Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #9 in Moscow, Russia


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 7 sights
Distance 2 km
Ascend 32 m
Descend 24 m

Explore Moscow in Russia with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in MoscowIndividual Sights in Moscow

Sight 1: А. Г. Кананадзе

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А. Г. Кананадзе в источнике не указан / Добросовестное использование

Alexander Georgievich Kananadze was a Soviet naval officer, participant in World War II, Hero of the Soviet Union, captain of the 1st rank.

Wikipedia: Кананадзе, Александр Георгиевич (RU)

615 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: Д. А. Шмаринову

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Д. А. Шмаринову неизвестно / Добросовестное использование

Dementy Alekseevich Shmarinov is a Russian graphic artist, illustrator, and teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1967). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1980) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1943).

Wikipedia: Шмаринов, Дементий Алексеевич (RU)

49 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 3: В. В. Парину

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В. В. Парину не известен / Добросовестное использование

Vasiliy Vasilievich Parin - Soviet physiologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966) and Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1944). The author of classical studies of reflex regulation of pulmonary circulation, the discoverer of one of the mechanisms that regulate the flow of blood to the heart.

Wikipedia: Парин, Василий Васильевич (RU)

377 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 4: Б. Н. Полевому

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Б. Н. Полевому Yakov Berliner (1904 – 1985) / Fair use

Boris Nikolayevich Polevoy was a Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter, journalist and war correspondent. He is the author of the book Story of a Real Man about Soviet World War II fighter pilot Aleksey Maresyev.

Wikipedia: Boris Polevoy (EN)

18 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 5: Б. Л. Горбатову

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Б. Л. Горбатову

Boris Gorbatov (1908–1954) was a Soviet novelist. Born in the Donbas region in the Ukraine, he moved to Moscow at the age of 18 and joined the Communist Party in 1930. He was a military correspondent during World War Two.

Wikipedia: Boris Gorbatov (EN)

718 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 6: Ажурный дом

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The Openwork House is a monument of experimental housing construction in the Art Deco style, located in Moscow at the intersection of Begovaya Street and Leningradsky Prospekt. It was built by architects Andrei Konstantinovich Burov and Boris Nikolaevich Blokhin in 1939-1940 using the method of large-block construction. The project was developed as a variant of standard development, combining the economy of prefabricated housing construction and artistic expressiveness.

Wikipedia: Ажурный дом (RU)

252 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 7: Romen Theatre

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Romen Theatre in Moscow, Russia, is the oldest and the most famous of Romani theatres in the world. The theatre is a key object of Romani culture in Russia, and from the moment of its foundation in 1931, it has been a centre of attraction for Romani artists in Russia.

Wikipedia: Romen Theatre (EN), Website


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