Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #3 in Weimar, Germany


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 10 sights
Distance 2.6 km
Ascend 52 m
Descend 85 m

Experience Weimar in Germany in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Individual Sights in Weimar

Sight 1: Hauptfriedhof

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The Klassik Stiftung Weimar is one of the largest and most significant cultural institutions in Germany. It owns more than 20 museums, palaces, historic houses and parks, as well as literary and art collections, a number of which are World Heritage Sites.

Wikipedia: Historical Cemetery, Weimar (EN), Heritage Website

255 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 2: Russisch Orthodoxe Kirche

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The Russian Orthodox Chapel is a funerary chapel built in Weimar in 1860 for Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia. It was constructed in the Historical Cemetery behind the Weimarer Fürstengruft, to which it is connected by an underground passage. Maria Pavlovna's coffin is located in the passage, with her husband Charles Frederick's coffin placed directly beside it. A spiral staircase leads to another underground connection to the Fürstengruft, though this is now closed by a metal plate.

Wikipedia: Russian Orthodox Chapel, Weimar (EN)

77 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 3: Fürstengruft

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The Klassik Stiftung Weimar is one of the largest and most significant cultural institutions in Germany. It owns more than 20 museums, palaces, historic houses and parks, as well as literary and art collections, a number of which are World Heritage Sites.

Wikipedia: Weimarer Fürstengruft (EN)

345 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 4: Museum für Ur-und Frühgeschichte Thüringens

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The Museum of Prehistory and Early History of Thuringia in Weimar combines a museum with a 1000 m² exhibition area and the Thuringian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and Archaeology under one roof, which is the sponsor of the museum. The entrance to the museum is in Amalienstraße.

Wikipedia: Museum für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Thüringens (DE), Website, Website

328 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 5: Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung - Van-De-Velde-Bau

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The Grand Duchy of Saxony School of Arts and Crafts Weimar was a private educational institution founded and financed by Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar on 1 April 1908 on the initiative of the Belgian architect Henry van de Velde, which existed in Weimar until 30 September 1915. It is not to be confused with the former Grand Duchy of Saxony School of Art Weimar, which is adjacent to it. After the end of the First World War, her legacy was absorbed into the State Bauhaus in Weimar in 1919. The associated building, the Arts and Crafts School building, built in 1906, has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996 as a Bauhaus site.

Wikipedia: Kunstgewerbeschule Weimar (DE), Website, Heritage Website

78 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 6: Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik- Hauptgebäude

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The Grand-Ducal Saxon Art School, Weimar was founded on 1 October 1860, in Weimar, Germany, by a decree of Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. It existed until 1910, when it merged with several other art schools to become the Großherzoglich Sächsische Hochschule für Bildende Kunst. It should not be confused with the Weimar Princely Free Drawing School, which existed from 1776 to 1930 and, after 1860, served as a preparatory school.

Wikipedia: Grand-Ducal Saxon Art School, Weimar (EN), Website, Heritage Website

125 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Die Badende - Das Ei

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The Bather – The Egg is a 1.4-ton egg-shaped sculpture with a height of 1.26 m and a diameter of 0.79 m, which depicts a girl's figure during bathing, in Carrara marble, from which the water trickles into a circular shallow and domed basin made of cobblestones. This is set up in the middle of the square of the university campus of the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar at Marienstraße 13–15, in an inner courtyard not far from the Mensa am Park. This ornamental fountain was created in 1983 by Hubert Schiefelbein. The square itself is covered with paving stones that are arranged in a circle around the fountain, which further enhances the effect of the fountain. The egg itself is installed in the middle of a tube, which gives the impression that this sculpture is literally floating. In 2015, this sculpture was restored.

Wikipedia: Die Badende – Das Ei (DE)

747 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 8: Ilmpark

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The Park an der Ilm is a large Landschaftspark in Weimar, Thuringia. It was created in the 18th century, influenced by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and has not been changed much, preserving a park of the period. It forms part of the World Heritage Site "Classical Weimar along with other sites across Weimar bearing testimony to the city's historical importance as a cultural hub during the Weimar Classicism movement in the late 18th and 19th centuries".

Wikipedia: Park an der Ilm (EN), Heritage Website

300 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 9: Haus am Horn

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The Haus am Horn is a domestic house in Weimar, Germany, designed by Georg Muche. It was built for the Bauhaus Werkschau exhibition which ran from July to September 1923. It was the first building based on Bauhaus design principles, which revolutionized 20th century architectural and aesthetic thinking and practice.

Wikipedia: Haus am Horn (EN), Heritage Website

368 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 10: Goethes Gartenhaus

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Goethes Gartenhaus

Goethe's garden house in the park on the Ilm in Weimar was a home and workplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Since 1998, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the "Classical Weimar" ensemble. The Corona-Schröter-Weg runs past this. It stands at the foot of the Horn.

Wikipedia: Goethes Gartenhaus (DE), Heritage Website


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