Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #3 in Bolzano - Bozen, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 11 sights
Distance 3.3 km
Ascend 138 m
Descend 35 m

Experience Bolzano - Bozen in Italy in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Individual Sights in Bolzano - Bozen

Sight 1: Municipal Museum

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The Bolzano Municipal Museum in Bolzano is a museum of provincial importance. It is the oldest museum in present-day South Tyrol and is managed by the Culture Department of the municipal administration. Since 2003 it has been partially closed for a long restoration work that also includes its expansion, which has never begun; Only the mezzanine floor periodically hosts exhibitions.

Wikipedia: Museo civico (Bolzano) (IT), Website

52 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 2: South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology

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South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology Hubert Berberich (HubiB) / CC BY 3.0

South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology is an archaeological museum in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. It is the home of the preserved body of Ötzi the Iceman.

Wikipedia: South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology (EN), Website

87 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 3: ar/ge kunst

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ar/ge kunst Galleria Museo is a non-profit association based in the historic centre of Bolzano. As a private institution with no collecting activities, the ar/ge kunst pursues its aims according to the idea of the Kunstverein, which is a primarily Nordic trend.

Wikipedia: Ar/ge kunst Galleria Museo (IT), Website

267 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: Museo Mercantile - Merkantilmuseum

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Museo Mercantile - Merkantilmuseum

The Mercantile Museum houses the economic history of Bolzano with collections of documents, paintings and furnishings from the 17th and 18th centuries. It is located in the Mercantile Building, the former seat of the Mercantile Magistrate, which was built in 1635. After its dissolution, the building was the seat of the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce from 1851 to 1979.

Wikipedia: Merkantilmuseum (DE), Website

265 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Statua di Walther von der Vogelweide - Walther-von-der-Vogelweide-Denkmal

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The Walther monument in Bolzano was created in 1889 by Heinrich Natter and is dedicated to Walther von der Vogelweide. It is located on the central Walther-von-der-Vogelweide-Platz. The statue of Walther, executed in Lasa marble, stands on a fountain that serves as a pedestal.

Wikipedia: Walther-Denkmal (Bozen) (DE)

140 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 6: Tesoro del Duomo di Bolzano - Domschatzkammer Bozen

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The Cathedral Treasury of Bolzano in the Old Provost's Office of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary in Bolzano on the Pfarrplatz is a museum of sacred art founded in 2007. Its collections are among the most extensive Baroque church inventories in the Tyrolean region.

Wikipedia: Domschatzkammer Bozen (DE)

38 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 7: Our Lady of the Assumption

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The cathedral Maria Himmelfahrt is the parish church of the South Tyrolean capital Bolzano and cathedral of the Diocese of Bozen-Brixen. While the Bishop has resided in Bozen since 1964, the cathedra and the cathedral chapter remain in Brixen. Maria Himmelfahrt is therefore with Brixen Cathedral co-cathedral of the diocese.

Wikipedia: Maria Himmelfahrt (Bolzano) (EN)

231 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 8: Chiesa dei Domenicani - Dominikanerkirche

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Chiesa dei Domenicani - Dominikanerkirche

The Chiesa dei Domenicani is a medieval church in Bolzano/Bozen, South Tyrol, northern Italy.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dei Domenicani (EN)

94 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Chiesa dei Cappuccini - Kapuzinerkirche

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Chiesa dei Cappuccini - Kapuzinerkirche

The Capuchin Church is a Catholic church in the city of Bolzano in South Tyrol.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dei Cappuccini (Bolzano) (IT)

281 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 10: Teatro Comunale - Stadttheater

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Teatro Comunale - Stadttheater

The Teatro Comunale di Bolzano, designed by the architect Marco Zanuso, is a theatre in Bolzano, home to the Teatro Stabile di Bolzano and the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen.

Wikipedia: Teatro comunale (Bolzano) (IT), Website

1870 meters / 22 minutes

Sight 11: Santa Maddalena - St. Magdalena

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Santa Maddalena - St. Magdalena

St. Magdalena in Prazöll is a Roman Catholic church in St. Magdalena, a village that formerly belongs to the rural municipality of Zwölfmalgreien and today to the South Tyrolean capital of Bolzano. The village church, picturesquely located between vineyards, belongs to the parish of Rentsch and has valuable frescoes from the 14th century inside. It has been a listed building since 1977.

Wikipedia: St. Magdalena in Prazöll (DE)


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