Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #5 in Tallinn, Estonia


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 3.7 km
Ascend 41 m
Descend 49 m

Explore Tallinn in Estonia with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in TallinnIndividual Sights in Tallinn

Sight 1: Kalevipoeg

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Kalevipoeg / GFDL

"Kalevipoeg" is a sculpture in Glehn Park in Nõmme, Tallinn, just southwest of Glehn Castle.

Wikipedia: Kalevipoeg (Glehni park) (ET)

36 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 2: Krokodill

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"Crocodile" is a sculpture in Glehn Park in Nõmme, Tallinn, southwest of Glehn Castle.

Wikipedia: Krokodill (skulptuur) (ET)

1830 meters / 22 minutes

Sight 3: Nikolai von Glehn memorial

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The statue of Nikolai von Glehn is a statue in the Nõmme district of Nõmme in the Mustamäe slope at Ehitajate Road with a pedestrian bridge.

Wikipedia: Nikolai von Glehni ausammas (ET)

1138 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 4: Rahumäe Vabadussõja mälestussammas

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The Rahumäe War of Independence Monument is a monument erected in Rahumäe Cemetery in Tallinn to the members of the Kalev sports association that fell during the War of Independence.

Wikipedia: Rahumäe Vabadussõja mälestussammas (ET)

684 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 5: Tuletõrjujate mälestusmärk

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Memorial of firefighters at the cemetery of the Tallinn Fire Brigade is a memorial located in the cemetery of the Tallinn Fire Brigade in Tallinn.

Wikipedia: Tuletõrjujate mälestusmärk Tallinna Tuletõrjeühingu kalmistul (ET)


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