Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Taipei, Taiwan


Self-guided Tours
Paid Tours & Activities

Are you ready for an unforgettable time in Taipei, Taiwan? Then you've come to the right place with our sightseeing tours. Whether you prefer a guided free walking tour with insider knowledge or enjoy the freedom of a self-guided route, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Click on a tour and find out more about the highlights that await you!

Activities in TaipeiIndividual Sights in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #1

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Number of sights 8 sights
Distance 1.7 km
Ascend 32 m
Descend 33 m

  • Common three pine
  • Physical Heritage Hall
  • Gallery of NTU History
  • Anthropology museum
  • NTU Agricultural Exhibition Hall
  • Taipei Truth Lutheran Church
  • Grace Baptist Church
  • Taipei Cultural Mosque
Details for Tour #1 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #2

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Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 1.7 km
Ascend 25 m
Descend 29 m

  • Ningxia Night Market
  • Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Taipei
  • Sin Hong Choon
  • 大稻程臺灣基督長老教會
  • 慈聖宮
  • 大稻埕辜宅
Details for Tour #2 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #3

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Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 1.4 km
Ascend 26 m
Descend 17 m

  • Da-an Forest Park
  • Holy Family Catholic Church
  • Jinhua Park
  • 台灣台北聖殿
  • 臺北監獄圍牆遺蹟
Details for Tour #3 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #4

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Number of sights 12 sights
Distance 4.3 km
Ascend 74 m
Descend 74 m

  • 九府先師廟
  • 大稻程臺灣基督長老教會
  • 慈聖宮
  • Sin Hong Choon
  • Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Taipei
  • Ningxia Night Market
  • Xiahai City God Temple
  • 真聖堂
  • 臺灣民眾黨本部舊址
  • 福聚宮
  • Customs Museum
  • Railway Department Park
Details for Tour #4 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #5

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Number of sights 15 sights
Distance 5.4 km
Ascend 71 m
Descend 82 m

  • National Taiwan Museum
  • 三井物產株式會社舊廈
  • Taiwan Land Bank Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan Museum
  • 臺灣省城隍廟
  • Futai Street Mansion
  • Zhongshan Hall
  • Former Kikumoto Department Store
  • 原臺北信用組合(合作金庫城內支庫大樓)
  • Red House
  • Taipei Tian Hou Temple
  • 晉德宮
  • 艋舺青山宮
  • Huaxi Night Market
  • Lungshan Temple
  • Bangka Park
Details for Tour #5 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #6

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Number of sights 14 sights
Distance 5.2 km
Ascend 104 m
Descend 107 m

  • 台北西站A棟(舊國光客運台北東站)原址
  • Taipei Travel Plaza
  • 台北西站B棟(舊國光客運台北西站)原址
  • Old Site of Mitsui & Co. Warehouse
  • North Gate of Taipei City Wall
  • Railway Department Park
  • 建成圓環公園
  • Ningxia Night Market
  • 菩提講堂
  • Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei
  • 中山長老教會
  • Kangle Park
  • Linsen Park
  • The Prison Fellowship
Details for Tour #6 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #7

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Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 1.9 km
Ascend 26 m
Descend 29 m

  • Minor South Gate of Taipei
  • 集義宮
  • Bangka Park
  • Lungshan Temple
  • Huaxi Night Market
Details for Tour #7 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #8

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Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 12.2 km
Ascend 244 m
Descend 240 m

  • 朱厝崙福聚宮
  • 慧日講堂
  • Leaning Mailbox
  • Miniatures Museum of Taiwan
  • The Prison Fellowship
  • Linsen Park
  • Kangle Park
  • 中山長老教會
  • Central Art Park
  • 濟南長老教會
  • National Taiwan Museum
  • 三井物產株式會社舊廈
  • Taiwan Land Bank Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan Museum
  • 臺灣省城隍廟
  • Former Kikumoto Department Store
  • 原臺北信用組合(合作金庫城內支庫大樓)
  • Zhongshan Hall
  • Futai Street Mansion
  • North Gate of Taipei City Wall
  • Old Site of Mitsui & Co. Warehouse
  • 台北西站A棟(舊國光客運台北東站)原址
  • Taipei Travel Plaza
  • 台北西站B棟(舊國光客運台北西站)原址
  • Railway Department Park
  • Red House
  • 臺灣電力株式會社社長宿舍
  • Armed Forces Museum
  • Qingshui Temple
  • 艋舺青山宮
  • Huaxi Night Market
Details for Tour #8 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #9

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Number of sights 12 sights
Distance 5.1 km
Ascend 128 m
Descend 127 m

  • National History Museum Exhibition Hall
  • 二二八公園福德宮
  • Taipei 228 Memorial Museum
  • Jieshou Park
  • East Gate of Taipei
  • Evergreen Maritime Museum
  • National Taiwan University Medical Humanities Museum
  • 東門福德宮
  • 李國鼎故居
  • Central Art Park
  • 聖安宮
  • Tree Fire Memorial Paper Museum
Details for Tour #9 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #10

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Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 2.6 km
Ascend 46 m
Descend 50 m

  • 朱厝崙福聚宮
  • 慧日講堂
  • Leaning Mailbox
  • Miniatures Museum of Taiwan
  • Tree Fire Memorial Paper Museum
  • Central Art Park
Details for Tour #10 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #11

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Number of sights 11 sights
Distance 4.7 km
Ascend 101 m
Descend 98 m

  • 晉德宮
  • Taipei Tian Hou Temple
  • Red House
  • Railway Department Park
  • Customs Museum
  • 福聚宮
  • 臺灣民眾黨本部舊址
  • 建成圓環公園
  • Ningxia Night Market
  • 菩提講堂
  • Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei
Details for Tour #11 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #12

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Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 2.7 km
Ascend 61 m
Descend 55 m

  • Da-an Forest Park
  • Holy Family Catholic Church
  • 古亭地府陰公廟
  • 十普寺
  • 長慶廟
  • 台北城南文學公園
Details for Tour #12 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #13

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Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 2.5 km
Ascend 49 m
Descend 46 m

  • Museum of Drinking Water
  • 寶藏巖
  • 伯公亭
  • The Odeum
  • Workshop of Advanced Academy of Agronomy and Forestry
Details for Tour #13 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #14

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Number of sights 21 sights
Distance 10.3 km
Ascend 210 m
Descend 209 m

  • 聖安宮
  • Central Art Park
  • 濟南長老教會
  • Taipei 228 Memorial Museum
  • 二二八公園福德宮
  • National History Museum Exhibition Hall
  • 臺灣電力株式會社社長宿舍
  • Armed Forces Museum
  • Jieshou Park
  • East Gate of Taipei
  • National Taiwan University Medical Humanities Museum
  • Evergreen Maritime Museum
  • National Concert Hall
  • National Theatre
  • South Gate of Taipei
  • Yen Chia-Kan's Residence
  • Minor South Gate of Taipei
  • Qingshui Temple
  • Bangka Park
  • 集義宮
  • 糖廍文化園區
Details for Tour #14 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #15

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Number of sights 12 sights
Distance 6.3 km
Ascend 85 m
Descend 86 m

  • National Concert Hall
  • Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
  • National Theatre
  • South Gate of Taipei
  • Datong House
  • Yen Chia-Kan's Residence
  • 自由之家
  • National Museum of History
  • Herbarium of Taipei Botanical Garden
  • 集義宮
  • 糖廍文化園區
  • 先天道院
Details for Tour #15 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #16

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Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 3.2 km
Ascend 51 m
Descend 27 m

  • Taipei City New Children's Amusement Park
  • National Taiwan Science Education Center
  • Taipei Astronomical Museum
  • Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center
  • 芝山岩
  • Huiji Temple,Chih-Shan-Yen
Details for Tour #16 in Taipei

Self-guided Tour #17

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Number of sights 11 sights
Distance 6.3 km
Ascend 107 m
Descend 106 m

  • Taiwan Highway Museum
  • Youth Park
  • National 228 Memorial Museum
  • Postal Museum
  • Guling Street Avant-grade Theatre
  • 臺灣菸酒公司
  • National Theatre
  • Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
  • 臺北監獄圍牆遺蹟
  • 台灣台北聖殿
  • Jinhua Park
Details for Tour #17 in Taipei


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Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Taipei at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.