13 Sights in Benevento, Italy (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Benevento, Italy. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 13 sights are available in Benevento, Italy.

Sightseeing Tours in Benevento

1. Edificio termale

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The name of San Cristiano is used informally to denote a Roman building, probably thermal, located in the Triggio district in Benevento, around the church dedicated to the saint. What remains of the structure consists of two distinct parts: one, historically known, are three rooms incorporated in the west buildings of via San Cristiano; the other consists of some ruins in the appliances of the Campi house, east of this road. The latter were subject to archaeological excavations in the 2000s, but no results of the study were published.

Wikipedia: Terme di San Cristiano (IT)

2. Cripta di San Marco dei Sabariani

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Cripta di San Marco dei SabarianiCamillo Fragnito from Benevento, Italia / CC BY-SA 2.0

The church of San Marco dei Sabariani was a medieval church of Benevento, placed under the juspatronate of the Sabariani family and dedicated to St Mark of Eca, whose relics perhaps kept. The building occupied part of the current Piazza Salvatore Sabariani, and was destroyed by the earthquake of Sannio in 1688. The crypt remains, containing important frescoes by the Benevantan school, of the Lombard age or immediately subsequent; found in 2007, currently being abandoned and at serious risk of deterioration.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Marco dei Sabariani (IT)

3. Santi Quaranta

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The Santi Quaranta are the remains of a long Roman cryptoporticus located in Benevento, between the San Lorenzo district and the rural area of Cellarulo, at a cliff on the left of the basilica of the Madonna delle Grazie. The building consisted of a system of vaulted galleries, of uncertain dating and use; More precisely, there was at least one long corridor to which two transversal, shorter corridors were connected.

Wikipedia: Santi Quaranta (Benevento) (IT)

4. Terme romane - resti della chiesa di San Pietro delle Monache

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Terme romane - resti della chiesa di San Pietro delle Monache

The monastery of St. Peter of the Nuns was a Benedictine female foundation of Benevento. Certified with confidence from the 11th century, it was definitively suppressed in 1865. Its structures, reused by the Tobacco Agency, were destroyed by the bombing of 1943. There are few ruins left, which reveal more than anything else the pre-existences of the Roman age on which the monastery had been erected.

Wikipedia: Monastero di San Pietro delle Monache (IT)

5. Chiesa di San Francesco

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The church and convent of St. Francis of Assisi are located in Piazza Dogana in the historic center of Benevento. According to tradition, the establishment of a Franciscan community in Benevento followed the arrival in the city of Francis of Assisi himself. The convent complex, although remodeled, is one of the main expressions of Gothic architecture in Benevento.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Francesco alla Dogana (IT)

6. Anfiteatro romano di Benevento

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The Roman amphitheater was a monumental building of ancient Benevento. Historical sources suggest that it existed in the year 63, because Nero witnessed a gladiatorial show in the city. The remains of the building were found in 1985 between via Munazio Planco and the Leproso bridge. Part of the building is buried under the tracks of the Benevento-Cancello railway.

Wikipedia: Anfiteatro romano di Benevento (IT)

7. Chiesa di Sant'Ilario a Port'Aurea

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The former church of Sant'Ilario in Port'Aurea, built by the Lombards, is located in the city of Benevento, along Via San Pasquale, which was a stretch of the Via Traiana. The name of the church derives from its proximity to the Arch of Trajan, which in the Middle Ages, inserted in the city walls, took the name of Porta Aurea.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Sant'Ilario a Port'Aurea (IT)

8. Cattedrale di Sancta Maria de Episcopio

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Cattedrale di Sancta Maria de Episcopio

Benevento Cathedral is a church in Benevento, southern Italy. The cathedral is the seat of the Archbishops of Benevento. It dates from the Lombard foundation of the Duchy of Benevento, in the late 8th century, but after its destruction during Allied bombings in the course of World War II, it was largely rebuilt in the 1960s.

Wikipedia: Benevento Cathedral (EN)

9. Ponte delle Serretelle

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The Ponte delle Serretelle is an arc bridge considered of Roman origin, which stands near Benevento, between the hill of the great Potenza and the Serretelle stream. A modest water course flowed under it which, descending from the hill, poured into the stream. The bridge, now fallen into disuse, is partly collapsed.

Wikipedia: Ponte delle Serretelle (IT)

10. Basilica della Madonna delle Grazie

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The Basilica of Maria Santissima delle Grazie is a nineteenth-century monumental church in Benevento, to which is attached a Franciscan convent, which was rebuilt after World War II. The area where the basilica is located measures an altitude of 126 m above sea level.

Wikipedia: Basilica della Madonna delle Grazie (Benevento) (IT)

11. Chiesa di Santa Maria della Verità

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The church of Santa Maria della Verità is located in the city of Benevento in Piazza Caio Ponzio Telesino, in the Triggio district. It is built on the ruins of the Roman theatre of Benevento. It was called, and some still call it today, a new parish.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Verità (Benevento) (IT)

12. Chiesa di San Domenico

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The church of San Domenico is a Baroque church in Benevento, Italy. it is located in Piazza Guerrazzi. A convent is attached to it, now the seat of the Rectorate of the University of Sannio. Its garden is home to Mimmo Paladino's Hortus Conclusus.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Domenico (Benevento) (IT)

13. Chiesa di Santa Sofia

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Santa Sofia is a Roman Catholic church in the town of Benevento, in the region of Campania, in southern Italy; founded in the late-8th century, it retains many elements of its original Lombard architecture.

Wikipedia: Santa Sofia, Benevento (EN)


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