Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #16 in Kyoto, Japan


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 18 sights
Distance 10.3 km
Ascend 79 m
Descend 82 m

Explore Kyoto in Japan with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in KyotoIndividual Sights in Kyoto

Sight 1: 天寧寺

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天寧寺 須原宏志 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Tenneiji Temple is a temple of the Soto sect located in Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan, with the main shrine of Shakyamuni Buddha and the name of the mountain Banshozan.

Wikipedia: 天寧寺 (京都市) (JA)

455 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 2: 上御霊神社

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Kamigoryōjinja is a shrine located in Kamigorei-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The former company name was Fusha. The name of the shrine corresponds to the lower Gorei Shrine, and the official name of the religious corporation is now "Mirei Shrine".

Wikipedia: 上御霊神社 (JA)

535 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 3: 大光明寺

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Daikōmyō-ji (大光明寺) is a Buddhist temple in Kamigyō-ku, Kyoto, Japan. It is affiliated with the Rinzai school of Buddhism. It was founded in 1339. It is a sub-temple located within the larger Jōtenkaku Museum.

Wikipedia: Daikōmyō-ji (EN)

463 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 4: 承天閣美術館

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The Jotenkaku Museum of Art is an art museum located in the precincts of Sōkokuji Temple in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture.

Wikipedia: 承天閣美術館 (JA)

631 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 5: 十念寺

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Junenji Temple is a temple of the Nishiyama Jodo sect located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The name of the mountain is Huagu Mountain. The honzon is Amitabha.

Wikipedia: 十念寺 (京都市) (JA)

941 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 6: 大聖寺

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Daishoji Temple is a single temple of the Rinzai sect located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The name of the mountain is Mt. Mountain. The main Buddha is Buddha. Also known as the Goji Palace, it is a nunnery temple related to the Emperor's family where 24 successive princes have lived. It occupies part of the site of the Muromachi Shogunate's flower palace.

Wikipedia: 大聖寺 (京都市) (JA)

842 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 7: 久本院

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Kuhon-in Temple is a sub-temple of Myoken-ji Temple located in Teranouchi-dori Shinmachi Nishi-iru, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, and is a sub-temple of Myoken-ji Temple. Its sango (literally, "mountain name"), which is the title prefixed to the name of a Buddhist temple, is Gusokusan. Tasshi Hoen (Hanju-e) is a Buddhist temple. In the Azuchi-Momoyama period, he restored the temple under the protection of Shirojiro CHAYA, a wealthy merchant, and he guarded the statue.

Wikipedia: 久本院 (JA)

174 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 8: Myoken-ji Temple

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Myōkenji Temple is the main temple of Nichiren Buddhism located in Myokenji-maemachi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The name of the mountain is Mt. Guashi. The main temple is the Three Treasures. There are nine temples at the top of the tower. It is also called "Shikai Chanting" and "Shijomon-ryu". At the three temples of Myokenji, Myokakuji, and Rishonji, it is called "Ryuge no Mitsugusoku". The current resident is the 68th Oikawa Nichishu Kanshu (from Motoyama Myokaku-ji Temple, Jinzan, Shrine Dharma).

Wikipedia: 妙顕寺 (京都市) (JA)

276 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 9: 尊陽院

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Sonyoin is a temple of Nichiren Buddhism located in Honhoji-maemachi, Ogawa-tsuji-nouchi-nouchi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan. The head of the pagoda of the venerable temple Honhoji Temple (in addition to the Sonyo-in, there is a Kyogyo-in and a Kyozo-in). Parent Teacher Law Relationship.

Wikipedia: 尊陽院 (JA)

224 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 10: 教行院

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Kyōgyōin is a temple of Nichiren Buddhism located in Honhoji-maemachi, Ogawa-tsuji-nouchi-nouchi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan. The head of the pagoda of the venerable temple Honhoji Temple (in addition to the Kyogyo-in, there is the Soyo-in Temple and the Kyozo-in). Parent Teacher Law Relationship.

Wikipedia: 教行院 (JA)

360 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 11: 大應寺

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Daioji Temple is a temple of the Rinzai sect of Sōkokuji sect located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. It used to be Nichiren Buddhism. The name of the mountain is Mt. Kongo. The current honzon is Shakyamuni.

Wikipedia: 大応寺 (京都市) (JA)

662 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 12: myorenji

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Myorenji Temple is a temple of the main temple of the Honmon Hoka sect located in Myorenji-maemachi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The name of the mountain is Uboku-san. The main Buddha is the Ten Realms Mandala. It is famous for Fuyo.

Wikipedia: 妙蓮寺 (京都市) (JA)

664 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 13: 京都市考古資料館

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京都市考古資料館 PlusMinus / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Kyoto City Archaeological Museum (京都市考古資料館) is located in Kyoto and showcases the city's archaeological findings. The building was constructed in 1914.

Wikipedia: Kyoto City Archaeological Museum (EN)

1462 meters / 18 minutes

Sight 14: Kitano Tenman-gū Shrine

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Kitano Tenmangū is a Shinto shrine in Kamigyō-ku, Kyoto, Japan.

Wikipedia: Kitano Tenmangū (EN), Website

572 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 15: 宥清寺

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Yuseiji Temple is a temple of the Honmon Buddhist sect in Kamigyo -ku, Kyoto. The mountain name is Mt. Aoyagi. The main statue is the Tenkai Mandala. It is the oldest Nichiren sect temple in Kansai.

Wikipedia: 宥清寺 (JA)

449 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 16: Daishogun Hachi Shrine

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Daishogun Hachijinja is a shrine located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The main deity is the Rustic Son. The original priest was a great general. The name of the shrine, "Eight Shrines," comes from the place where it enshrines the Eight Generals, the calendar god of the Yin-Yang Way, and later it also overlapped with the meaning of the Eight Pillars of the Son God of the Rustic Spirit.

Wikipedia: 大将軍八神社 (JA)

1587 meters / 19 minutes

Sight 17: Shunkouin temple

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Shunkō-in is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan and belongs to the Myōshin-ji school, which is the largest among 14 Japanese Rinzai Zen Buddhist schools. The temple was established in 1590 by Horio Yoshiharu, who was a feudal lord, or daimyō, of Matsue in present-day Shimane Prefecture. This temple houses important historical objects that reflect the multifaceted religious and artistic atmosphere in Japan from the sixteenth century onward.

Wikipedia: Shunkō-in (EN)

46 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 18: Myōshinji Temple

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Myōshinji Temple

Myōshin-ji is a temple complex in Kyoto, Japan, which serves as the head temple of the associated branch of Rinzai Zen Buddhism. The Myōshin-ji School is by far the largest school in Rinzai Zen, approximately as big as the other thirteen branches combined: it contains within it about 3,400 temples throughout Japan, together with a handful overseas, of the approximately six thousand total Rinzai temples, and also has nineteen associated monasteries, of the total of forty Rinzai monasteries and one nunnery.

Wikipedia: Myōshin-ji (EN)


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