Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #10 in Rome, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 9.5 km
Ascend 201 m
Descend 259 m

Explore Rome in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Rome

Sight 1: Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Peter Chanel

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The church of Santa Maria del Rosario in Pompeii is a Roman Catholic church located in Via Cernaia, in the Castro Pretorio district.

Wikipedia: Chiesa del Santissimo Rosario di Pompei (IT)

1163 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 2: San Basilio agli Orti Sallustiani

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San Basilio agli Orti Sallustiani

San Basilio agli Orti Sallustiani is a rectory church in Rome, on via Trevi in the Trevi district. It is dedicated to Saint Basil. The church is a secondary place of worship for the Parish of San Camillo de Lellis.

Wikipedia: San Basilio agli Orti Sallustiani (EN)

645 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 3: Basilica di Sant' Andrea delle Fratte

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Basilica di Sant' Andrea delle Fratte FlagUploader (Panairjdde) / CC SA 1.0

Sant'Andrea delle Fratte is a 17th-century basilica church in Rome, Italy, dedicated to St. Andrew. The Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Andreae Apostoli de Hortis is Ennio Antonelli.

Wikipedia: Sant'Andrea delle Fratte (EN)

733 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 4: San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

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The church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, also called San Carlino, is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, Italy. The church was designed by the architect Francesco Borromini and it was his first independent commission. It is an iconic masterpiece of Baroque architecture, built as part of a complex of monastic buildings on the Quirinal Hill for the Spanish Trinitarians, an order dedicated to the freeing of Christian slaves. He received the commission in 1634, under the patronage of Cardinal Francesco Barberini, whose palace was across the road. However, this financial backing did not last and subsequently the building project suffered various financial difficulties. It is one of at least three churches in Rome dedicated to San Carlo, including San Carlo ai Catinari and San Carlo al Corso.

Wikipedia: San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (EN)

735 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 5: Basilica di Santa Pudenziana al Viminale

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Basilica di Santa Pudenziana al Viminale Rione I Monti / CC BY 4.0

Santa Pudenziana is a church of Rome, a basilica built in the 4th century and dedicated to Saint Pudentiana, sister of Praxedes and daughter of Pudens. It is one of the national churches in Rome, associated with Filipinos.

Wikipedia: Santa Pudenziana (EN)

121 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 6: Chiesa del Bambin Gesù a via Urbana

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Chiesa del Bambin Gesù a via Urbana Pippo-b / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of the Infant Jesus on the Esquiline is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, Italy, in the Monti district, in Via Urbana.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Gesù Bambino all'Esquilino (IT)

586 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 7: Santi Sergio e Bacco in Suburra

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Santi Sergio e Bacco in Suburra

The Cathedral of Saints Sergius and Bacchus of the Ukrainians, is a Catholic place of worship of the Byzantine-Ukrainian Eastern rite in the historic center of Rome, in the Monti district, in Piazza della Madonna dei Monti. Since 2019 it has been the cathedral of the Apostolic Exarchate for the Ukrainian Catholic faithful of the Byzantine rite residing in Italy. The church is dedicated to two holy Syrian martyrs, officers of the Roman army, martyred in 303 under Emperor Diocletian. It is the national church of Ukrainians.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dei Santi Sergio e Bacco degli Ucraini (IT)

1056 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 8: Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Fontana di Trevi

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Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi is a Baroque church in Rome, the capital of Italy. Built from 1646 to 1650 to the design of architect Martino Longhi the Younger and located in close proximity to the Trevi Fountain and the Quirinal Palace, for which it served as parish church, it is notable as the place where the precordia and embalmed hearts of 22 popes are preserved.

Wikipedia: Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi (EN)

391 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 9: San Marcello al Corso

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San Marcello al Corso, a church in Rome, Italy, is a cardinalitial titular church whose cardinal-protector is normally of the order of cardinal priests.

Wikipedia: San Marcello al Corso (EN)

213 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 10: Santa Maria in Via Lata

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Santa Maria in Via Lata No machine-readable author provided. Torvindus~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). / CC BY-SA 3.0

Santa Maria in Via Lata is a church on the Via del Corso, in Rome, Italy. It stands diagonal from the church of San Marcello al Corso.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria in Via Lata (EN)

351 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 11: Chiesa del Gesù

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The Church of the Gesù is the mother church of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), a Catholic religious order. Officially named Chiesa del Santissimo Nome di Gesù all'Argentina, its façade is "the first truly baroque façade", introducing the baroque style into architecture. The church served as a model for innumerable Jesuit churches all over the world, especially in the Americas. Its paintings in the nave, crossing, and side chapels became models for Jesuit churches throughout Italy and Europe, as well as those of other orders. The Church of the Gesù is located in the Piazza del Gesù in Rome.

Wikipedia: Church of the Gesù (EN)

750 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 12: San Salvatore alle Coppelle

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San Salvatore alle Coppelle is a church in Rome, on piazza delle Coppelle in the Sant'Eustachio district.

Wikipedia: San Salvatore alle Coppelle (EN)

221 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 13: Basilica of Saint Augustine in Campo Marzio

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The Basilica of Saint Augustine in Camp Martius, commonly known as Basilica of Saint Augustine is a Roman Catholic minor basilica in Rome. The titular church is dedicated to Saint Augustine of Hippo and serves as the motherhouse of the Augustinian Order.

Wikipedia: Sant'Agostino, Rome (EN)

33 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 14: Basilica di Sant’Apollinare alle Terme

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The Basilica di Sant'Apollinare alle Terme Neroniane-Alessandrine is a titular church in Rome, Italy, dedicated to St Apollinare, the first bishop of Ravenna.

Wikipedia: Sant'Apollinare, Rome (EN)

235 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 15: San Nicola dei Lorenesi

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San Nicola dei Lorenesi

The Church of Saint Nicholas of the Lorrainers is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Nicholas and the apostle Saint Andrew. It is one of the national churches in Rome dedicated to France. Given to the Lorrainers by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, the pre-existing church of St. Nicholas was redesigned by Lorrainer architect François Desjardins, in 1632.

Wikipedia: San Nicola dei Lorenesi (EN)

584 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 16: Basilica di Sant'Andrea della Valle

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Sant'Andrea della Valle is a minor basilica in the rione of Sant'Eustachio of the city of Rome, Italy. The basilica is the general seat for the religious order of the Theatines. It is located at Piazza Vidoni, at the intersection of Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Corso Rinascimento.

Wikipedia: Sant'Andrea della Valle (EN)

314 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 17: San Lorenzo in Damaso

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The Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence in Damaso or simply San Lorenzo in Damaso is a parish and titular church in central Rome, Italy that is dedicated to St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr. It is incorporated into the Palazzo della Cancelleria, which enjoys the extraterritoriality of the Holy See.

Wikipedia: San Lorenzo in Damaso (EN)

266 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 18: San Girolamo della Carità

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San Girolamo della Carità is a church in Rome, Italy, located near the Palazzo Farnese and Campo de' Fiori.

Wikipedia: San Girolamo della Carità (EN)

1117 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 19: San Giacomo alla Lungara

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San Giacomo alla Lungara

San Giacomo alla Lungara is a church in Rome (Italy), in the Rione Trastevere, facing on Via della Lungara. It is also called San Giacomo in Settimiano or in Settignano, due to its vicinity to Porta Settimiana, built by Septimius Severus and included by Aurelianus within the city walls.

Wikipedia: San Giacomo alla Lungara (EN)


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