Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #4 in Wrocław, Poland
Tour Facts
10.9 km
135 m
Experience Wrocław in Poland in a whole new way with our free self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.
Individual Sights in WrocławSight 1: Games & Computers of the Past Era
The Museum of Games and Computers of the Past Era – a museum in Wrocław devoted to the history of games, consoles and computers, as well as retroinformatics. It was opened on September 2, 2017 in the building of the Świebodzki Railway Station. Created by members of the RetroGralnia initiative with the participation of crowdfunding funds. The Museum is a continuation of the previous activities of the initiative existing since 2011, which included, among others, the organization of numerous exhibitions, including in 2017 under the brand of the Museum to be established.
Wikipedia: Muzeum Gry i Komputery Minionej Ery (PL), Website
Sight 2: The National Forum of Music

The National Forum of Music or NFM is a music venue located in Wrocław, Poland. It was completed in 2015 and houses a large concert hall with 1800 seats and three chamber halls and is home to many major ensembles and festivals in Wrocław. The building was designed by APA Kuryłowicz & Associates. It is one of the largest and most modern music venues in Poland.
Sight 3: Nowa Giełda
Nowa Giełda – a nineteenth-century building of the Wrocław Stock Exchange, until 2018 the seat of the Gwardia Sports Club.
Sight 4: Divine Providence Church
The Church of Divine Providence in Wrocław, formerly known as the court church, is an Evangelical church belonging to the parish of the Evangelical-Augsburg Divine Providence in Wrocław. It is located at Kazimierza Wielkiego Street, within the District of Four Denominations.
Wikipedia: Kościół Opatrzności Bożej we Wrocławiu (PL), Url 0
Sight 5: Muzeum Historyczne i Muzeum Sztuki Medalierskiej
The Historical Museum is one of the seven branches of the City Museum of Wrocław. Together with the Museum of Medallic Art, it is located in the former Royal Palace (Spätgenów) in Wrocław at Kazimierza Wielkiego Street.
Sight 6: Kościół Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych w Dniach Ostatnich
The Community of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wrocław is a Mormon community operating in Wrocław, Poland, belonging to the Katowice district of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Wikipedia: Gmina Kościoła Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych w Dniach Ostatnich we Wrocławiu (PL), Website, Facebook
Sight 7: Kościół Świętych Stanisława, Doroty i Wacława
The Church of Sts. Dorothea, Wenceslaus, and Stanislaus is a Gothic Roman Catholic church in the southern part of Wrocław's Old Town.
Sight 8: Opera Wrocławska
The Wrocław Opera is an opera company and opera house in the Old Town of Wrocław, Poland. The opera house was opened in 1841 and up to 1945 was named after the city's then German name, Oper Breslau.
Sight 9: Kościół parafialny pw. Bożego Ciała
Corpus Christi Church is a Gothic church in Wrocław, Poland. The church is located at the corner of Świdnicka and ul. Bożego Ciała.
Wikipedia: Corpus Christi Church, Wrocław (EN), Website, Url 0
Sight 10: Kameleon
Kameleon Department Store, formerly: Rudolf Petersdorff Department Store – a historic department store in Wrocław, located at 6/7 Szewska Street.
Sight 11: Kamienica Pod Złotą Koroną
Tenement House Under the Golden Crown – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on its eastern frontage, on the so-called side of Zielona Trzcina or Zielona Rura; It was one of the earliest works of the Silesian Renaissance.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Pod Złotą Koroną we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 12: Kamienica Pod Złotym Pucharem
The Golden Cup Tenement House – a tenement house on the Market Square in Wrocław, on the southern frontage of the Market Square, the so-called side of the Golden Cup.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Pod Złotym Pucharem we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 13: Kamienica Pod Zieloną Dynią
The Green Pumpkin Tenement House – a medieval tenement house on the Market Square in Wrocław, on the southern frontage of the Market Square, the so-called side of the Golden Cup.
Sight 14: Kamienica Pod Złotym Dzbanem
The Golden Pitcher House – a medieval tenement house in the southern frontage of the market square in Wrocław, number 22, opposite the entrance to the Świdnicka Cellar and next to the Green Pumpkin House.
Sight 15: Kamienica Dom Bankierów
Tenement House at 21 Market Square – a tenement house on the Market Square in Wrocław, on the southern frontage of the Market Square, the so-called side of the Golden Cup, also known as the Bankers' House, and one of the narrowest tenement houses in Wrocław.
Sight 16: Kamienica Pod Starą Szubienicą
The Old Gallows Tenement House – a tenement house on the Market Square in Wrocław, on the southern frontage of the Market Square, the so-called side of the Golden Cup.
Sight 17: Muzeum Sztuki Mieszczańskiej
The Old Town Hall in Wrocław – a late Gothic building on the Wrocław Market Square, one of the best-preserved historical town halls in Poland, and at the same time one of the main architectural monuments of Wrocław.
Wikipedia: Muzeum Sztuki Mieszczańskiej we Wrocławiu (PL), Website
Sight 18: Fontanna Niedźwiadek

The Bear Cub Fountain is a reconstruction of a pre-war fountain, located by the southern wall of the Old Town Hall in Wrocław, Poland.
Sight 19: Fontanna Zdrój
The "Zdrój" Fountain is a fountain located on the Wrocław Market Square, on its western side, in front of the New Town Hall. It consists of a rectangular pool enclosed with granite cubes and granite boulders erected in the middle of the basin and vertically embedded glass slabs on which water flows. The design by Alojzy Gryt from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław has from the beginning aroused protests as it did not fit into the historic buildings of the Market Square. However, the then mayor of Wrocław, Bogdan Zdrojewski, led to the construction and unveiling of the fountain on September 17, 1996.
Sight 20: Dom altarystów Małgosia,
Hansel and Gretel – two historic medieval tenement houses at the north-west corner of the Wrocław Market Square, connected with each other by an arcade. Built most probably in the fifteenth century, they were then part of a larger group of altarist houses of the parish church of St. Elizabeth. Between the tenement houses, under the arcade, there was an entrance to the cemetery liquidated in the eighteenth century, which is reminded by the inscription in Latin. on the cartouche "Mors Ianua Vitae" –. There used to be a gate in this gate.
Sight 21: Kamienica Pod Złotym Pokojem
The Golden Room Tenement House – a tenement house on the Market Square in Wrocław, on the northern frontage of the market square, known as the Sweets Market.
Sight 22: Kamienica Pod Złotą Palmą
The House Under the Golden Palm, Lower Silesian Public Library – a tenement house on the Market Square in Wrocław, on the northern frontage of the market square, known as the Sweets Market.
Sight 23: Kamienica pod Półksiężycem
The Tenement House Under the Golden Crescent or Under the Half Moon – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on its northern frontage, known as the Sweets Market.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Pod Złotym Półksiężycem we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 24: Kamienica Szwedzka Sień
The Swedish Hallway House – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on the northern frontage of the market square, known as the Sweets Market.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Szwedzka Sień we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 25: Kamienica Pod Złotym Jeleniem
The Golden Deer Tenement House – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on its northern frontage, known as the Sweets Market.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Pod Złotym Jeleniem we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 26: kamienica Pod Złotą Trójcą
The Golden Trinity House or the Holy Trinity House, also known as the Double Golden Eagle Pharmacy – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on its northern frontage called the Sweets Market.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Pod Złotą Trójcą Świętą we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 27: kamienica Pod Złotym Pelikanem
The Golden Pelikan Tenement House – a tenement house located on the Wrocław Market Square at number 43, on its northern frontage, called the Sweets Market.
Wikipedia: Kamienica Pod Złotym Pelikanem we Wrocławiu (PL), Url, Url 0
Sight 28: Kamienica Pod Złotą Kotwicą
The tenement house at Rynek 38, also known as the Tenement House Under the Golden Anchor – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on its eastern frontage, on the so-called side of the Green Reed or Green Pipe. On the Wrocław Market Square, two tenement houses have the same name: the second one is located at the plot at Rynek 52.
Sight 29: Kamienica Pod Złotą Gwiazdą
The Golden Star Tenement House – a tenement house on the Wrocław market square, on its eastern frontage, on the so-called side of the Green Reed or Green Pipe.
Sight 30: Muzeum Farmacji Uniwersytetu Medycznego
The Museum of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Wrocław – a pharmacy museum established in November 2011, located in Wrocław at the Chicken Market in the thirteenth-century Tenement House Under the Golden Eagle in Wrocław, now known as the House of the Silesian Pharmacist.
Wikipedia: Muzeum Farmacji Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu (PL)
Sight 31: Kapliczka Dompniga
Dompnig Chapel – a Gothic, stone pillar chapel, located in the Polish Catholic cathedral in Wrocław. It is considered to be the oldest monument of bourgeois monumental sculpture in Wrocław.
Sight 32: Katedra Świętej Marii Magdaleny
Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene in Wrocław, Poland, is a gothic church located between Szewska and Laciarska street close to the central market square, established in the 13th century. It serves as a cathedral of the Polish Catholic Church led by Piotr Mikołajczak. Along with the Old Town of Wrocław, it is listed as a Historic Monument of Poland.
Sight 33: Kościół Świętego Krzysztofa
St. Christopher's Church in Wrocław – the church of the Evangelical-Augsburg parish of St. Christopher in Wrocław, located at St. Christopher's Square located at the corner of Kazimierza Wielkiego and Wierzbowa Streets.
Wikipedia: Kościół św. Krzysztofa we Wrocławiu (PL), Website
Sight 34: Bastion Sakwowy
The Sack Bastion – a fragment of the former fortifications of the city of Wrocław, in their south-eastern corner. In the years 1948–2024, the hill was called the Partisan Hill. However, this was an unofficial name and in 2024 it was officially changed to the Sack Bastion.
Sight 35: Kościół Świętego Wojciecha
St. Adalbert's Church, German: Adalbertkirche, in Wrocław at Dominikański Square in the Old Town – one of the largest and oldest Gothic churches in the city. Double Sanctuary: Our Lady of Podkamień and Blessed Czesław.
Sight 36: chaczkar
Khachkar in Wrocław – an Armenian stone stele, unveiled on September 21, 2012, placed on the square at Janickiego Street in Wrocław.
Sight 37: Baszta Niedźwiadka
The Bear Tower – a medieval tower in the system of city fortifications of Wrocław, located between today's streets: Piaskowa and Kraińskiego, at the back of the Market Hall at Nankiera Square.
Sight 38: Museum of Architecture
The Museum of Architecture is in Wrocław, Poland. The museum was founded in 1965 and located in the historic Old Town.
Sight 39: Muzeum Poczty i Telekomunikacji
Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Wrocław – the only museum in Poland, next to the Polish Post Museum in Gdańsk, gathering exhibits documenting the history of post, telecommunications and telegraphy in Poland. It is located in Wrocław, in the historic building of the Main Post Office at 1 Zygmunta Krasińskiego Street. Since 1988, it has been a member of ICOM and IATM.
Wikipedia: Muzeum Poczty i Telekomunikacji we Wrocławiu (PL), Website
Sight 40: Park Juliusza Słowackiego
Juliusz Słowacki Park in Wrocław is a park located in the area of the Old Town – near the so-called New Town. It is also partly located in the place of a buried section of the city moat, a fragment of which for some time was the estuary section of the Oława River. The park covers an area of 5.74 ha.
Sight 41: Panorama of the Battle of Racławice
The Racławice Panorama is a monumental cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th-century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects create a feeling of reality.
Sight 42: Bastion Ceglarski
The Brick Bastion – a fragment of the fortifications of Wrocław, built in 1585 in the north-eastern part of the belt of external walls surrounding the Wrocław New Town. Demolished along with the walls at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Sight 43: most Grunwaldzki
Grunwald Bridge is a suspension bridge over the river Oder in Wrocław, Poland, built between 1908 and 1910. Initially the bridge was called the Imperial Bridge (Kaiserbrücke), then the Bridge of Freedom (Freiheitsbrücke). The architectural design of the bridge was by a city councilor, Richard Plüddemann. The bridge opened on 10 October 1910 in the presence of Emperor Wilhelm II.
Sight 44: Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego
The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a Roman Catholic parish church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Wrocław, in the deanery of Wrocław Cathedral, in the Archdiocese of Wrocław. It is located on Grunwaldzki Square.
Wikipedia: Kościół Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego we Wrocławiu (PL)
Sight 45: Kolumna Chrystusa Króla Wszechświata
The Column of Christ the King of the Universe in Wrocław, also known as the Millennium Column, is a statue of Christ on the Cathedral Square in Wrocław, erected on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the bishopric of Wrocław.
Wikipedia: Kolumna Chrystusa Króla Wszechświata we Wrocławiu (PL), Inscription Url, Url
Sight 46: Archikatedra Świętego Jana Chrzciciela
The St. John the Baptist Archcathedral is the seat of the Archdiocese of Wrocław and a landmark of the city of Wrocław in Poland. The cathedral, located in the Cathedral Island, is a Gothic church with Neo-Gothic additions. The current standing cathedral is the fourth church to have been built on the site.
Sight 47: Kościół Świętego Idziego

St. Giles' Church in Wrocław – a late-Romanesque church from the 1st half of the 13th century in Ostrów Tumski in Wrocław. It is the oldest fully preserved building in Wrocław, and at the same time the oldest church in the city that is still active today.
Sight 48: Archdiocesan Museum
The Archdiocesan Museum in Wrocław – a museum founded in 1898 in Wrocław, one of the oldest archdiocesan museums in Poland; collects,, a rich and rare collection of ancient and Gothic monuments, mainly from the times of the Piasts of Silesia.
Wikipedia: Muzeum Archidiecezjalne we Wrocławiu (PL), Website
Sight 49: Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden of the University of Wrocław is a botanical garden in Wrocław founded in 1811 in the area of Ostrów Tumski. The garden was established for medical students at the local university. During the Napoleonic Wars, the garden was damaged after the city fortifications were destroyed. Part of the garden featured a branch off the Odra river and was filled in during the conflict, but has since been restored as a large lily pond. It is the second oldest garden of this type in Poland, after the garden in Kraków. In 1974 it was listed as a protected monument in Lower Silesia, since 1994 it was included in the protected historical city center.
Wikipedia: University of Wrocław Botanical Garden (EN), Website, Url
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