Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #11 in Moscow, Russia
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13.8 km
215 m
Experience Moscow in Russia in a whole new way with our free self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.
Individual Sights in MoscowSight 1: Центральный дом детей железнодорожников
The Stakheev House is a city estate in Moscow at 14 Novaya Basmannaya Street, building 1. An object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia of federal significance. Currently, the estate houses the Central House for Children of Railway Workers.
Sight 2: Рабочий Сезонник
"Seasonal Worker" is a sculpture by I. D. Shadr. It is dedicated to seasonal workers who come to the city for winter work. It was installed in 1930 in Moscow in the square on Lermontov Square. It has the status of a cultural heritage site of federal significance.
Sight 3: М. Ю. Лермонтову

The Monument to Lermontov is a sculptural image of the poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, installed in Moscow on Lermontov Square in 1965. The authors of the monument are the sculptor I. D. Brodsky, architects N. N. Milovidov, G. E. Saevich, A. V. Morgulis.
Sight 4: Дворец Юсуповых
The Volkov-Yusupov Palaces are a landmark building in the Basmanny district of Moscow, one of the oldest civil buildings in the city. They are located at Bolshoy Kharitonievsky Lane, 21, building 4. They are an object of cultural heritage of federal significance.
Sight 5: Tabakerka
The Oleg Tabakov Moscow Theater is a theater complex founded in 1987 by People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov. The theater includes two stages on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square and Chaplygin Street, an art and production plant and a theater school. The theater officially opened in 1987.
Wikipedia: Московский театр-студия под руководством Олега Табакова (RU), Website
Sight 6: А. С. Грибоедову

The Griboyedov Monument is a sculptural image of the playwright Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov in Moscow, at the beginning of Chistoprudny Boulevard, not far from the exit of the metro station of the same name.
Sight 7: Menshikov Tower
Menshikov Tower, also known as the Church of Archangel Gabriel, is a Baroque Russian Orthodox Church in Basmanny District of Moscow, within the Boulevard Ring. The church was initially built in 1707 to order of Alexander Menshikov by Ivan Zarudny assisted by Domenico Trezzini, a team of Italian-Swiss craftsmen from Ticino and Fribourg cantons and Russian stonemasons from Kostroma and Yaroslavl. The earliest extant Petrine Baroque building in Moscow, Menshikov Tower was substantially altered in the 1770s. The church traditionally functioned in summer only; in winter the congregation assembled in nearby Church of Theodor Stratelates, built in 1782–1806. Church of Saint Theodore also provides the bells for ritual ringing: despite its height, Menshikov Tower does not have bells.
Sight 8: Главный дом усадьбы Головиных
The Golovin City Estate is an estate in Moscow at 8/12 Potapovsky Lane, building 5. An object of cultural heritage of federal significance.
Sight 9: Огни Москвы

"Lights of Moscow" is a Moscow museum dedicated to the history of lighting fixtures. The museum was opened in 1980 in Armyansky Lane in the building of the Protopopov (Miloslavsky) chambers of the XVII century.
Sight 10: Палаты Голицыных
The Golitsyn Chambers in Krivokolenny Lane is a two-story building of the XVII century, located in Moscow at the address: Central Administrative District, Krivokolenny Lane, 10, building 1. It is an architectural monument of federal significance.
Sight 11: Nadezhda Krupskaya
The Monument to Nadezhda Krupskaya is a monument to the wife and comrade-in-arms of V. I. Lenin on Sretensky Gate Square in Moscow.
Sight 12: Vatslav Vorovsky
The Monument to Vaclav Vorovsky is a monument to one of the first Soviet diplomats, Vaclav Vorovsky. It was installed in 1924 in Moscow on Vorovsky Square. The author of the monument is sculptor Mikhail Katz. The monument has the status of a cultural heritage site of regional significance.
Sight 13: А. Н. Островскому
The monument to A. N. Ostrovsky is a monument to the writer Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. It was installed in Moscow on Theater Square in front of the Maly Theater in 1929. The sculptor is Nikolai Andreev, the architect is Fyodor Shekhtel. The sculpture is made of bronze, located on a granite pedestal.
Sight 14: Фонтан Витали

Fontan Vitali is one of the oldest fountains in Moscow, located on Theater Square. It was erected on the site of a water basin by the sculptor Giovanni Vitali in 1835.
Sight 15: Karl Marx
The Monument to Karl Marx in Moscow is a monument completed in 1961 by Soviet sculptor Lev Kerbel. It is located near the Bolshoi Theatre in Theatre Square.
Sight 16: Bolshoi Theatre
The Bolshoi Theatre is a historic opera house in Moscow, Russia, originally designed by architect Joseph Bové. Before the October Revolution it was a part of the Imperial Theatres of the Russian Empire along with Maly Theatre in Moscow and a few theatres in Saint Petersburg.
Sight 17: Moscow Operetta
The Moscow State Academic Theatre of Operetta, abbr. Titles. The Moscow Operetta or simply Mosoperetta is a musical theater in Moscow, the first state operetta theater in the USSR.
Wikipedia: Государственный академический театр «Московская оперетта» (RU), Website
Sight 18: Сквер Майи Плисецкой
Maya Plisetskaya Square is a square in the Tverskoy district of Moscow between houses 12/1, buildings 1 and 16, building 1 on Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street. It was opened on November 20, 2015 in memory of the Russian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.
Sight 19: Vladimir Lenin
Monument to Lenin on Tverskaya Square is a sculpture of Vladimir Lenin located in front of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History building in Moscow. Established in 1940. The authors of the monument are sculptor S. D. Merkurov and architect I. A. Frantsuz. The monument has the status of an object of cultural heritage of federal significance.
Sight 20: Jury Dolgoruky
The Statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy is an equestrian statue which commemorates the founding of Moscow in 1147 by Yuriy Dolgorukiy. Dolgorukiy was the Grand Prince of the Kievan Rus' (Kiev) and a member of the Rurik dynasty. On 6 June 1954, the statue was erected on Soviet Square, located in front of the Mossoviet building. The sculptors were Sergei Mikhailovich Orlov, A. P. Antropov, and Nicholay Lvovich Shtamm. The architectural design was by Viktor Semenovich Andreyev. The statue replaced the Monument to the Soviet Constitution, which had been demolished in 1941.
Sight 21: К. С. Станиславскому и В. И. Немировичу-Данченко
Monument to the founders of the Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko is installed at the intersection of Tverskaya Street and Kamergersky Lane in the Tverskoy district of Moscow.
Wikipedia: Памятник Станиславскому и Немировичу-Данченко (RU)
Sight 22: А. П. Чехову
The monument to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in Kamergersky Lane was installed in the pedestrian zone near house No 2 Tverskaya Street in Moscow.
Sight 23: Yermolov Theatre
The Yermolova Theatre is a theatre company in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow. It is under the artistic direction of Vladimir Andreyev.
Sight 24: А. И. Хачатуряну
The monument to the composer Aram Ilyich Khachaturian is located in Moscow in Bryusov Lane in the Presnensky district of the city.
Sight 25: М. Л. Ростроповичу
The Monument to Mstislav Rostropovich is a monument in Moscow, erected in 2012. Dedicated to the famous cellist, pianist and conductor, People's Artist of the USSR Mstislav Rostropovich. It is located in Bryusov Lane, in the Mstislav Rostropovich Square. The authors of the monument are sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov and architect Igor Voskresensky.
Sight 26: сквер Мстислава Ростроповича
Mstislav Rostropovich Square is a square in the center of Moscow at the intersection of Eliseevsky and Bryusov lanes. The square is located in the historical part of the city, in a picturesque and sparsely populated place, between Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Tverskaya streets. Due to the peculiarity of the relief, the square rises somewhat above the alleys framing it.
Sight 27: Theater near Stanislavsky House
The Near the Stanislavsky House Theater is a Russian theater located next to the Stanislavsky House-Museum. Artistic director — Y. N. Pogrebnichko.
Sight 28: Пушкинский дуб
Pushkin Oak is a pedunculate oak on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow.
Sight 29: Maria Yermolova Museum
The House-Museum of M. N. Ermolova is a museum in Moscow.
Sight 30: Шолом-Алейхему
The monument to Sholem Aleichem in Moscow was erected in December 2001 at the intersection of Bolshaya Bronnaya and Malaya Bronnaya streets in the Presnensky district of the city.
Sight 31: А. А. Блоку

The monument to Alexander Blok is a monument to the Russian poet Alexander Blok, the work of sculptor Oleg Komov, installed in 1993 in Moscow, in the square near house 6 on Spiridonovka.
Sight 32: Музыкальный театр «Амадей»

The Moscow Musical Theater "Amadeus" is an opera house in Moscow. Not having its own stage, it carries out productions at various venues.
Sight 33: Gorky Museum

The Gorky Museum is an architectural landmark of the "Moderne" style, the Russian term for Art Nouveau. It was built in Moscow in 1900–02 by the architect Fyodor Schechtel. It is also known as the Ryabouchinsky House, for the young Russian industrialist and art collector who built it. After the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Ryabouchinsky family emigrated to France. In 1931 the Soviet government offered the house to the writer Maxim Gorky and his family. It was his home until his death in 1936. The widow of Gorky's son continued to live in the house until her death in 1965. It then became the Gorky Museum, dedicated to his life and work. It is located in the historic center of Moscow, at 6 Malaya Nikitskaya. Admission is free.
Sight 34: Особняк С. П. Рябушинского
Ryabushinsky Mansion is a city estate built by architect Fyodor Schechtel for entrepreneur Stepan Ryabushinsky in 1900-1903. It is one of the most representative examples of early Art Nouveau in Russian architecture. Since 1965, the building has housed the Gorky Museum-Apartment.
Sight 35: K. Timiryazev
Timiryazev monument is a monumental sculpture in Moscow of the scientist Kliment Timiryazev. The statue was made by renowned Soviet sculptor Sergey Merkurov. It was installed in 1923 at the end of Tverskoy Boulevard.
Sight 36: U Nikitskih Vorot
Moscow State Theater "At the Nikitskikh Vorot" under the direction of Mark Rozovsky.
Sight 37: Museum of Oriental Arts

The State Museum of Oriental Art is one of the biggest cultural institutions in the world for preservation, research, and display of Oriental art. The museum was founded in 1918 as a part of soviet programme to support unique cultures of USSR subdivisions. Since 1970 the museum is located in the centre of Moscow in the historical building known as the Lunins' House, a private residence built in the early 19th century by the famous architect Domenico Gilardi.
Wikipedia: State Museum of Oriental Art (EN), Website, Ok, Vk, Youtube
Sight 38: Благословенна в веках дружба народов России и Армении
The monument “Blessed for centuries Friendship of the peoples of Russia and Armenia” is a monument to the friendship of the Christian peoples of Armenia and Russia. A statue of two female figures that cling to each other, and between them there is a cross.
Wikipedia: Благословенна в веках дружба народов России и Армении (RU)
Sight 39: Реквием-1941
The Monument to the Heroes – Schoolchildren is a memorial, established in Moscow in 1971 near the school building № 110. Dedicated to schoolchildren who died in the Eastern Front of World War II. The designers of the monument are the sculptor D. Yu. Mitlyansky and the architects E. A. Rozenblum and P. I. Skokan. The monument has the status of an object of cultural heritage of regional significance.
Sight 40: Храм Большое Вознесение у Никитских ворот
The Greater Church of Christ's Ascension is one of the largest parish churches in downtown Moscow. It is a major landmark of Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street and Nikitskiye Vorota Square. It is named "greater" to prevent confusion with a nearby church of the same name.
Sight 41: А. Н. Толстому
The monument to the writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a sculptural monument in Moscow. It is located at the intersection of Bolshaya and Malaya Nikitskaya streets. The authors of the monument are the sculptor G. I. Motovilov and the architect L. M. Polyakov. An object of cultural heritage of Russia of federal significance.
Sight 42: Городская усадьба Черкасской — Баскакова
The Cherkasskaya-Baskakov City Estate is an architectural monument located in the city of Moscow.
Sight 43: Усадьба Васильчиковых
The Vasilchikov Estate is an architectural monument located in the city of Moscow.
Sight 44: Josef Brodsky
The Monument to Joseph Brodsky was installed in 2011 in Moscow on Novinsky Boulevard near the United States embassy building. The authors of the monument are the sculptor Georgy Frangulyan and the architect Sergey Skuratov.
Sight 45: Ф. И. Шаляпину

The monument to F. I. Chaliapin in Moscow is installed on Novinsky Boulevard next to the Chaliapin House-Museum.
Sight 46: Narkomfin Building
The Narkomfin Building is a block of flats at 25, Novinsky Boulevard, in the Central district of Moscow, Russia. Conceived as a "transitional type of experimental house", it is a renowned example of Constructivist architecture and avant-garde housing design.
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