Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #3 in Benevento, Italy


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Paid Tours & Activities

Tour Facts

Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 1.8 km
Ascend 36 m
Descend 44 m

Explore Benevento in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Benevento

Sight 1: Basilica della Madonna delle Grazie

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The Basilica of Maria Santissima delle Grazie is a nineteenth-century monumental church in Benevento, to which is attached a Franciscan convent, which was rebuilt after World War II. The area where the basilica is located measures an altitude of 126 m above sea level.

Wikipedia: Basilica della Madonna delle Grazie (Benevento) (IT)

163 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 2: Santi Quaranta

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The Santi Quaranta are the remains of a long Roman cryptoporticus located in Benevento, between the San Lorenzo district and the rural area of Cellarulo, at a cliff on the left of the basilica of the Madonna delle Grazie. The building consisted of a system of vaulted galleries, of uncertain dating and use; More precisely, there was at least one long corridor to which two transversal, shorter corridors were connected.

Wikipedia: Santi Quaranta (Benevento) (IT)

242 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 3: Anfiteatro romano di Benevento

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The Roman amphitheater was a monumental building of ancient Benevento. Historical sources suggest that it existed in the year 63, because Nero witnessed a gladiatorial show in the city. The remains of the building were found in 1985 between via Munazio Planco and the Leproso bridge. Part of the building is buried under the tracks of the Benevento-Cancello railway.

Wikipedia: Anfiteatro romano di Benevento (IT)

323 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 4: Edificio termale

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The name of San Cristiano is used informally to denote a Roman building, probably thermal, located in the Triggio district in Benevento, around the church dedicated to the saint. What remains of the structure consists of two distinct parts: one, historically known, are three rooms incorporated in the west buildings of via San Cristiano; the other consists of some ruins in the appliances of the Campi house, east of this road. The latter were subject to archaeological excavations in the 2000s, but no results of the study were published.

Wikipedia: Terme di San Cristiano (IT)

1037 meters / 12 minutes

Sight 5: Chiesa di Santa Maria di Costantinopoli

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The church of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli is located in Benevento, in the Ferrovia district, along Viale Principe di Napoli.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Santa Maria di Costantinopoli (Benevento) (IT)


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