Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #4 in Hamburg, Germany
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Guided Sightseeing Tours
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Tour Facts
4 km
59 m
Experience Hamburg in Germany in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.
Activities in HamburgIndividual Sights in HamburgSight 1: Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Israelitische Töchterschule
The Israelitische Töchterschule was a school in Hamburg's Karolinenviertel that existed from 1884 to 1942.
Sight 2: [Hamburger Franzosenzeit]
In the history of Hamburg, Hamburg's French period refers to the period under French occupation and incorporation into the French Empire in the years from 1806 to 1814, parallel to the so-called French period in other German areas.
Sight 3: Alter Botanischer Garten
The Alter Botanischer Garten Hamburg, sometimes also known as the Schaugewächshaus or the Tropengewächshäuser, is a botanical garden now consisting primarily of greenhouses in the Planten un Blomen park of Hamburg, Germany. Alter Botanischer Garten is located on the Hamburg Wallring at Stephansplatz and is open daily without charge.
Sight 4: Kriegsdenkmal
Dammtor is a zone (Ort) of the German city of Hamburg, situated between the quarters of Rotherbaum and Neustadt.
Sight 5: Gedenkort für Deserteure und andere Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz
The “memorial for deserters and other victims of the Nazi military justice” is located at Dammtordamm in Hamburg in the neighborhood of two older monuments, which also address war and victims of war. The 227 known victims of the Wehrmacht justice of the Second World War in Hamburg are particularly appreciated.
Sight 6: Schillerdenkmal
The Hamburg monument to Friedrich Schiller was unveiled in 1866 and has stood in Gustav Mahler Park on Dammtordamm since 1958. It is designated as a cultural monument with the object ID 12568.
Sight 7: Kindertransport
Kindertransport – The Last Farewell is the title of a bronze sculpture by the sculptor Frank Meisler on Dag-Hammarskjöld-Platz in front of the south exit of Hamburg Dammtor station, which he designed together with his long-time collaborator, the sculptor Arie Ovadia.
Sight 8: Büsch-Denkmal
The Büsch Monument is a monument in Hamburg, Germany.
Sight 9: Curio-Haus
The Curiohaus is an office and event building built as a community house in Hamburg in the district of Eimsbüttel, district of Rotherbaum. It was built between 1908 and 1911 according to a design by the architects Johann Emil Schaudt and Walther Puritz at Rothenbaumchaussee 11–17 for the Society of Friends of the Patriotic School and Education System and named after the founder of this society, Johann Carl Daniel Curio. Since 1948, it has been the property and headquarters of the Hamburg branch of the Education and Science Union (GEW). In October 1997, the building as a whole and with its fixed furnishings, the front garden pedestals, the lamps and the oval of the courtyard garden was placed under monument protection.
Sight 10: Moorweide
The Moorweide is a public green space in the Hamburg district of Rotherbaum, north of the Dammtor train station. Originally, it was bordered by Edmund-Siemers-Allee, Moorweidenstraße, Mittelweg, Neue Rabenstraße and Alsterglacis. The part west of Rothenbaumchaussee has been built on since 1919 with the main building of the university and is no longer officially counted as moor pasture in the narrower sense. The remaining main part between Rothenbaumchaussee and Mittelweg is also known as Große Moorweide, the strip between Mittelweg and Neuer Rabenstraße as Kleine Moorweide. In total, today's park is about 4.3 hectares in size and is registered as an "important garden monument" in Hamburg's list of monuments.
Sight 11: Fontenay-Denkmal
The Fontenay Monument is a building in Hamburg-Rotherbaum, Germany. It commemorates John Fontenay, a merchant, shipowner and shipbroker who lived and worked in Hamburg between 1801 and 1835. The property has been a listed building since October 1962.
Sight 12: Regiments-Kriegerdenkmal 1870/71 des Infanterie-Regiments
The War Memorial 1870/71 is a memorial in Hamburg-Rotherbaum.
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