Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #1 in Benevento, Italy


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 20 sights
Distance 3.8 km
Ascend 114 m
Descend 142 m

Experience Benevento in Italy in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Individual Sights in Benevento

Sight 1: Chiesa di Sant'Ilario a Port'Aurea

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The former church of Sant'Ilario in Port'Aurea, built by the Lombards, is located in the city of Benevento, along Via San Pasquale, which was a stretch of the Via Traiana. The name of the church derives from its proximity to the Arch of Trajan, which in the Middle Ages, inserted in the city walls, took the name of Porta Aurea.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Sant'Ilario a Port'Aurea (IT)

180 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 2: Arch of Trajan

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Arch of Trajan

The Arch of Trajan is an ancient Roman triumphal arch in Benevento, southern Italy. It was erected in honour of the Emperor Trajan across the Via Appia, at the point where it enters the city.

Wikipedia: Arch of Trajan (Benevento) (EN)

355 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 3: Teatro Comunale Vittorio Emmanuele

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The Teatro Comunale Vittorio Emmanuele is a theatrical center in the city of Benevento, Italy.

Wikipedia: Teatro comunale Vittorio Emanuele (IT)

195 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Chiesa di San Domenico

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The church of San Domenico is a Baroque church in Benevento, Italy. it is located in Piazza Guerrazzi. A convent is attached to it, now the seat of the Rectorate of the University of Sannio. Its garden is home to Mimmo Paladino's Hortus Conclusus.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Domenico (Benevento) (IT)

319 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 5: Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata

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The Church of the Annunziata is a baroque -style cult building, which is located in Benevento.

Wikipedia: Chiesa dell'Annunziata (Benevento) (IT)

246 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Basilica di San Bartolomeo

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San Bartolomeo Apostolo is a Roman Catholic basilica church located in piazza Federico Torre, along corso Garibaldi, in Benevento, region of Campania, Italy.

Wikipedia: San Bartolomeo, Benevento (EN)

192 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Chiesa del Carmine

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The church of Santa Maria del Carmine, commonly called Sant'Anna, is located in the city of Benevento on Corso Garibaldi.

Wikipedia: Chiesa del Carmine (Benevento) (IT)

64 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 8: Obelisco del tempio di Iside

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The Egyptian obelisks of Benevento are two monuments built under the Roman emperor Domitian to be erected, between 88 and 89 AD, on either side of the entrance to the new temple of Isis of the colony of Beneventum. Their hieroglyphic inscriptions are the most explicit attestation of the existence of such a temple that has survived to the present day.

Wikipedia: Obelischi egizi di Benevento (IT)

117 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Cripta di San Marco dei Sabariani

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Cripta di San Marco dei SabarianiCamillo Fragnito from Benevento, Italia / CC BY-SA 2.0

The church of San Marco dei Sabariani was a medieval church in Benevento, located under the patronage of the Sabariani family and dedicated to San Marco di Eca, whose relics it may have kept. The building occupied part of the current Piazza Salvatore Sabariani, and was destroyed by the Sannio earthquake of 1688. The crypt remains, containing important frescoes from the Benevento school, from the Lombard age or immediately later; Found in 2007, it is currently in a state of abandonment and at serious risk of deterioration.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Marco dei Sabariani (IT)

162 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Chiesa di San Francesco

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The church and convent of St. Francis of Assisi are located in Piazza Dogana in the historic center of Benevento. According to tradition, the establishment of a Franciscan community in Benevento followed the arrival in the city of Francis of Assisi himself. The convent complex, although remodeled, is one of the main expressions of Gothic architecture in Benevento.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Francesco alla Dogana (IT)

252 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 11: Fontana delle Catene

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The Fountain of the Chains is a monumental Baroque fountain in Benevento, located in Piazza Orsini. This name is popularly attributed to it, because it is surrounded by chains.

Wikipedia: Fontana delle Catene (IT)

127 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 12: Palazzo Arcivescovile

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The Archbishop's Palace of Benevento, rebuilt after the Second World War, is located in Piazza Orsini.

Wikipedia: Palazzo Arcivescovile (Benevento) (IT)

66 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 13: Arco del Sacramento

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The Arch of the Sacrament, built in Rome, is located in Benevento. It surmounts Via Carlo Torre, on the corner of the Archbishop's Palace.

Wikipedia: Arco del Sacramento (IT)

76 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 14: Cattedrale di Sancta Maria de Episcopio

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Cattedrale di Sancta Maria de Episcopio

Benevento Cathedral is a church in Benevento, southern Italy. The cathedral is the seat of the Archbishops of Benevento. It dates from the Lombard foundation of the Duchy of Benevento, in the late 8th century, but after its destruction during Allied bombings in the course of World War II, it was largely rebuilt in the 1960s.

Wikipedia: Benevento Cathedral (EN)

138 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 15: Terme romane - resti della chiesa di San Pietro delle Monache

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Terme romane - resti della chiesa di San Pietro delle Monache

The monastery of San Pietro delle Monache was a Benedictine foundation for women in Benevento. Attested with certainty from the eleventh century, it was definitively suppressed in 1865. Its facilities, reused by the Tobacco Agency, were then destroyed by bombing in 1943. A few ruins remain, which reveal more than anything else the pre-existing Roman buildings on which the monastery was erected.

Wikipedia: Monastero di San Pietro delle Monache (IT)

209 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 16: Chiesa di San Donato

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The church of San Donato is located in the city of Benevento, in the Fravola district, once populated by various parishes, monasteries and churches.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Donato (Benevento) (IT)

176 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 17: Bue Apis

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248 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 18: Chiesa di San Filippo Neri

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The Baroque church of San Filippo Neri is located in the city of Benevento, between the Triggio and Fravola districts.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Filippo (Benevento) (IT)

455 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 19: Teatro Romano

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The Roman Theatre is an ancient Roman edifice in Benevento, southern Italy. It was built in the 2nd century by emperor Hadrian near the city's cardo maximus. Abandoned in Lombard times, it is now surrounded by the medieval Rione (district) Triggio. The structures is still used for concerts, representations and other spectacles.

Wikipedia: Roman Theatre, Benevento (EN)

199 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 20: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Verità

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The church of Santa Maria della Verità is located in the city of Benevento in Piazza Caio Ponzio Telesino, in the Triggio district. It is built on the ruins of the Roman theatre of Benevento. It was called, and some still call it today, a new parish.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Verità (Benevento) (IT)


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