Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #7 in Tainan, Taiwan


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 10.8 km
Ascend 143 m
Descend 156 m

Experience Tainan in Taiwan in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Individual Sights in Tainan

Sight 1: Old Tainan Minister's Official Residence

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The former Tainan Office Director's Residence is located in the East District of Tainan City, which is a city-designated historic site and was once used as the dormitory of the Tainan Director and the Minister of the Interior. Later, it was abandoned for a long time, and it has now been restored. Open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00-17:00 from May 107. The former South No. 1 Middle School teacher's dormitory at the rear is planned as a park to provide art, culture, and performance space.

Wikipedia: 原臺南廳長官邸 (ZH)

715 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 2: 小禮堂

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The original Tainan State No. 2 Middle School building and lecture hall is located in the eastern district of Tainan City, and was announced as a municipal monument in Tainan City on November 19, the 88th year of the Republic of China (1999). The school was originally a school site for Zhuyuan Elementary School, but the school was later moved to a new school building in Hanazono Town, and the school building was transferred to Tainan State No. 2 Middle School, which originally only borrowed part of the school building, and the school building was renovated. At present, the school building belongs to the National Tainan No. 1 Senior High School.

Wikipedia: 原臺南州立第二中學校校舍本館暨講堂 (ZH)

772 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 3: National Cheng Kung University Museum

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National Cheng Kung University Museum Knack / CC BY-SA 4.0

The National Cheng Kung University Museum or is a museum in East District, Tainan, Taiwan. The museum is located at National Cheng Kung University.

Wikipedia: National Cheng Kung University Museum (EN)

0 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 4: 格致堂

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The original Tainan Higher Technical School is located in the Chenggong Campus of National Cheng Kung University in the East District of Tainan City, Taiwan, and the full name of the school was "Tainan Higher Industrial School of the Governor-General's Mansion of Taiwan" at the beginning of its establishment, which was the predecessor of National Cheng Kung University and one of the three specialized schools directly under the Governor-General's Office of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. On November 19, 1999, the original Japanese occupation period, the "Main Building" (now the Chengcheng University Museum), the "Lecture Hall" (now the Chengcheng University Gezhi Hall), the "Physical and Chemical Laboratory" and the "Library Class" (now the Department of Physics of the University) were announced as the municipal monuments of Tainan City, in addition to the three departments on the east side of the Chenggong Campus are also the school buildings of the Japanese Occupation period, and the first half of the building was changed from one floor to two floors after World War II.

Wikipedia: 原臺南高等工業學校校舍 (ZH)

792 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 5: 榕園

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榕園 Jordan Fischer / CC BY 2.0

National Cheng Kung University Banyan Garden, also known as Chengda Banyan Garden, is a park located in Tainan City, Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University Guangfu Campus, which is famous for the large banyan trees planted by Hirohito, which used to be used as a training ground for the barracks of the former Japanese Second Infantry Wing, and is now open to the public.

Wikipedia: 國立成功大學榕園 (ZH), Website

651 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 6: Starbucks

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The former Tainan Branch of the Monopoly Bureau of the Taiwan Governor's Office is a municipal monument of Tainan City, and it was once the Tainan Branch of the Monopoly Bureau of the Taiwan Governor's Office, responsible for the monopoly business of tobacco, wine, salt and so on. This building was announced as a municipal monument in Tainan City on May 13, 92 years of the Republic of China (2003), with the original name of "Tainan Exit Office of the Monopoly Bureau of the Governor's Office of Taiwan" as the registered name, and is now the Tainan Cultural and Creative Industry Park.

Wikipedia: 原臺灣總督府專賣局臺南支局臺南出張所 (ZH)

446 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 7: Shizitou Fulong Temple

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Fulong Palace is located in the North District of Tainan City, Taiwan, and is dedicated to the Emperor Baosheng. One said that the temple was originally called "Fulong Realm", dedicated to the god of Fude, and later after the Shikeng Avenue was enshrined, it was changed to the temple of the Great Emperor Baosheng.

Wikipedia: 市仔頭福隆宮 (ZH)

376 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 8: Tainan Park

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Tainan Park, formerly known as Zhongshan Park, is a park located in the North District of Tainan City, Taiwan, which was founded and opened in 1917 and is the oldest and largest park in the city. It covers an area of more than 40,000 square meters (15 A), and was also a tropical experimental forest at that time.

Wikipedia: 台南公園 (ZH)

798 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 9: 西華堂

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Xihuatang was founded in the fifteenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1750), located in the north district of Tainan City, Taiwan, in the seventy-fourth year of the Republic of China (1985) approved as a third-class historic site, is now a municipality directly under the central government's historic site, belongs to the Zhaijiao of the Jinzhu Sect of Weng Yongfeng tribe under the Zhaitang, but also the only hall of the tribe, the main worship of the Three Treasures Buddha.

Wikipedia: 西華堂 (ZH)

1046 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 10: 全臺首邑縣城隍廟

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The Chenghuang Temple in the capital of Taiwan was set up in the Qing Dynasty in Taiwan to correspond to the official Chenghuang Temple in Taiwan County, which was called "Taiwan County Chenghuang Temple" at that time, and was located in the North District of Tainan City. Although its history dates back to the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the current temple building was rebuilt in January 1980 after the war.

Wikipedia: 全臺首邑縣城隍廟 (ZH)

76 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 11: 開基天后宮

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Kaiji Tianhou Ancestral Temple, also known as Kaiji Tianhou Temple, is located in the North District of Tainan City, Taiwan, and is a temple dedicated to Mazu. The temple is the earliest Mazu temple on the island of Taiwan, so it is named "Kaiji". Its alias "Little Mazu Temple" is the opposite of the ceremonial Da Tianhou Temple, which is commonly known as "Big Mazu Temple", and because it is located in "Shui Tsai Mei", it is also called Shui Tsai Mei Mazu Temple.

Wikipedia: 開基天后宮 (ZH)

176 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 12: 大士殿

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The Chihkan Tower Tuas Hall is a temple located in the Central and Western Districts of Tainan City, Taiwan, located on the west side of the Chihkan Tower, and is mainly dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva. According to legend, it was founded in the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty and was the first Chinese-style building on the ruins of Puluo Minsha City. Later, due to various factors such as the change of dynasty, the Tuas Hall went through three constructions and two demolitions, and after the second demolition during the Japanese occupation, it was not until the 63rd year of the Republic of China (1974) that it began to be rebuilt at the current site, and the 65th year of the Republic of China (1976) was completed to receive the statue of the god of worship, and the seat has been enshrined until now.

Wikipedia: 赤崁樓大士殿 (ZH)

305 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 13: Fort Provintia

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Fort Provintia No machine-readable author provided. Winertai assumed (based on copyright claims). / CC BY-SA 3.0

Fort Provintia or Providentia, also known as Chihkan Tower, was a Dutch outpost on Formosa at a site now located in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan. It was built in 1653 during the Dutch colonization of Taiwan. The Dutch, intending to strengthen their standing, sited the fort at Sakam, about 2 miles (3.2 km) due east from modern-day Anping. During the Siege of Fort Zeelandia (1662), the fort was surrendered to Koxinga, but was later destroyed by a rebellion and earthquakes in the 18th century. It was rebuilt afterwards in the 19th century under Qing rule.

Wikipedia: Fort Provintia (EN)

357 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 14: 赤崁東街日式宿舍

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The Chihkan East Street Japanese-style dormitory is a Japanese-style dormitory in the central and western districts of Tainan City, which was used as a police dormitory after the war, registered as a historical building in Tainan City in 2016, completed restoration in 2021, and opened in August 2023 Meijicho Ice Cream, which is operated by the Sunrise Group.

Wikipedia: 赤崁東街日式宿舍 (ZH)

329 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 15: Singji Temple

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The Great Guanyin Pavilion and the Ritual Xingji Palace are famous temples located in the North District of Tainan City, Taiwan, which were announced as third-class monuments on November 27, 1985, and are now designated as historic sites directly under the central government. The temple is composed of the "Great Guanyin Pavilion" of the main worship of Guanyin Buddha and the "Ritual Xingji Palace" of the main Baosheng Emperor, although it belongs to Buddhism and Taoism, but since its establishment, the two temples are connected, the relationship is close, and it belongs to the same organization and management.

Wikipedia: 大觀音亭興濟宮 (ZH)

619 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 16: Wu's Garden

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Tainan Wu Garden, known at the time of its creation as "Purple Spring Garden (紫春園)," is located in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan. Built by Wu Shangxin (吳尚新), the garden is known as one of the Four Great Gardens of Taiwan (台灣四大名園), along with Lin Family Mansion and Garden in Wufeng (霧峰萊園), Beiguo Garden in Hsinchu (新竹北郭園), and Lin Family Mansion and Garden in Banqiao (板橋林本源園邸),.

Wikipedia: Tainan Wu Garden (EN)

23 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 17: Tainan Public Meeting Hall

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The Former Tainan Assembly Hall is a former assembly hall in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan.

Wikipedia: Former Tainan Assembly Hall (EN)

198 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 18: 原臺南測候所

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The Former Tainan Weather Observatory is a former weather station in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan.

Wikipedia: Former Tainan Weather Observatory (EN)

39 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 19: Meteorology Exhibition Hall

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The original Tainan Weather Station, located in the Central and Western District of Tainan City, was built in 1898 and was one of the first batch of weather stations established in the early days of the Japanese occupation, and it is also the oldest existing meteorological building in Taiwan. In the center of the building, there is a cylindrical wind tower about 12 meters high, surrounded by a lower one-story 18-sided office space, located at the highest point of the former Tainan Prefecture, formerly known as "Eagle Ridge Terrace", because of the white tower in the middle of the building, the old Tainan people called it pepper pipe.

Wikipedia: 原台南測候所 (ZH)

139 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 20: Tiantan Temple

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Taiwan's first temple Temple of Heaven, located in the central and western districts of Tainan City, Taiwan, is a Taoist temple dedicated to the Jade Emperor God. It is also known as the Temple of Heaven in Tainan, and is commonly known as the New Tiangong Temple. The place was originally the altar of the Zheng Dynasty to worship the heavens, and in the fourth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1854), the temple was built on the original site. In 1985, it was designated as a Grade III historic site by the government of the Republic of China. In 1997, after the amendment of the Law on the Preservation of Cultural Assets, the three-level grading system was abolished, and it has been changed to a municipality designated as a historic site. Now it is the two major Tiangong temples in Tainan City with the Kaiji Jade Palace.

Wikipedia: 臺灣首廟天壇 (ZH), Website, Facebook

203 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 21: Tang De-Jhang Memorial Park

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The Tang Te-chang Memorial Park is a memorial park in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan to commemorate late lawyer Tang Te-chang.

Wikipedia: Tang Te-chang Memorial Park (EN)

251 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 22: 重慶寺

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Chongqing Temple, located in the Central and Western District of Tainan City, Taiwan, was declared a historical building on April 26, 2007, the 96th year of the Republic of China. It is one of the seven temples and eight temples in Fucheng, Taiwan, which originally belonged to the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism, but now it has become a branch of the Kagyu sect of Tibetan tantric Buddhism (Baijiao), and worships the gods of Taiwanese folk beliefs.

Wikipedia: 重慶寺 (ZH)

81 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 23: 武德殿

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The original Tainan Wude Hall, the full name of the Tainan Branch of the Great Japan Martial Arts Association, is the Great Japan Martial Arts Association during the Japanese occupation period to promote the martial arts built by the Martial Arts Association, located in the Central and Western District of Tainan City, for the Tainan City Monument, is now the auditorium of the Zhongyi National Primary School in the Central and Western District of Tainan City. The original Tainan Wude Hall is the largest of the existing Wude Hall in Taiwan and has a higher design and construction quality.

Wikipedia: 原臺南武德殿 (ZH)

686 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 24: 原臺南放送局

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The Tainan Film Center is a movie theater in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan. The center is operated by the College of Sound and Image Arts of Tainan National University of the Arts.

Wikipedia: Tainan Film Center (EN)

51 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 25: Tainan Great South Gate

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The Great South Gate is a historical gate in West Central District, Tainan, Taiwan.

Wikipedia: Great South Gate (EN)

49 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 26: Forest of Steles at Great South Gate

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Located in the Central and Western District of Tainan City, Taiwan, the Stele Forest in South Gate Park is commonly known as the "Big Stele Forest" (the "Small Stele Forest" is in the Red Embedded Building), which is one of the Ten Scenic Spots of Tainan City's Historic Buildings and one of the Hundred Scenic Spots of Taiwan's Historic Buildings. Among them, stone tablets such as "Monument to the Reconstruction of Taiwan's Fucheng" have been announced as cultural assets of antiquities.

Wikipedia: 南門公園碑林 (ZH)

439 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 27: 原南門尋常小學校舍

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The original Nanmen Ordinary Elementary School Building is located in the Central and Western District of Tainan City, Nanmen Town during the Japanese Occupation, and was announced as a historical building in Tainan City on July 16, 2001, the 90th year of the Republic of China. During the Japanese occupation period in Taiwan, the building was the "South Gate Ordinary Elementary School" (Tainan Second Ordinary Elementary School, South Gate National School), and after World War II, it was once used as the Tainan City Government, and is now the school building of Tainan City Jianxing National High School.

Wikipedia: 原南門尋常小學校舍 (ZH)

100 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 28: Former Tainan District Court

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The former Tainan District Court, a former office building located in the Central and Western District of Tainan City, Taiwan, was used as the second-generation office building of the Tainan City District Court in the past, and the building bears witness to the important judicial history of Taiwan. Because of the cultural value of Taiwan's oldest existing large-scale courthouse building, the building has been designated as a national monument directly under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China.

Wikipedia: 原臺南地方法院 (ZH)

928 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 29: 保安宮

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Si'an Jing Nanchang Dai Tianfu Security Palace is located in the central and western districts of Tainan City, Taiwan, the main worship of the five mansions Chitose, the temple also enshrines a stone stele called the White Lotus Virgin. The temple is commonly known as the "Royal Palace", and hence the place names such as "Wang Gong Kou" (in front of the Bao An Palace), "Wang Gong Miaohou" (after the Bao An Palace), and "Wang Gong East" (on the east side of the Bao An Palace). The road in front of the temple is called "Baoan Road", which is also taken from the name of the temple.

Wikipedia: 南廠保安宮 (ZH)

152 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 30: 天池壇

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Nanchang Tianchi Altar is located in the central and western districts of Tainan City, Taiwan, and is a temple dedicated to the Tianfu Wangye (Tianwangye). The temple was originally a private temple, and later became the Jiaotou Temple (Nantoujiao) under the Nanchang Security Palace. In the past, with the temple as the center, there was a "Tianchi" named after the Tianchi Altar in the area enclosed by Hai'an Road, Dayong Street, Kangle Street, and Baoan Road, and later merged with Xin'anli and Zhongtouli (1 to 3 neighbors) to form "Guxili".

Wikipedia: 南廠天池壇 (ZH)


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