Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Tallinn, Estonia


Self-guided Tours
Paid Tours & Activities

Are you ready for an unforgettable time in Tallinn, Estonia? Then you've come to the right place with our sightseeing tours. Whether you prefer a guided free walking tour with insider knowledge or enjoy the freedom of a self-guided route, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Click on a tour and find out more about the highlights that await you!

Activities in TallinnIndividual Sights in Tallinn
Price 0$
Languages English, Spanish
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.8/5 stars, 842 ratings

City Tour of the Historical Center - Medieval Tallinn
On this guided tour you will discover why Tallinn is considered one of the most beautiful medieval cities in Estonia, and why it has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. We will tour...
Book for free on GuruWalk*
Price 0$
Languages Spanish, English
Duration 2 hours
Reviews 9.7/10 stars, 3045 ratings

Tallinn in a Nutshell Walking Tour - Tips Based
In the low season from December-February, we have a minimum of 10 pax requirement for the tour to go out. —— Please note that in the high season, May-September, our group sizes will be big. Be...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 1h 30min
Reviews 9.7/10 stars, 926 ratings

Tales of Reval Immersion Tour
Free tours at 13:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through Sundays (M, W, F, S, S) in front of the Tourist Information Centre (Niguliste 2)! Tales of Reval is a magical performance in the...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2 hours
Reviews 9.6/10 stars, 1394 ratings

Communist Stories of Tallinn Walking Tour - Donation Based
This free tour will dish out the history and politics, but will also give you real-life tales from locals about what it was like to live in Communist Tallinn. Some of the stories will shock you,...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages Spanish, English
Duration 3 hours
Reviews 9.5/10 stars, 65 ratings

Discover Medieval Tallinn
Discover why Tallinn is considered one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe. We will tour the historical center and invite you to marvel at its beautiful buildings and most typical...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2 hours
Reviews 9.2/10 stars, 15 ratings

Old Tallinn - Highlights & Medieval Past Free Tour
Join us for a fascinating stroll around Old Town, where we'll witness preserved sites and delve into the lives of earlier generations. We'll explore a wealthy merchant's house, the old pharmacy,...
Book for free on Freetour*

Self-guided Tour #1

Show tour on map
Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 4.8 km
Ascend 81 m
Descend 70 m

  • Monument to the Estonian Resistance Soldiers (1940)
  • Politseiaed
  • Jaani Seegi kirik
  • Hämarik
  • A. H. Tammsaare
  • Konstantin Päts
  • Monument to the Revolution of 1905
  • Estonian National Opera
  • Islandi väljak
  • Tütarlaps kausiga
  • Teatri väljak
  • Ernst Peterson-Särgava
  • Reaali Poiss
  • Õnnelik korstnapühkija
  • Heino Eller
  • St. John's Church
  • Solidaarsus
  • Marie Under
  • Falgi park
Details for Tour #1 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #2

Show tour on map
Number of sights 17 sights
Distance 5.2 km
Ascend 109 m
Descend 133 m

  • 20. august 1991
  • Harjumägi
  • War of Independence Victory Column
  • Vabaduse kell
  • Swedish St. Michael's Church
  • Danish King's garden
  • Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
  • Johan Pitka
  • Falgi park
  • Kristjan Raud memorial
  • Karu
  • Akt
  • Newborn baby
  • Linda kuju
  • Hirvepark
  • Toompark
  • Tallinna vanausuliste palvemaja
Details for Tour #2 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #3

Show tour on map
Number of sights 14 sights
Distance 4.5 km
Ascend 82 m
Descend 62 m

  • Estonian Jewish Museum
  • Tallinn Synagogue
  • Mart Saar
  • A. H. Tammsaare Museum in Tallinn
  • Kodumaa
  • Eduard Vilde Museum
  • Jaan Poska
  • Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi ausammas
  • Lastepargi kivi
  • Apollo sculpture
  • Kadriorg Palace
  • Amandus Adamson
  • Jaan Koorti monument
  • Gustav Ernesaksa monument
Details for Tour #3 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #4

Show tour on map
Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 1.7 km
Ascend 7 m
Descend 8 m

  • Hiiu lõvi park
  • Nõmme vennastekoguduse palvela
  • Nõmme ema
  • Nõmme keskuse park
  • Nikolai von Glehn memorial
Details for Tour #4 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #5

Show tour on map
Number of sights 10 sights
Distance 3.6 km
Ascend 58 m
Descend 54 m

  • PVL 105 Torm
  • Suurop (P421)
  • Grif (P401)
  • Mare
  • Suur Tõll
  • PVL 109 Valvas
  • Kalev (M414)
  • Kalamaja kalmistupark
  • Karjamaa park
  • Tallinna Jumalaema Kõikide Kurbade Rõõmu pühakuju kirik
Details for Tour #5 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #6

Show tour on map
Number of sights 29 sights
Distance 10.9 km
Ascend 195 m
Descend 190 m

  • Gustav Ernesaksa monument
  • Fahle aed
  • Russalka Memorial
  • Jaan Koorti monument
  • Mart Saar
  • Methodist's Church
  • Hämarik
  • Islandi väljak
  • Ernst Peterson-Särgava
  • Konstantin Päts
  • Merineid
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Church of Saint Catherine
  • St. Peter and St. Paul’s Cathedral
  • Holy Spirit Church
  • House of the Blackheads
  • Town Hall Pharmacy
  • Danish King's garden
  • Swedish St. Michael's Church
  • Solidaarsus
  • St. John's Church
  • Heino Eller
  • Harjumägi
  • Linda kuju
  • Karu
  • Kristjan Raud memorial
  • Falgi park
  • Johan Pitka
  • Marie Under
Details for Tour #6 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #7

Show tour on map
Number of sights 12 sights
Distance 5 km
Ascend 67 m
Descend 83 m

  • Paul Keres
  • Tütarlaps kausiga
  • Jaani Seegi kirik
  • Politseiaed
  • Monument to the Estonian Resistance Soldiers (1940)
  • Kodumaa
  • Eduard Vilde Museum
  • Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi ausammas
  • Lastepargi kivi
  • Apollo sculpture
  • Kadriorg Palace
  • Jaan Poska
Details for Tour #7 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #8

Show tour on map
Number of sights 7 sights
Distance 2.9 km
Ascend 34 m
Descend 42 m

  • Vabadussõjas langenute mälestusehis
  • Vabadussõja juhtide mälestussammas
  • Kaitseväe kalmistu kabel
  • Poolamägi
  • Tallinna vana juudi kalmistu
  • Tramm 1888
  • Vana-Lõuna haljak
Details for Tour #8 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #9

Show tour on map
Number of sights 21 sights
Distance 8.8 km
Ascend 166 m
Descend 161 m

  • Tver
  • Tallinna Püha Siimeoni ja Naisprohvet Hanna kirik
  • Margareeta aed
  • Estonian Maritime Museum
  • St Olaf's Church
  • Three Handed Mother of God Church
  • Rannamägi
  • Naine vaagnaga
  • Issanda Muutmise peakirik
  • Great Guild Hall
  • Estonian History Museum
  • Holy Spirit Church
  • Metskits
  • Eduard Vilde memoriaal
  • Balti pataljoni mälestussammas
  • St Mary's Cathedral
  • Stenbock House
  • Toompark
  • Von Krahl
  • EMK Uue Alguse Kogudus
  • Tallinna Peeteli kirik
Details for Tour #9 in Tallinn

Self-guided Tour #10

Show tour on map
Number of sights 25 sights
Distance 10.9 km
Ascend 232 m
Descend 228 m

  • Von Krahl
  • Toompark
  • Stenbock House
  • St Mary's Cathedral
  • Balti pataljoni mälestussammas
  • Eduard Vilde memoriaal
  • Church of Saint Catherine
  • St. Peter and St. Paul’s Cathedral
  • Town Hall Pharmacy
  • Holy Spirit Church
  • Metskits
  • Great Guild Hall
  • Estonian History Museum
  • House of the Blackheads
  • St Olaf's Church
  • Estonian Maritime Museum
  • Margareeta aed
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Merineid
  • Tallinna Püha Siimeoni ja Naisprohvet Hanna kirik
  • Methodist's Church
  • Tver
  • Russalka Memorial
  • Fahle aed
  • Vladimir Lenin
Details for Tour #10 in Tallinn


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Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Tallinn at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.