Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #4 in Volgograd, Russia


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 10 sights
Distance 5.3 km
Ascend 82 m
Descend 88 m

Explore Volgograd in Russia with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Volgograd

Sight 1: Г.О. Засекин

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Г.О. Засекин Автор фотографии Just / Общественное достояние

Prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin, nicknamed Zubok, was a statesman, the first voivode of the fortress cities on the Volga - Samara (1586), Perevolok (1589) and Saratov (1590).

Wikipedia: Засекин, Григорий Осипович Зубок (RU)

813 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 2: Аллея Героев

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Alley Heroev is a boulevard in the centre of the hero town of Volgograd. Connects the embankment. 62nd Army and Fallen Wrestlers Square, crossing the avenue. Lenin, the streets of Soviet and Chuikov.

Wikipedia: Аллея Героев (Волгоград) (RU)

330 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 3: Волгоградский музыкальный театр

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Volgograd Music Theatre is the oldest music theater on the Volga, the successor of the 2nd State Stalingrad Working Theatre, the Stalingrad Regional Music Comedy Theatre and the Volgograd Regional Music Comedy Theatre;

Wikipedia: Волгоградский музыкальный театр (RU), Website

591 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 4: Памятник Хользунову

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The monument to Kholzunov is a sculpture of the Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Stepanovich Kholzunov, installed on the central embankment of the city of Volgograd. It is an object of cultural heritage of federal significance and one of the few surviving pre-war monuments in the city.

Wikipedia: Памятник Хользунову (Волгоград) (RU)

146 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 5: А.С. Чуянов

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А.С. Чуянов Unknown (Life time: 1942) / PD-US

Aleksey Semenovich Chuyanov was a Soviet politician who served as the First Secretary of the Stalingrad Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1938 to 1946.

Wikipedia: Aleksey Chuyanov (EN)

236 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Храм Иоанна Предтечи

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Храм Иоанна Предтечи Сергей Черный / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist is the first church in the city of Tsaritsyn. On July 2, 1589, the construction of the Tsaritsyn fortress by the Cossacks began with the construction of a wooden church in the name of St. John the Baptist.

Wikipedia: Церковь Иоанна Предтечи (Волгоград) (RU)

550 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 7: Волгоградский областной краеведческий музей

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Волгоградский областной краеведческий музей Администрация Волгоградской области / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Volga Regional Museum of Regional Lore was founded on November 2 (15), 1914 as the Tsaritsyn City Museum under the Society for the Promotion of Out-of-School Education of Tsaritsyn on the basis of the City School Museum at the 12th Ivanov School. The museum's fund consists of 143,000 items.

Wikipedia: Волгоградский областной краеведческий музей (RU), Website

670 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 8: Памятник Чекистам

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The Monument to the Soldiers of the 10th Division of the NKVD Troops and the Policemen of Stalingrad - the defenders of the city in 1942-1943 or the Monument to the Chekists - a memorial in Volgograd, located on the right bank of the Tsaritsa River, near the Astrakhan Bridge, connecting the Central and Voroshilovsky districts of the city. Around the monument there is a Chekist Square with a small park area. Nearby is the metro tram station of the same name and public transport stops. It is a figure of a warrior with a raised drawn sword in his hand, located on a pedestal.

Wikipedia: Памятник чекистам (RU)

823 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 9: Школа-синагога

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Volgograd Synagogue is a historic synagogue built in 1888 in then Tsaritsyn, now Volgograd. It was destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad after the invasion of German forces, and rebuilt after World War II. In the early 21st century, it serves the Jewish community of Volgograd, Russia.

Wikipedia: Volgograd Synagogue (EN), Website

1097 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 10: Саше Филиппову

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