Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #4 in Milan, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 9.2 km
Ascend 147 m
Descend 146 m

Explore Milan in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in MilanIndividual Sights in Milan

Sight 1: Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi al Fopponino

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The church of San Francesco d'Assisi al Fopponino is a parish church of modern construction located in Milan in Via Paolo Giovio, near Piazzale Aquileia, in the territory of the Deanery of Porta Vercellina. Completed in 1964 to a design by the architect Gio Ponti, it stands on an area previously occupied by the Fopponino di Porta Vercellina, a cemetery opened in 1576 during the great plague of San Carlo and suppressed in 1895.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi al Fopponino (IT)

1624 meters / 19 minutes

Sight 2: San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore

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San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore is a church in Milan, Northern Italy. It was originally attached to the most important female convent of the Benedictines in the city, Monastero Maggiore, which is now in use as the Civic Archaeological Museum. The church today is used every Sunday from October to June to celebrate in the Byzantine Rite, in Greek according to the Italo-Albanian tradition. It is also used as a concert hall.

Wikipedia: San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore (EN)

643 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 3: Studio Museo Francesco Messina

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Studio Museo Francesco MessinaG.dallorto / Attribution

The Francesco Messina civic museum-studio is located inside the deconsecrated church of San Sisto al Carrobbio, in via San Sisto 4/A, in the heart of the ancient Roman area of Milan.

Wikipedia: Civico museo-studio Francesco Messina (IT), Website, Youtube

243 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: Chiesa di San Giorgio al Palazzo

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Chiesa di San Giorgio al PalazzoG.dallorto / Attribution

San Giorgio al Palazzo is a baroque-style, Roman Catholic church in central Milan, region of Lombardy, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Giorgio al Palazzo (EN)

321 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 5: Chiesa di San Sepolcro

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Chiesa di San Sepolcro is a church in Milan, Italy. It was originally built in 1030, but has undergone multiple revisions. The church is located at Piazza San Sepolcro in the historic center of Milan.

Wikipedia: Church of San Sepolcro, Milan (EN), Website

269 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Santa Maria presso San Satiro

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Santa Maria presso San Satiro is a church in Milan. The Italian Renaissance structure (1476–1482) houses the early medieval shrine to Satyrus, brother of Saint Ambrose. The church is known for its false apse, an early example of trompe-l'œil, attributed to Donato Bramante.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria presso San Satiro (EN)

577 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 7: Chiesa di San Raffaele

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The church of San Raffaele is an ancient building located in the center of Milan on a cross of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, next to the Duomo.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Raffaele (Milano) (IT)

207 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 8: Chiesa di San Fedele

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San Fedele is a Jesuit church in Milan, northern Italy. It is dedicated to St. Fidelis of Como, patron of the Catholic diocese of Como. Presently it remains a parish church, owned by the Jesuit order, though focusing on religious works.

Wikipedia: San Fedele, Milan (EN)

758 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 9: Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate

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351 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 10: Santo Stefano Maggiore

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Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore is a church in Milan, Italy. It was established in the 5th century. Originally dedicated to both Saint Zechariah and Saint Stephen, it was later dedicated to Saint Stephen only. Throughout its history, has undergone several reconstructions, expansion and restoration.

Wikipedia: Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore (EN)

100 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 11: Chiesa di San Bernardino alle Ossa

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San Bernardino alle Ossa is a church in Milan, northern Italy, best known for its ossuary, a small side chapel decorated with numerous human skulls and bones.

Wikipedia: San Bernardino alle Ossa (EN)

376 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 12: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Sanità

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Chiesa di Santa Maria della SanitàG.dallorto / Attribution

Santa Maria della Sanità also known as dei Crociferi, is a late-Baroque or Rococo style, Roman Catholic church located on Via Durini #19 in Milan, in the region of Lombardy in Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria della Sanità, Milan (EN)

348 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 13: Chiesa russa ortodossa di Sant'Ambrogio

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Chiesa russa ortodossa di Sant'AmbrogioG.dallorto / Attribution

San Vito in Pasquirolo is a late-Mannerist or early-Baroque-style, Roman Catholic church, located on Largo Corsia dei Servi 4, in Milan, region of Lombardy, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Vito in Pasquirolo, Milan (EN), Url

273 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 14: Basilica di San Carlo al Corso

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San Carlo al Corso is a neo-classic church in the center of Milan.

Wikipedia: San Carlo al Corso, Milan (EN)

715 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 15: Chiesa di San Francesco di Paola

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Chiesa di San Francesco di PaolaG.dallorto / Attribution

San Francesco di Paola is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on Via Manzoni in Milan, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Francesco di Paola, Milan (EN)

654 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 16: Chiesa di San Pietro Celestino

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Chiesa di San Pietro CelestinoG.dallorto / Attribution

The church of San Pietro Celestino, which once overlooked the circle of the Navigli, is a church in Milan, Italy, in Via Senato. It is now consecrated to the worship of the Egyptian Copts.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Pietro Celestino (IT)

926 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 17: Albergo diurno Venezia

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The Albergo diurno Venezia is a structure built under Piazza Oberdan in Milan, on the western side towards Via Tadino.

Wikipedia: Albergo diurno Venezia (EN)

385 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 18: Chiesa di San Carlo al Lazzaretto

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San Carlo al Lazzaretto is a small Renaissance style octagonal church now in largo Bellintani Fra Paolo, number 1 in the quartiere Porta Venezia of Milan. It is located about three blocks northwest of the Porta Venezia. Its present situation, amidst crowded 19th and 20th century apartment blocks, has little relationship to its original placement, in the central park of a massive rectangular cloister-like 15th-century leprosarium (Lazaretto). The church, once called Tempietto di Santa Maria della Sanità or San Carlino, escaped the late-nineteenth century demolition of the Lazzaretto.

Wikipedia: San Carlo al Lazzaretto, Milan (EN)

425 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 19: Chiesa Santa Francesca Romana

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The church of Santa Francesca Romana is a Roman Catholic church in Milan, Italy, located in the square of the same name, near Corso Buenos Aires, in the Porta Venezia district. It is the seat of a parish, governed by the diocesan clergy.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Santa Francesca Romana (Milano) (IT)


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