Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #1 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 2 km
Ascend 68 m
Descend 27 m

Experience Cluj-Napoca in Romania in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in Cluj-NapocaIndividual Sights in Cluj-Napoca

Sight 1: Piarist Church

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The Piarist Church, initially known as the Jesuit Church in Cluj, respectively as the University Church, located on University Street no. 5, dedicated to the "Holy Trinity", is the first Catholic church built in Transylvania after the Protestant Reformation, at the same time the first ecclesiastical edifice in Baroque style in the former Habsburg province. The church was an architectural ensemble with the Jesuit academic college, on the site of which the central building of the "Babeș-Bolyai" University is located today. The place of worship presents a strong contrast between a monumental and sober architecture on the outside, and a well-ornamented, almost exuberant interior, a jewel of the Baroque style. In front of the church there was, until 1959, the statue of the Virgin Mary, a monument moved by the communist authorities behind the "St. Peter" Church in Cluj.

Wikipedia: Biserica Piariștilor din Cluj (RO), Website, Url Miserend

133 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 2: Sfânta Maria Protectoare

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Sfânta Maria Protectoare

The statue of the Virgin Mary is a monument of the plague columns, built in Cluj in 1744, the work of the Austrian sculptor Anton Schuchbauer.

Wikipedia: Statuia Fecioarei Maria din Cluj-Napoca (RO)

439 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 3: Statue of Saint George

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The Statue of Saint George in Cluj is a historical monument, a copy of the Statue of Saint George in Prague, the original made by the Cluj craftsmen Martin and George at the end of the Middle Ages. The copy was made in 1904 by the sculptor József Róna, the pedestal being made by Kálmán Lux (1880-1961).

Wikipedia: Statuia Sfântului Gheorghe din Cluj (RO)

65 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 4: Biserica Reformată de pe Ulița Lupilor

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Biserica Reformată de pe Ulița LupilorCristian Bortes from Cluj-Napoca, Romania / CC BY 2.0

The Reformed Church on the Wolf Street in Cluj-Napoca, in the immediate vicinity of the Tailors' Bastion, is one of the most valuable Gothic edifices in Transylvania, being built between 1486-1516. The church is also known as the Central Reformed Church or the Reformed Church on Wolf Street. The name of the Wolf Street, one of the oldest streets in Cluj, is mentioned in medieval documents as Platea Luporum. After the Union of Transylvania with Romania, the name of the Wolf Street was changed to "Mihail Kogălniceanu Street", which has remained the official name of the street to this day.

Wikipedia: Biserica Reformată de pe Ulița Lupilor (RO)

216 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Baba Novac

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The statue of Baba Novac in Cluj-Napoca, the work of the sculptor Virgil Fulicea, was erected near the Tailors' Bastion in 1975, in memory of Baba Novac. general of Michael the Brave.

Wikipedia: Statuia lui Baba Novac din Cluj-Napoca (RO)

1156 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 6: Central Cemetery

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Central Cemetery Wikizoli / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Hajongard Cemetery on the former Butchers' Street, currently Avram Iancu Street, is one of the oldest cemeteries in Cluj-Napoca, established in the sixteenth century with the becoming too small of the cemetery that functioned around the Church of St. Michael in the city center. It is one of the most interesting tourist attractions of the city, being classified as a historical monument in the list of historical monuments in 2015, with the code CJ-IV-s-B-07839. It covers an area of approx. 14 hectares.

Wikipedia: Cimitirul Hajongard din Cluj (RO)


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