Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #12 in Kyoto, Japan


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 2.9 km
Ascend 20 m
Descend 22 m

Explore Kyoto in Japan with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in KyotoIndividual Sights in Kyoto

Sight 1: 水火天満宮

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Suikatenmangu is a shrine located in Kamigyo -ku, Kyoto. The old business is a village shrine. It is said to be a god of waterfall evasion. Locals are popular as "Tenjin of Waterfire".

Wikipedia: 水火天満宮 (JA)

89 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 2: 大應寺

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Daioji Temple is a temple of the Rinzai sect of Sōkokuji sect located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. It used to be Nichiren Buddhism. The name of the mountain is Mt. Kongo. The current honzon is Shakyamuni.

Wikipedia: 大応寺 (京都市) (JA)

888 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 3: 明光寺

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Myōkoji Temple is a temple of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji sect in Kyoto. The name of the mountain is Mt. Noya. The honzon is Amitabha.

Wikipedia: 明光寺 (JA)

399 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 4: 上御霊神社

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Kamigoryōjinja is a shrine located in Kamigorei-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The former company name was Fusha. The name of the shrine corresponds to the lower Gorei Shrine, and the official name of the religious corporation is now "Mirei Shrine".

Wikipedia: 上御霊神社 (JA)

455 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 5: 天寧寺

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天寧寺 須原宏志 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Tenneiji Temple is a temple of the Soto sect located in Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan, with the main shrine of Shakyamuni Buddha and the name of the mountain Banshozan.

Wikipedia: 天寧寺 (京都市) (JA)

1104 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 6: Shimogamo Shrine

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Shimogamo Shrine is an important Shinto sanctuary in the Shimogamo district of Kyoto city's Sakyō ward. Its formal name is Kamo-mioya-jinja (賀茂御祖神社). It is one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan and is one of the seventeen Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto which have been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The term Kamo-jinja in Japanese is a general reference to Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, the traditionally linked Kamo shrines of Kyoto; Shimogamo is the older of the pair, being believed to be 100 years older than Kamigamo, and dating to the 6th century, centuries before Kyoto became the capital of Japan. The Kamo-jinja serve the function of protecting Kyoto from malign influences.

Wikipedia: Shimogamo Shrine (EN), Website


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