Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Bender, Moldova


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 4 km
Ascend 25 m
Descend 24 m

Explore Bender in Moldova with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Bender

Sight 1: Bendery Fortress

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The Tighina Fortress is a 15th-century fortress on the right bank of the Dniester River in Bender, Moldova, built from earth and wood during the reign of Prince Stephen the Great. In 1538 it was conquered by the Turkish sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who ordered it to be rebuilt in stone and enlarged.

Wikipedia: Tighina Fortress (EN)

583 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: Памятник 55-му пехотному Подольскому полку

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Памятник 55-му пехотному Подольскому полку

The Monument to Russian Glory is a monument to the 55th Podolsk Infantry Regiment.

Wikipedia: Памятник русской славы (RU)

788 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 3: Memorial of Memory and Grief

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Memorial of Memory and Grief

The Memorial of Memory and Sorrow was erected in memory of the defenders of the Transnistrian city of Bender, who died during the Transnistrian conflict in 1992.

Wikipedia: Мемориал Памяти и Скорби (Бендеры) (RU)

1984 meters / 24 minutes

Sight 4: Музей революционной, боевой и трудовой Славы железнодорожников

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Музей революционной, боевой и трудовой Славы железнодорожников

The Memorial of Revolutionary, Military and Labor Glory of Railway Workers is a memorial complex in the Transnistrian city of Bendery, dedicated to the city's railway workers.

Wikipedia: Мемориал революционной, боевой и трудовой славы железнодорожников (RU)

611 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 5: Памятник А. С. Пушкину

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Памятник А. С. Пушкину

The monument to Alexander Pushkin was unveiled on June 6, 1980 in the Pridnestrovian city of Bender in honor of the 160th anniversary of the first visit of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin to the city.

Wikipedia: Памятник А. С. Пушкину (Бендеры) (RU)


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