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City Park or Zemun Park is a park in Zemun, a neighborhood of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Located on the rim of the Old Core of Zemun, it is considered today as one of the symbols of Zemun and one of the most beautiful parks in Belgrade.

Wikipedia: City Park, Zemun (EN)

126 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Црква Светог Рока

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The Kontumac Chapel of St. Roka is a cultural monument. It is located in Zemun in the City Park.

Wikipedia: Контумацка капела Светог Рока (SR), Heritage Website

13 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 5: Споменик стогодишњици боравка Алфонса де Ламартина у Земуну

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59 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 6: Црква Светог архангела Гаврила

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The Kontumac Chapel of St. Archangel Michael and Gabriel is a cultural monument. It is located in Zemun in the City Park.

Wikipedia: Контумацка капела Светих арханђела Михаила и Гаврила (SR), Heritage Website

101 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 7: Bust of Branko Radičević

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274 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 8: Zavičajni muzej Zemuna

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Zavičajni muzej ZemunaStefan Didam - Schmallenberg / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Spirta House is a building located in Zemun, Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Built in 1855, today is the location of the Zemun Home Museum. Since 1965 has been protected as the cultural monument. The house is the only preserved representative of the Gothic Revival architecture in the wider Belgrade area.

Wikipedia: Spirta House, Belgrade (EN), Heritage Website

373 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 9: Зграда штампарије Карамата

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The building of the Karamata printing house is located in Zemun in Glava Street. 7. It represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Зграда штампарије Карамата у Земуну (SR), Heritage Website

153 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Споменик палим борцима у ратовима од 1990. до 1999.

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The Monument to the Fallen Soldiers in the Wars of 1990-1999 in Zemun is located near the building of the Municipality of Zemun. The monument is made of black marble, has a pedestal and stylized plaques on which are engraved the names of 45 fallen fighters in the wars 1990-1999. At the top it is written: "They fell undefeated". On the back side there is an inscription: "The monument is erected by the Association of War Veterans 1990-1999, Zemun Municipal Board".

Wikipedia: Споменик палим борцима у ратовима 1990-1999. у Земуну (SR)

135 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 11: Magistrate Building

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Magistrate Building Nicolo / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Мagistrates Building in Zemun, Belgrade, is at 3 Magistrate Square and is classified by the government as a cultural monument. The building is the purest example of classicism in the architecture of the Old Core of Zemun and a symbol of the development of the Zemun municipal administration since 1751.

Wikipedia: Magistrates Building (EN), Heritage Website

235 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 12: Црква Узнесења Блажене Дјевице Марије

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Црква Узнесења Блажене Дјевице МаријеPudelek (Marcin Szala) / CC BY-SA 3.0 rs

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Roman Catholic parish church located on the Great Square in Zemun. It was declared a cultural monument of the Republic of Serbia in December 2022.

Wikipedia: Црква Узнесења Блажене дјевице Марије (Земун) (SR)

18 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 13: Антички Таурунум

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Антички Таурунум

Taurunum is a Roman settlement in the province of Lower Pannonia, which was located on the territory of today's Zemun, more precisely on Gardoški Breg, and included a fortress, a civilian settlement and a necropolis. It developed on an older Celtic fort during the 1st century and lasted until the 4th century. It consisted of the castle of the Danube fleet, as well as a civilian settlement. From the remains of material culture, the remains of fortifications, burial architecture and epigraphic monuments, reliefs, hoards of coins, etc. were discovered.

Wikipedia: Таурунум (SR), Website

99 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 14: Зграда царинарнице

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Зграда царинарнице Nocolo / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Customs Office building in Zemun is located at 26, Zmaj Jovina Street in the Zemun neighborhood of Belgrade, Serbia, and it has the status of a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Customs Office building, Zemun (EN), Heritage Website

130 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 15: Old Port Master's Office

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Old Port Master's Office НепознатUnknown author / CC BY-SA 3.0 rs

The Old Captain's Office in Zemun is an immovable cultural property located in Zemun, at the address Kej oslobođenja 8. It was built in 1908 as a steamship passenger station. The Government of Serbia placed the building under state protection by publishing in the Official Gazette, No. 35 of April 17, 2013.

Wikipedia: Стара капетанија у Земуну (SR), Heritage Website

180 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 16: Спомен-клупа Бранка Најхолда

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The monument to Branko Najhold is located on the Zemun quay, and the author is the academic sculptor Stevan Filipović.

Wikipedia: Споменик Бранку Најхолду (SR)

104 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 17: Monument to John Hunyadi

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The monument to Janko is a monument in Belgrade. It is located on the Liberation Quay No. 19 in the Belgrade municipality of Zemun. The monument was unveiled on July 22, 2019.

Wikipedia: Споменик Сибињанин Јанку у Београду (SR)

58 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 18: Bust of Dimitrije Davidović

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523 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 19: Monument to fallen fighters of the national revolution 1941-1945

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The Monument to the Fallen Soldiers in the People's Revolution of 1941-1945 is a monument in Belgrade. It is located in the central part of the Aviator Square on the territory of the municipality of Zemun.

Wikipedia: Споменик палим борцима у народној револуцији 1941-1945. године (SR)


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