Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #3 in Naples, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 45 sights
Distance 8.5 km
Ascend 259 m
Descend 238 m

Experience Naples in Italy in a whole new way with our free self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in NaplesIndividual Sights in Naples

Sight 1: San Domenico Soriano

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The church of San Domenico Soriano takes its title from the homonymous miraculous image of San Domenico Soriano and is one of the monumental churches of Naples located in Piazza Dante. Here he found burial San Nunzio sulprizio whose body is placed on the high altar and following its canonization in 2018 the church changed its name to the church of the saints Domenico Soriano and Nunzio sulprizio

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Domenico Soriano (IT)

227 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 2: San Michele Arcangelo

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San Michele Arcangelo or San Michele a Port'Alba is one of four major churches facing Piazza Dante in Naples, Italy. It stands near Port'Alba, a city gate opening to the piazza.

Wikipedia: San Michele Arcangelo, Naples (EN)

325 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 3: Santa Maria dell'Avvocata

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Santa Maria Avvocata is a Catholic church located at the end of Via Avvocata in Piazza Dante in the Historic Center of Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Avvocata (EN)

323 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 4: San Giovanni Battista delle Monache

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San Giovanni Battista delle Monache is a former Roman Catholic church located in Via Costantinopoli 106 in central Naples, region of Campania, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Giovanni Battista delle Monache (EN)

433 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 5: San Pietro a Majella

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San Pietro a Majella is a church in Naples, Italy. The term may also refer to the adjacent Naples music conservatory, which occupies the premises of the monastery that used to form a single complex with the church.

Wikipedia: San Pietro a Majella (EN)

88 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 6: Croce di Lucca

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Croce di Lucca

The church of the Croce di Lucca is a religious edifice in central Naples, Italy, on the Via dei Tribunali.

Wikipedia: Croce di Lucca, Naples (EN)

125 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Church of San Domenico Maggiore

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The Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore is a monumental church in Naples, Italy, located in an almost central position with respect to the lower decumanus, in the square of the same name.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore (Napoli) (IT)

42 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 8: Amor Divino

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Amor Divino

The Cappella Sansevero is a chapel located on Via Francesco de Sanctis 19, just northwest of the church of San Domenico Maggiore, in the historic center of Naples, Italy. The chapel is more properly named the Chapel of Santa Maria della Pietà. It contains works of Rococo art by some of the leading Italian artists of the 18th century.

Wikipedia: Cappella Sansevero (EN)

201 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 9: Cappella Pontano

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Cappella Pontano

The Pontano Chapel is a small Renaissance temple in Naples located in the ancient center of the city, along the major decumanus, between Via del Sole and Via dei Tribunali. The building also houses the church of Santa Maria Maggiore alla Pietrasanta.

Wikipedia: Cappella dei Pontano (IT)

161 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Sant'Angelo a Segno

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Sant'Angelo a Segno, Naples Sant’Angelo a Segno or Sant’Archangelo a Segno is a Roman Catholic church in Naples, Italy, located on Via dei Tribunali number 45.

Wikipedia: Sant'Angelo a Segno (EN)

159 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 11: Basilica di San Lorenzo Maggiore

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San Lorenzo Maggiore is a church in Naples, Italy. It is located at the precise geographic center of the historic center of the ancient Greek-Roman city, at the intersection of via San Gregorio Armeno and via dei Tribunali. The name "San Lorenzo" may also refer to the new museum now opened on the premises, as well as to the ancient Roman market beneath the church itself, the Macellum of Naples.

Wikipedia: San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples (EN)

246 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 12: Chiesa di San Nicola a Pistaso

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Chiesa di San Nicola a Pistaso Deca16894 / CC BY-SA 4.0

The church of San Nicola a Pistaso is a place of worship of historical and artistic interest in Naples, located in via San Biagio dei Librari, the toponym in Pistaso refers to the homonymous minor seat of the Sedile di Forcella present in that area of the city.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Nicola a Pistaso (IT)

94 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 13: Chiesa di Santa Maria del Divino Amore

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The church of Santa Maria del Divino Amore is a monumental church in the city of Naples, located between Piazzetta del Divino Amore, Via del Grande Archivio, Via de Blasiis and Vicoletto Paparelle al Pendino.

Wikipedia: Chiesa del Divino Amore (IT)

142 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 14: Chiesa di San Giorgio Maggiore

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San Giorgio Maggiore is a basilica church located on the corner of Via vicaria Vecchia and Via Duomo, in central Naples, Italy. The apse of the church lies diagonally across the street from San Severo al Pendino.

Wikipedia: San Giorgio Maggiore, Naples (EN)

87 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 15: Chiesa delle Crocelle ai Mannesi

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The church of San Francesco d'Assisi, popularly known as the church of the Crocelle ai Mannesi, is a building of historical and artistic interest in Naples; It is located in the heart of the historic center, in the square of the same name.

Wikipedia: Chiesa delle Crocelle ai Mannesi (IT)

196 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 16: Chiesa di Sant'Agrippino a Forcella

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Sant'Agrippino a Forcella is a church located on Via Forcella in Naples, Italy. A church at the site may have been present since the fifth century, but we have documentation of a consecration during the papacy of pope Clement IV in 1265-1268.

Wikipedia: Sant'Agrippino a Forcella (EN)

10 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 17: Chiesa di Santa Maria a Piazza

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Santa Maria a Piazza is a former Roman Catholic church, located at Piazzetta Forcella in central Naples, region of Campania, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria a Piazza (EN)

139 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 18: Chiesa di Sant'Arcangelo a Baiano

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The church of Sant'Arcangelo a Baiano is a monumental church in Naples, Italy, located in Via Sant'Arcangelo a Baiano.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Sant'Arcangelo a Baiano (IT)

137 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 19: Chiesa di Sant'Agostino alla Zecca

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Sant Agostino alla Zecca, also known as Sant'Agostino Maggiore is a church in central Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Sant'Agostino alla Zecca (EN)

9 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 20: Arciconfraternita della Compagnia della Disciplina della Santa Croce

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The church of the Compagnia della Disciplina della Santa Croce is one of the monumental churches of Naples; It is located in the historic center of the city.

Wikipedia: Chiesa della Compagnia della Disciplina della Santa Croce (IT)

109 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 21: Chiesa di Sant'Eligio dei Chiavettieri

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Sant'Eligio dei Chiavettieri is a Roman Catholic church in Naples, Italy, located at the intersection of via Cesare Sersale and vicoletto Chiavettieri al Pendino.

Wikipedia: Sant'Eligio dei Chiavettieri (EN)

191 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 22: Chiesa di Santa Maria Egiziaca a Forcella

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Santa Maria Egiziaca a Forcella, also known as the Church of Santa Maria Egiziaca all'Olmo, is a Baroque-style, Roman Catholic church located in the quartiere di Forcella, in the city of Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Egiziaca a Forcella (EN)

343 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 23: Chiesa della Santa Croce e Purgatorio al Mercato

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Santa Croce e Purgatorio al Mercato is a church in the center of the Piazza Mercato, in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Croce e Purgatorio al Mercato (EN)

823 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 24: Santi Severino e Sossio

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The church of Santi Severino e Sossio and the annexed monastery are located on via Bartolommeo Capasso in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santi Severino e Sossio (EN)

248 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 25: San Biagio Maggiore

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The church of San Biagio Maggiore also known to its locals as 'Santa Patrizia' is a small former religious edifice located at the intersection of Via San Biagio dei Librai and Via San Gregorio Armeno, which was an integral part in the city center of Naples, Italy. It is adjacent, and for many years integral to the church of San Gennaro all’Olmo.

Wikipedia: San Biagio Maggiore (EN)

98 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 26: Chiesa di San Gregorio Armeno

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San Gregorio Armeno is a church and a monastery in Naples, Italy. It is one of the most important Baroque complexes in Naples. The church is located on a street of the same name just south of Via dei Tribunali and a few blocks south of the church of San Paolo Maggiore, Naples

Wikipedia: San Gregorio Armeno (EN)

50 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 27: Chiesa di Santa Luciella a San Biagio dei Librai

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The Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai is one of the churches in the historic center of Naples; it is located in the street of the same name, near the church of Saints Philip and James and behind the church of San Gregorio Armeno.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Santa Luciella a San Biagio dei Librai (IT)

94 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 28: Santi Filippo e Giacomo

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Santi Filippo e Giacomo is a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church in Naples, Italy, located on Via San Biagio dei Librai, near the churches of San Biagio Maggiore and Santa Luciella.

Wikipedia: Santi Filippo e Giacomo, Naples (EN)

48 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 29: San Nicola a Nilo

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San Nicola a Nilo is a Baroque-style Roman Catholic church on Via San Biagio dei Librai #10, in the center of Naples, province of Campania, Italy. It stands across from the Palazzo Diomede Carafa.

Wikipedia: San Nicola a Nilo (EN)

177 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 30: Chiesa di Santa Maria Donnaromita

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Santa Maria Donnaromita is a former church located on via Paladino in Naples.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Donnaromita (EN)

0 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 31: Chiesa dei Santi Marco e Andrea a Nilo

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The church of Santi Marco e Andrea a Nilo is a former Roman Catholic church, located on via Paladino #50 in central Naples, Italy. It is less than a block east of the Santa Maria Assunta dei Pignatelli church.

Wikipedia: Santi Marco e Andrea a Nilo (EN)

88 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 32: Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta dei Pignatelli

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Santa Maria Assunta dei Pignatelli is a deconsecrated Roman Catholic church located at the end of Via Nilo in Naples, region of Campania, Italy. In the small piazza in front of the church is an ancient Roman statue of the Nile God. It's located near the Santi Marco e Andrea a Nilo church.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Assunta dei Pignatelli (EN)

67 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 33: Chiesa di Sant'Angelo a Nilo

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Sant'Angelo a Nilo is a Roman Catholic church located on the Decumano Inferiore in Naples, Italy. It stands diagonally across from San Domenico Maggiore in Naples. It is known for containing the monumental Renaissance-style tomb of Cardinal Rainaldo Brancacci by Donatello and Michelozzo, one of the major sculptural works in the city.

Wikipedia: Sant'Angelo a Nilo (EN)

316 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 34: Santa Chiara

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Santa Chiara is a religious complex in Naples, Italy, that includes the church of Santa Chiara, a monastery, tombs and an archeological museum. The basilica church of Santa Chiara faces Via Benedetto Croce, which is the easternmost leg of Via Spaccanapoli. The church facade of Santa Chiara is diagonally across from the church of Gesù Nuovo.

Wikipedia: Santa Chiara, Naples (EN)

134 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 35: Gesù Nuovo

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Gesù Nuovo is the name of a church and a square in Naples, Italy. It is located just outside the western boundary of the historic center of the city. To the southeast of the spire, one can see a block away the Fountain of Monteoliveto and the piazza of the church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi. The square is a result of the expansion of the city to the west beginning in the early 16th century under the rule of Spanish viceroy Pedro Alvarez de Toledo. The square of Gesù Nuovo contains three prominent landmarks:The Church of Gesù Nuovo The Church of Santa Chiara The spire or guglia of the Immaculate Virgin

Wikipedia: Gesù Nuovo (EN)

358 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 36: Chiesa di Santa Maria Donnalbina

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Santa Maria Donnalbina is a church located on the street of the same name in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Donnalbina (EN)

210 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 37: Chiesa dei Santi Alberto e Teresa

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The church of Saints Joseph and Christopher, also known as the church of Saints Albert and Teresa, is a Catholic place of worship of historical and artistic interest in the historic center of Naples, located in Piazza Santa Maria la Nova.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dei Santi Alberto e Teresa (IT)

331 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 38: Chiesa di Sant'Anna dei Lombardi

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Sant'Anna dei Lombardi,, and also known as Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto, is an ancient church and convent located in piazza Monteoliveto in central Naples, Italy. Across Monteoliveto street from the Fountain in the square is the Renaissance palace of Orsini di Gravina.

Wikipedia: Sant'Anna dei Lombardi (EN)

142 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 39: Chiesa di San Nicola alla Carità

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The church of St. Nicholas the Charitable is a church located on via Toledo, almost midway between Piazza Carità and Piazza Dante in Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Nicola alla Carità (EN)

227 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 40: Basilica dello Spirito Santo

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Basilica dello Spirito Santo Antoine Pitrou / FAL

The Basilica of the Holy Spirit or complex of the Holy Spirit is a basilica in Naples located in Piazza Sette Settembre, along Via Toledo, in front of Palazzo Doria d'Angri.

Wikipedia: Basilica dello Spirito Santo (IT)

222 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 41: Chiesa di Santa Maria Materdomini

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Santa Maria Materdomini is a Roman Catholic church located near piazzetta Fabrizio Pignatelli, in Naples, Italy

Wikipedia: Santa Maria Materdomini, Naples (EN)

95 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 42: Chiesa della Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini

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The Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini is a church on via Portamedina in the historic city centre of Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Naples (EN)

239 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 43: Chiesa di Sant'Antonio a Tarsia

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The church of Sant'Antonio a Tarsia is a monumental church in Naples, Italy. stands in the square of the same name.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Sant'Antonio a Tarsia (IT)

441 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 44: Chiesa di Santa Maria del Rosario a Portamedina

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Santa Maria del Rosario a Portamedina is a church located on Via Rosario in Portamedina in the Quartieri Spagnoli of the historic center of Naples, Italy.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria del Rosario a Portamedina (EN)

307 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 45: Chiesa di Santa Maria ad Ogni Bene dei Sette Dolori

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Santa Maria ad Ogni Bene dei Sette Dolori, also known as Santa Maria de Sette Dolori, is a Roman Catholic church in Naples, Italy. It stands on a hill, providing an excellent view of Spaccanapoli, a Decumanus of Naples which ends across via Francesco Girardi. From the door of the church, one has a direct view across Naples through the straight decumanus. The church also faces the former convent of Santissima Trinità delle Monache.

Wikipedia: Santa Maria ad Ogni Bene dei Sette Dolori (EN)


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