Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #5 in Naples, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 19 sights
Distance 7.8 km
Ascend 322 m
Descend 311 m

Explore Naples in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in NaplesIndividual Sights in Naples

Sight 1: Chiesa di San Pasquale a Chiaia

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The church of San Pasquale a Chiaia is one of the historic churches in Naples; it stands on the square of the same name in the Chiaia district.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Pasquale a Chiaia (IT)

751 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 2: Chiesa di Santa Caterina a Chiaia

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Chiesa di Santa Caterina a Chiaia

Santa Caterina a Chiaia is a Roman Catholic church located on via Santa Caterina 76 in Naples, Italy. It is located near Piazza dei Martiri in the Chiaia section of the city, near where Via Santa Caterina flows toward the tree-shaded Via Chiaia.

Wikipedia: Santa Caterina a Chiaia (EN)

194 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 3: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Mercede presso Sant'Orsola a Chiaia

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Sant'Orsola a Chiaia is a church in largo Sant'Orsola in the quartieri of Chiaia in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Sant'Orsola a Chiaia (EN)

146 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli a Pizzofalcone

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Santa Maria degli Angeli a Pizzofalcone is a Baroque-style church in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria degli Angeli a Pizzofalcone (EN)

525 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 5: Chiesa di San Carlo alle Mortelle

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San Carlo alle Mortelle is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church in central Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Carlo alle Mortelle (EN)

313 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 6: Chiesa di Santa Caterina da Siena

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The church of Santa Caterina da Siena is located in the city center of Naples, Italy, and while built in the 16th century, the interior was decorated by Baroque era artists over the next two centuries.

Wikipedia: Santa Caterina da Siena, Naples (EN)

339 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 7: Chiesa di San Pantaleone

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The church of San Pantaleone is a place of worship in Naples, located in the Spanish Quarters, in Via San Pantaleone.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Pantaleone (Napoli) (IT)

210 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 8: Chiesa di Sant'Anna in Rosario di Palazzo

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Sant'Anna di Palazzo is a church in the quartiere of San Ferdinando in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Sant'Anna di Palazzo (EN)

383 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 9: Basilica di San Francesco di Paola

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Basilica di San Francesco di Paola

San Francesco di Paola is a prominent church located to the west in Piazza del Plebiscito, the main square of Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Francesco di Paola, Naples (EN)

585 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 10: Chiesa dell'Immacolatella a Pizzofalcone

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The Church of the Immacolatella in Pizzofalcone is a religious building in Naples, located on the Echia hill, on the hill of Pizzofalcone, in the San Ferdinando district.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dell'Immacolatella a Pizzofalcone (IT)

1089 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 11: Chiesa della Concezione al Chiatamone

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Chiesa della Concezione al Chiatamone Baku / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of the Conception at Chiatamone is a seventeenth-century church located in Naples, in Via Chiatamone.

Wikipedia: Chiesa della Concezione al Chiatamone (IT)

543 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 12: Castle dell'Ovo

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Castel dell'Ovo is a seafront castle in Naples, located on the former island of Megaride, now a peninsula, on the Gulf of Naples in Italy. The castle's name comes from a legend about the Roman poet Virgil, who had a reputation in the Middle Ages as a great sorcerer and predictor of the future. In the legend, Virgil put a magical egg into the foundations to support the fortifications. It remains there along with his bones, and had this egg been broken, the castle would have been destroyed and a series of disastrous events for Naples would have followed. The castle is located between the districts of San Ferdinando and Chiaia, facing Mergellina across the sea.

Wikipedia: Castel dell'Ovo (EN)

803 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 13: Basilica di Santa Lucia a Mare

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The smaller pontifical basilica of the sanctuary of Santa Lucia a Mare is a monumental church of Naples, constituted as a parish and at the same time having dignity as a sanctuary and, more recently, decreed smaller basilica. The basilica-sanctuary is located in the district of Santa Lucia, within the historic center of Naples. Since the last half of the '700, it was erected in the parish in the second half of the '700 and, in the second half of the '900, elevated to the diocesan sanctuary dedicated to the popular cult of Saint Lucia. Administratively the parish is included in the third deanate of the Archdiocese of Naples.

Wikipedia: Basilica di Santa Lucia a Mare (IT)

538 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 14: Chiesa di San Ferdinando

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The Church of San Ferdinando is a historic church located on the Piazza Triesti e Trento, near the Royal Palace of Naples, in central Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Ferdinando (church), Naples (EN)

263 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 15: Chiesa di Santa Brigida

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Santa Brigida is a church located on Via Santa Brigida in central Naples, Italy. The church is a few doors down from one of the entrances to the Galleria Umberto I.

Wikipedia: Santa Brigida, Naples (EN)

318 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 16: Chiesa della Santissima Trinità degli Spagnoli

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The church of the Santissima Trinità degli Spagnoli is a religious building in Naples, Italy, found in the piazza of the same name.

Wikipedia: Santissima Trinità degli Spagnoli (EN)

116 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 17: Chiesa dei Santi Francesco e Matteo

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The Church of Saints Francis and Matthew is a Baroque church in Naples, Italy. it stands in the historic center in vico lungo San Matteo.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dei Santi Francesco e Matteo (IT)

664 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 18: Chiesa della Pietà dei Turchini

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The Church of Pietà dei Turchini is a religious building in Naples, Italy. A smaller church, located on Rua Catalana, was built originally in 1592–1595 by the Confraternity of the Incoronatella. This church was nearly destroyed by an explosion in the Castel Nuovo in 1638. It was rebuilt in 1638–1639, and retitled Santa Maria Incoronatella della Pietà dei Turchini when it acquired a dome. The facade was completed in 1769–70 by Bartolomeo Vecchione.

Wikipedia: Pietà dei Turchini (EN)

29 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 19: Chiesa di San Bartolomeo

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The church of San Bartolomeo is a deconsecrated church in Naples, located in Via San Bartolomeo, a few steps from Via Depretis and Piazza Municipio.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Bartolomeo (Napoli) (IT)


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