Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #8 in Rome, Italy
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11.1 km
252 m
Experience Rome in Italy in a whole new way with our free self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.
Activities in RomeIndividual Sights in RomeSight 1: Chiesa di Santa Caterina Martire
Sight 2: Paul VI Audience Hall
The Paul VI Audience Hall, also known as the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, is an audience hall in which the Pope has held various audiences and conferences.
Sight 3: Oratorio di San Pietro in Borgo
The church of San Pietro in Borgo is an oratory located in Piazza del Sant'Uffizio in Rome, near Porta Cavalleggeri. It is located near the Vatican City, in an Italian area subject to extraterritoriality in favor of the Holy See.
Sight 4: Capella Santa Monica degli Agostiniani
The Church Santa Monica degli Agostiniani is a 20th-century Augustinian titular church in central Rome, immediately south of the Vatican, dedicated to Saint Monica.
Sight 5: Chiesa di Santo Spirito in Sassia
Church of the Holy Spirit in the Saxon District is a 12th-century titular church in Rome, Italy. It is in Borgo Santo Spirito, a street which got its name from the church, placed in the southern part of Rione Borgo and has been connected since its foundation to the adjacent Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Sassia. The current holder of the titulus is Cardinal-Deacon Dominique Mamberti. It has been the official sanctuary of Divine Mercy since 1994.
Sight 6: Chiesa dei Santi Celso e Giuliano
Santi Celso e Giuliano is a minor basilica and papal chapel of the Diocese of Rome in the care of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. It has held its basilica status by custom and practice since ancient times. The church is located on Vicolo del Curato number 12, just off Via del Banco di Santo Spirito, the road leading to Ponte Sant'Angelo.
Sight 7: San Salvatore in Lauro
San Salvatore in Lauro is a Catholic church in central Rome, Italy. It is located on a piazza of the same name in the rione Ponte. It stands on Via Vecchiarelli, just south of the Lungotevere Tor di Nona and north of via dei Coronari. It is the "national church" of the marchigiani, the inhabitants of the Marche region of Italy. The current protector of this titulus is Cardinal-Deacon Angelo Comastri.
Sight 8: Cloisters of Bramante
The Chiostro del Bramante is an Italian Renaissance building in Rome, commissioned by Cardinal Oliviero Carafa in around 1500, and designed by the architect Donato Bramante.
Sight 9: San Nicola dei Lorenesi
The Church of Saint Nicholas of the Lorrainers is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Nicholas and the apostle Saint Andrew. It is one of the national churches in Rome dedicated to France. Given to the Lorrainers by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, the pre-existing church of St. Nicholas was redesigned by Lorrainer architect François Desjardins, in 1632.
Sight 10: Chiesa di Sant'Antonio in Campo Marzio
The church of Saint Anthony in Campo Marzio, known as Saint Anthony of the Portuguese, is a Baroque Roman Catholic titular church in Rome, dedicated to Saint Anthony of Lisbon. The church functions as a national church of the Portuguese community residing in that city and pilgrims visiting Rome and the Vatican. It also serves the Brazilian community.
Sight 11: Sant’Ivo dei Bretoni
The Church of Saint Ivo of the Bretons is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Ivo of Kermartin, patron of Brittany. It is one of the national churches in Rome dedicated to Brittany.
Sight 12: Fontana del Trullo
The Fontana di Piazza Nicosia is a fountain in Rome, Italy, is the first of the modern fountains of Rome. It is located in the square with the same name.
Sight 13: San Gregorio dei Muratori
The church of San Gregorio dei muratori is an oratory in Rome, in the Campo Marzio district, in Via Leccosa.
Sight 14: Basilica di San Lorenzo in Lucina

The Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence in Lucina is a Roman Catholic parish, titular church, and minor basilica in central Rome, Italy. The basilica is located in Piazza di San Lorenzo in Lucina in the Rione Colonna, about two blocks behind the Palazzo Montecitorio, proximate to the Via del Corso.
Sight 15: Santi Claudio e Andrea dei Borgognoni
The Church of SS. Claudius and Andrew of the Burgundians is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Claudius of Besançon and the apostle Saint Andrew. It is one of the national churches in Rome dedicated to France. Built from 1728 to 1730, the church was designed by French architect Antoine Dérizet.
Sight 16: Chiesa di Santa Maria in Via
Santa Maria in Via is a church in Rome. The church or a chapel existed in the 9th century, but was rebuilt following reports of a miracle. In 1165, it is recorded as Santa Maria in Via, whose appellative means "on the Way", with a reference to the nearby Via Flaminia.
Sight 17: Santissimo Sacramento al Tritone
The Church of the Blessed Sacrament is an oratory in Rome, in the Trevi district, located in Piazza Poli, along Via del Tritone.
Sight 18: Aqueduct Ruins
The Aqua Virgo was one of the eleven Roman aqueducts that supplied the city of ancient Rome. It was completed in 19 BC by Marcus Agrippa, during the reign of the emperor Augustus and was built mainly to supply the contemporaneous Baths of Agrippa in the Campus Martius.
Sight 19: Basilica di Sant' Andrea delle Fratte

Sant'Andrea delle Fratte is a 17th-century basilica church in Rome, Italy, dedicated to St. Andrew. The Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Andreae Apostoli de Hortis is Ennio Antonelli.
Sight 20: Santa Maria d'Itria
Santa Maria Odigitria, sometimes Santa Maria dei Siciliani, is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, located at civico 82 on via del Tritone in the Colonna district.
Sight 21: Sant’Ildefonso in Via Sistina
The church of Saints Ildefonso and Tommaso da Villanova is a church in Rome, in the Colonna district, in Via Sistina.
Wikipedia: Chiesa dei Santi Ildefonso e Tommaso da Villanova (IT)
Sight 22: San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
The church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, also called San Carlino, is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, Italy. The church was designed by the architect Francesco Borromini and it was his first independent commission. It is an iconic masterpiece of Baroque architecture, built as part of a complex of monastic buildings on the Quirinal Hill for the Spanish Trinitarians, an order dedicated to the freeing of Christian slaves. He received the commission in 1634, under the patronage of Cardinal Francesco Barberini, whose palace was across the road. However, this financial backing did not last and subsequently the building project suffered various financial difficulties. It is one of at least three churches in Rome dedicated to San Carlo, including San Carlo ai Catinari and San Carlo al Corso.
Sight 23: Giardini del Quirinale
The gardens of the Quirinal Palace constitute the park of the Quirinal Palace, surrounded within the walls of the structure itself, closely connected with the evolution of the monumental complex. The extension of the gardens is about 4 hectares. Access is guaranteed from Via del Quirinale crossing Porta Giardini and the style alternates equally between that of the Italian garden and that of the English garden. A separate part of the garden consists of the "Boschetto" which has unique avenues covered with green pergolas, hence the name.
Sight 24: Santa Maria in Trivio

Santa Maria in Trivio is a church in Rome. It is dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus, and is located on Piazza dei Crociferi in rione Trevi. It is near the Fountain of Trevi.
Sight 25: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Concezione in Campo Marzio
Santa Maria della Concezione is a church in Rome, located on Piazza Campo Marzio in the Campo Marzio rione. It serves as the national church in Rome for Syriac Catholics.
Wikipedia: Santa Maria della Concezione in Campo Marzio (EN)
Sight 26: San Salvatore alle Coppelle
San Salvatore alle Coppelle is a church in Rome, on piazza delle Coppelle in the Sant'Eustachio district.
Sight 27: Santa Maria Maddalena in Campo Marzio
The Santa Maria Maddalena is a Catholic church in Rome, Italy dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene. It is the conventual church of the adjacent General Curia of the Clerks Regular, Ministers to the Sick (Camillians), the world headquarters of the order. Located on the Via della Maddalena, one of the streets leading from the Piazza della Rotonda and the Pantheon in the Campo Marzio area, it is also Romes regional church for the people of Abruzzo.
Sight 28: Basilica di Santa Maria sopra Minerva
Santa Maria sopra Minerva is one of the major churches of the Order of Preachers in Rome, Italy. The church's name derives from the fact that the first Christian church structure on the site was built directly over the ruins or foundations of a temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis, which had been erroneously ascribed to the Greco-Roman goddess Minerva.
Sight 29: Chiesa di San Giovanni della Pigna
San Giovanni della Pigna is a small Roman Catholic church located on Traversa Vicolo della Minerva in the rione Pigna of Rome, Italy. The church was made a cardinalate deaconry by Pope John Paul II in 1985.
Sight 30: Santi Benedetto e Scolastica all’Argentina
Santi Benedetto e Scolastica is a church in Rome.
Sight 31: Santa Maria in Monterone
Santa Maria in Monterone is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, Italy. Its suffix originates from the Sienese Monteroni family, whose patronage rebuilt the church and built a small hospice next to it for pilgrims from Siena. It is located on Via Santa Maria in Monterone in the Sant'Eustachio rione. Next to the church is a Redemptorist monastery, whose clergy manage the church.
Sight 32: Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza
Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza is a Catholic church in Rome. Built in 1642–1660 by the architect Francesco Borromini, the church is widely regarded a masterpiece of Roman Baroque architecture.
Sight 33: Sant’Eustachio in Campo Marzio
Sant'Eustachio is a Roman Catholic titular church and minor basilica in Rome, named for the martyr Saint Eustace. It is located on Via di Sant'Eustachio in the rione Sant'Eustachio, a block west of the Pantheon and via della Rotonda, and a block east of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza and the Via della Dogana Vecchia.
Sight 34: Church of Saint Louis the French
The Church of St. Louis of the French is a Catholic church near Piazza Navona in Rome. The church is dedicated to the patron saints of France: Virgin Mary, Dionysius the Areopagite and King Louis IX of France.
Sight 35: Fountain of the Four Rivers

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi is a fountain in the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy. It was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for Pope Innocent X whose family palace, the Palazzo Pamphili, faced onto the piazza as did the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone of which Innocent was the sponsor.
Sight 36: Piazza Navona
Get Ticket*Piazza Navona is a public open space in Rome, Italy. It is built on the site of the 1st century AD Stadium of Domitian and follows the form of the open space of the stadium in an elongated oval. The ancient Romans went there to watch the agones ("games"), and hence it was known as "Circus Agonalis". It is believed that over time the name changed to in avone to navone and eventually to navona.
Sight 37: Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone
Sant'Agnese in Agone is a 17th-century Baroque church in Rome, Italy. It faces onto the Piazza Navona, one of the main urban spaces in the historic centre of the city and the site where the Early Christian Saint Agnes was martyred in the ancient Stadium of Domitian. Construction began in 1652 under the architects Girolamo Rainaldi and his son Carlo Rainaldi. After numerous quarrels, the other main architect involved was Francesco Borromini.
Sight 38: Chiesa della Natività di Gesù
Natività di Gesù is a church on Piazza Pasquino in the Parione rione of Rome. It is the national church in Rome of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Sight 39: Fontana del Moro
Fontana del Moro is a fountain located at the southern end of the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy. It depicts a nautical scene with tritons, dolphins, and a conch shell. It was originally designed by Giacomo della Porta in the 1570s with later contributions from Gian Lorenzo Bernini in the 1650s. Bernini sculpted a large terracotta model of the central figure, which Giovanni Antonio Mari used as a guide when sculpting the final figure. There is a debate around whether or not the central figure was intended by Bernini to depict a Moor. Some of the original sculptures were moved to the Galleria Borghese in 1874. In 2011, the fountain was vandalized.
Sight 40: San Lorenzo in Damaso
The Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence in Damaso or simply San Lorenzo in Damaso is a parish and titular church in central Rome, Italy that is dedicated to St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr. It is incorporated into the Palazzo della Cancelleria, which enjoys the extraterritoriality of the Holy See.
Sight 41: Fountain of Tureen
The Fountain of the Terrina is a Roman fountain currently located in Piazza della Chiesa Nuova in the Parione district. The fountain, until 1899, was located in the center of Piazza Campo de' Fiori, where today there is the monument to Giordano Bruno by Ettore Ferrari. It remained in the municipal warehouses for a quarter of a century, and in 1924 it was relocated to its current location.
Sight 42: San Filippo Neri
San Filippo Neri is a deconsecrated church in Rome, important for historical and artistic reasons. The church, facing the Via Giulia, was built during the Baroque age. San Filippo was supposed to be demolished together with the surrounding neighborhood in the late 1930s, but due to the onset of WWII the demolition was halted. Abandoned and desecrated after the war, it has been restored in 2000, but maintains a secular usage and is not accessible.
Sight 43: Chiesa di Santa Lucia del Gonfalone
Santa Lucia del Gonfalone is a church in the diocese of Rome, Italy. It is located on Via dei Banchi Vecchi just one block south of Corso Vittorio Emanuele. The former site of the Archconfraternity of the Gonfalone, the Claretian Missionaries have their provincial headquarters here. The church was made a cardinalate deaconry by Pope John Paul II on 21 October 2003.
Sight 44: Chiesa di Santa Maria del Suffragio
Santa Maria del Suffragio is a 17th-century church in the center Rome, Italy. It lies on the via Giulia, in the rione Ponte.
Sight 45: Chiesa di San Biagio della Pagnotta
San Biagio della Pagnotta or San Biagio degli Armeni is a church in Rome, in the Ponte district, on via Giulia, near Palazzo Sacchetti. It is dedicated to Saint Blaise and is the national church of the Armenian community in Rome.
Sight 46: Chiesa di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini
The Basilica of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini is a minor basilica and a titular church in the Ponte rione of Rome, Italy.
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