Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #13 in Rome, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 13 sights
Distance 7.8 km
Ascend 115 m
Descend 130 m

Explore Rome in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Rome

Sight 1: San Damaso

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San Damaso

The church of San Damaso is a church in Rome, in the Gianicolense district, in Via di Monte Verde.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Damaso (IT)

1480 meters / 18 minutes

Sight 2: Chiesa di Gesù Divino Lavoratore

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Chiesa di Gesù Divino Lavoratore

The Church of Jesus the Divine Worker is a Roman Catholic church located in Via Oderisi da Gubbio, in the Portuense district.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Gesù Divino Lavoratore (Roma) (IT), Website

636 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 3: Teatro India

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The India Theater is a theater in Rome, the second home of the Teatro di Roma Foundation after the Argentina Theater.

Wikipedia: Teatro India (IT), Website

1941 meters / 23 minutes

Sight 4: Chiesa di Santa Maria Liberatrice

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Santa Maria Liberatrice a Monte Testaccio is a 20th-century parochial church and titular church on the Monte Testaccio in Rome, dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Liberatrice a Monte Testaccio (EN)

114 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 5: Teatro Petrolini

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Teatro Petrolini is a theatre in Rome founded by Fiorenzo Fiorentini and Paolo Gatti in January 1994.

Wikipedia: Teatro Petrolini (IT)

407 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 6: Fontana delle Anfore

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The Fontana delle Anfore, located in Testaccio, a quarter of Rome, Italy. It was completed in 1927, by Pietro Lombardi after he won a competition the municipality of Rome set in 1924 for new local fountains. The motive of the amphorae refers to the Monte Testaccio and to the symbol of the whole quarter.

Wikipedia: Fontana delle Anfore (EN)

531 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 7: Monte Testaccio

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Monte Testaccio

Monte Testaccio or Monte Testaceo, also known as Monte dei Cocci, is an artificial mound in Rome composed almost entirely of testae, fragments of broken ancient Roman pottery, nearly all discarded amphorae dating from the time of the Roman Empire, some of which were labelled with tituli picti. It is one of the largest spoil heaps found anywhere in the ancient world, covering an area of 2 hectares at its base and with a volume of approximately 580,000 cubic metres (760,000 cu yd), containing the remains of an estimated 53 million amphorae. It has a circumference of nearly a kilometre (0.6 mi) and stands 35 metres (115 ft) high, though it was probably considerably higher in ancient times. It stands a short distance away from the east bank of the River Tiber, near the Horrea Galbae where the state-controlled reserve of olive oil was stored in the late 2nd century AD. The mound later had both religious and military significance.

Wikipedia: Monte Testaccio (EN)

616 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 8: Protestant Cemetery

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Protestant Cemetery

The Non-Catholic Cemetery, also referred to as the Protestant Cemetery or the English Cemetery, is a private cemetery in the rione of Testaccio in Rome. It is near Porta San Paolo and adjacent to the Pyramid of Cestius, a small-scale Egyptian-style pyramid built between 18 and 12 BCE as a tomb and later incorporated into the section of the Aurelian Walls that borders the cemetery. It has Mediterranean cypress, pomegranate and other trees, and a grassy meadow. It is the final resting place of non-Catholics including but not exclusive to Protestants or British people. The earliest known burial is that of a Dr Arthur, a Protestant medical doctor hailing from Edinburgh, in 1716. The English poets John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley, as well as Russian painter Karl Briullov and Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci are buried there.

Wikipedia: Protestant Cemetery, Rome (EN)

356 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 9: Pyramid of Cestius

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The pyramid of Cestius is a Roman Era pyramid in Rome, Italy, near the Porta San Paolo and the Protestant Cemetery. It was built as a tomb for Gaius Cestius, a member of the Epulones religious corporation. It stands at a fork between two ancient roads, the Via Ostiensis and another road that ran west to the Tiber along the approximate line of the modern Via Marmorata. Due to its incorporation into the city's fortifications, it is today one of the best-preserved ancient buildings in Rome.

Wikipedia: Pyramid of Cestius (EN), Website

54 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 10: Porta San Paolo

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The Porta San Paolo is one of the southern gates in the 3rd-century Aurelian Walls of Rome, Italy. The Via Ostiense Museum is housed within the gatehouse. It is in the Ostiense quarter; just to the west is the Roman Pyramid of Cestius, an Egyptian-style pyramid, and beyond that is the Protestant Cemetery.

Wikipedia: Porta San Paolo (EN)

548 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 11: Monumento equestre di Giorgio Castriota

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Monumento equestre di Giorgio Castriota

Gjergj Kastrioti, commonly known as Skanderbeg, was an Albanian feudal lord and military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in what is today Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia.

Wikipedia: Skanderbeg (EN)

417 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 12: Basilica di San Saba

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Basilica di San Saba

San Saba is an ancient basilica church in Rome, Italy. It lies on the so-called Piccolo Aventino, which is an area close to the ancient Aurelian Walls next to the Aventine Hill and Caelian Hill.

Wikipedia: San Saba, Rome (EN)

737 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 13: Basilica di Santa Balbina

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Basilica di Santa Balbina

Santa Balbina is a Roman Catholic basilica church in located in the Aventine rione, adjacent to the Baths of Caracalla in Rome.

Wikipedia: Santa Balbina (EN)


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