Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #9 in Rome, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 9.1 km
Ascend 217 m
Descend 207 m

Explore Rome in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Rome

Sight 1: Basilica dei Santi Bonifacio ed Alessio all’Aventino

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The Basilica dei Santi Bonifacio e(d) Alessio is a basilica, rectory church served by the Somaschans, and titular church for a cardinal-priest on the Aventine Hill in the third prefecture of central Rome, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santi Bonifacio ed Alessio (EN)

564 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: Chiesa di Santa Prisca

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Santa Prisca is a titular church of Rome, on the Aventine Hill, for Cardinal-priests. It is recorded as the Titulus Priscae in the acts of the 499 synod.

Wikipedia: Santa Prisca, Rome (EN)

1046 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 3: Oratorio di Santa Silvia

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The Oratory of Santa Silvia is a church in Rome, in the Celio district, in Piazza di San Gregorio: it is one of the three oratories of the Celio, near the church of San Gregorio.

Wikipedia: Oratorio di Santa Silvia al Celio (IT)

0 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 4: Oratorio di Sant'Andrea

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Oratorio di Sant'Andrea

The Oratory of Sant'Andrea is a church in Rome, in the Celio district, in Piazza di San Gregorio: it constitutes one of the three Oratori del Celio, near the church of San Gregorio.

Wikipedia: Oratorio di Sant'Andrea al Celio (IT)

256 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo

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The Basilica of Saints John and Paul on the Caelian Hill is an ancient basilica church in Rome, located on the Caelian Hill. It was originally built in 398.

Wikipedia: Santi Giovanni e Paolo al Celio (EN)

250 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: San Tommaso in Formis all’Arco di Dolabella

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The church of San Tommaso in Formis is a small church in Rome, situated on the Caelian Hill.

Wikipedia: San Tommaso in Formis (EN)

245 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 7: Fontana della Navicella

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Fontana della Navicella

The Fontana della Navicella is a fountain built around a marble and travertine replica of an Ancient Roman sculpture, depicting a decorated Roman Galley, and erected in front of the church of Santa Maria in Domnica of Rome, Italy. While the statue is a copy (1518–1519) made by Andrea Sansovino on commission from Pope Leo X based on fragments discovered near the church.

Wikipedia: Fontana della Navicella, Rome (EN)

252 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 8: Basilica Hilariana

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The basilicas of ancient Rome were civil basilicas that mostly arose in the forensic squares. Basilica Porcia Built in 184 BC From Catone the censor during his censorship, was identified with the remains seen on the north corner of the Roman Forum, between the Curia and the Atrium Libertatis seat of the censors. The remains have a renovation in the Sillana era. The Basilica became the center of intense economic activity and recalled the Egyptian Hypietila Hall in the architectural form. Basilica Sempronia He went on the north-eastern side of the Piazza del Foro Romano, behind the Tabernae Veteres, by the censor Tiberio Sempronio Gracco, in 170 BC Opimia Founded in 121 BC At the north corner of the Roman Forum Piazza by the consul Lucio Opimio together with the renovation of the contiguous temple of Concordia. Probably disappeared on the occasion of the Tiberian reconstruction of the Temple. Basilica Fulvia Also known as Fulvia-Aemilia, it was built on the northeastern side of the Piazza del Foro Romano, behind the Tabernae Novae Argentariae, by the censors of the year 179 BC, probably in place of a previous basilica cited by Plauto and was replaced to the middle of the I century BC from the Basilica Emilia.basilica Emilia It was placed with the name of Basilica Aemilia or Basilica Paulli on the northeastern side of the Piazza del Foro Romano, to replace the Basilica Fulvia or Fulvia-Aemilia, behind the Tabernae Novae Argentariae between 55 and 34 BC. and had various restorations until the fifth century. Basilica Giulia With the name of Basilica Iulia arose on the south-western side of the Roman Forum square starting from 55 BC, instead of the basilica Sempronia and the anti-tabernae veteres. It was inaugurated in 46 BC, but damaged by a fire in 12 BC. It was restored and dedicated to the grandchildren of Augustus, Caio and Lucio Cesari in 12. Destroyed again by the fire of 283 was restored under Diocletian.

Wikipedia: Basiliche civili antiche di Roma (IT)

485 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 9: Basilica dei Ss. Quattro Coronati

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Basilica dei Ss. Quattro Coronati

Santi Quattro Coronati is an ancient basilica in Rome, Italy. The church dates back to the fourth or fifth century, and is devoted to four anonymous saints and martyrs. The complex of the basilica with its two courtyards, the fortified Cardinal Palace with the Saint Silvester Chapel, and the monastery with its cosmatesque cloister is built in a silent and green part of Rome, between the Colosseum and San Giovanni in Laterano, in an out-of-time setting.

Wikipedia: Santi Quattro Coronati (EN)

564 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 10: Domus Aurea

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The Domus Aurea was a vast landscaped complex built by the Emperor Nero largely on the Oppian Hill in the heart of ancient Rome after the great fire in 64 AD had destroyed a large part of the city.

Wikipedia: Domus Aurea (EN)

729 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 11: Basilica di San Martino ai Monti

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San Martino ai Monti, officially known as Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti, is a minor basilica in Rome, Italy, in the Rione Monti neighbourhood. It is located near the edge of the Parco del Colle Oppio, near the corner of Via Equizia and Viale del Monte Oppio, about five to six blocks south of Santa Maria Maggiore.

Wikipedia: San Martino ai Monti (EN), Website

391 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 12: Teatro Brancaccio

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The Teatro Brancaccio, also known as Politeama Brancaccio, is a 1,300-seat theatre and cinema located in Esquilino, Rome, Italy.

Wikipedia: Teatro Brancaccio (EN), Url, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube

579 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 13: Caligula's Nymphaeum (Horti Lamiani)

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Caligula's Nymphaeum (Horti Lamiani)

The Horti Lamiani was a luxurious complex consisting of an ancient Roman villa with large gardens and outdoor rooms. It was located on the Esquiline Hill in Rome, in the area around the present Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. The horti were created by the consul Lucius Aelius Lamia, a friend of Emperor Tiberius, and they soon became imperial property. They are of exceptional historical-topographical importance. Along with other ancient Roman horti on the Quirinal, Viminal and Esquiline hills, they were discovered during the construction work for the expansion of Rome at the end of 1800s.

Wikipedia: Horti Lamiani (EN)

340 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 14: Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino

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Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino is a 20th-century parochial church and titular church on the Esquiline Hill in Rome, dedicated to Mary Immaculate.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino (EN)

355 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 15: Chiesa di Sant'Anna al Laterano

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Chiesa di Sant'Anna al Laterano

The church of Sant'Anna al Laterano is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, in the Monti district, in Via Merulana.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Sant'Anna al Laterano (IT)

621 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 16: Battistero Lateranense

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Battistero Lateranense Kent Wang / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Lateran Baptistery stands apart from the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome, to which it has become joined by later construction. This baptistery was founded by Pope Sixtus III in 440, perhaps on an earlier structure, for a legend grew up that Constantine the Great had been baptized there and enriched the structure. However, it is more likely that if he was baptized it was in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire and possibly by an Arian bishop. This baptistry was for many generations the only baptistery in Rome, and its domed octagonal structure, centered upon the large octagonal basin for full immersions, provided a model for others throughout Italy, and even an iconic motif of illuminated manuscripts, "The fountain of Life".

Wikipedia: Lateran Baptistery (EN), Website

1139 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 17: Museo storico dei granatieri di Sardegna

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The Historical Museum of the Grenadiers of Sardinia is located in Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 7 in Rome.

Wikipedia: Museo storico dei granatieri di Sardegna (IT)

166 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 18: Carceres del Circo Variano

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Circus Varianus was a large Roman circus, started during the reign of Caracalla and located in the palatial villa complex known as the Horti Spei Veteris, which included the Amphitheatrum Castrense. This circus was where Elagabalus raced chariots under the family name of Varius, giving the site its name. The circus was later restructured by Elagabalus, who removed the western end to create more space for the palace by moving the starting gates (carcares) back and building two towers at the end.

Wikipedia: Circus Varianus (EN)

1167 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 19: Sepolcro di Largo Talamo

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The Sepulchre of Largo Talamo is located in Largo Eduardo Talamo in the San Lorenzo area of Rome.

Wikipedia: Sepolcro di largo Talamo (IT)


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