Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #5 in Krakow, Poland


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 10 sights
Distance 4.7 km
Ascend 78 m
Descend 76 m

Explore Krakow in Poland with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in KrakowIndividual Sights in Krakow

Sight 1: Muzeum Etnograficzne (Dom Esterki)

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Esterka's House is a tenement house in the Kazimierz district of Kraków, at 46 Krakowska Street, at the corner with Trynitarska Street.

Wikipedia: Dom Esterki w Krakowie (PL)

573 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: Kościół pw. Świętej Agnieszki

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Kościół pw. Świętej Agnieszki Pawel Swiegoda (Paberu) / CC BY 3.0

St. Agnes Church – a historic, Baroque, Roman Catholic church, at 30 Józefa Dietla Street, in Stradom, Krakow. It serves as a garrison church.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Agnieszki w Krakowie (PL)

338 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 3: Kościół pw. Nawrócenia Świętego Pawła

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The Church of the Conversion of St. Paul is a Roman Catholic missionary church located in Kraków, Poland, at 6 Stradomska Street.

Wikipedia: Kościół Nawrócenia św. Pawła w Krakowie (PL)

181 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Kościół pw. Świętego Bernardyna ze Sieny

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The Church of St. Bernardine of Siena is a Roman Catholic rectory and conventual church of the Bernardines, located in Krakow at 2 Bernardyńska Street, in Stradom.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Bernardyna w Krakowie (PL), Website

242 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Kościół pw. Świętego Idziego

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Church of St. Giles in Kraków is a Roman Catholic church of the Dominican Order located on Grodzka Street in Kraków. Its history dates to 11th century; it has been rebuilt many times since.

Wikipedia: Church of St. Giles, Kraków (EN)

283 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Church of Saint Andrew

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The Church of St. Andrew in the Old Town district of Kraków, Poland located at Grodzka Street, is a historical Romanesque church built between 1079 and 1098 by a medieval Polish statesman Palatine Sieciech. It is a rare surviving example of the European fortress church used for defensive purposes.

Wikipedia: St. Andrew's Church, Kraków (EN)

125 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Church of Saints Peter and Paul

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The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a Roman Catholic Polish Baroque church located at 54 Grodzka Street in the Old Town district of Kraków, Poland. It was built between 1597–1619 by Giovanni Maria Bernardoni who perfected the original design of Józef Britius. It is the biggest of the historic Churches of Kraków in terms of seating capacity. Since 1842 it serves the Catholic All Saints parish.

Wikipedia: Saints Peter and Paul Church, Kraków (EN)

1413 meters / 17 minutes

Sight 8: Kaplica pw. Świętego Piotra i Świętego Pawła

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The Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul is a historic chapel located in Krakow, in district VIII at 13 Madalińskiego Street, in Dębniki.

Wikipedia: Kaplica św. Piotra i św. Pawła w Krakowie (PL)

1371 meters / 16 minutes

Sight 9: Kościół pw. Świętego Augustyna i Świętego Jana Chrzciciela w Krakowie

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Kościół pw. Świętego Augustyna i Świętego Jana Chrzciciela w Krakowie Zygmunt Put / CC BY-SA 4.0

St. Augustine and Saint. John the Baptist - the Roman Catholic parish church and the Norbertine monastery located in Krakow at ul. Kościuszki 88, in Zwierzyniec. Together with the Norbertine monastery adjacent to it, he creates the largest historic city complex after Wawel.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Augustyna i św. Jana Chrzciciela w Krakowie (PL)

172 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Kaplica Świętej Małgorzaty

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Chapel of St. Małgorzata and Saint. Judyty - a baroque, wooden chapel located in Krakow in Salwator, at ul. Saint. Bronisława 8. lies on the route of the Lesser Poland Wooden Architecture Trail.

Wikipedia: Kaplica św. Małgorzaty i św. Judyty (PL)


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