Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Cartagena, Spain


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 20 sights
Distance 5.5 km
Ascend 70 m
Descend 94 m

Explore Cartagena in Spain with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in CartagenaIndividual Sights in Cartagena

Sight 1: Castillo de los Moros

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The Moorish Castle is a castle built in the 18th century in what is now the Santa Lucia neighborhood, within the Spanish city of Cartagena. It was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest on August 7, 1997.

Wikipedia: Castillo de los Moros (Cartagena) (ES)

867 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 2: Muralla Púnica

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The Punic wall of Cartagena is an archaeological site from the 3rd century BC in which can be seen the first defensive wall of Cartagena, built by the Carthaginians.

Wikipedia: Punic wall of Cartagena (EN)

194 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 3: Castillo de Despeñaperros

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Despeñaperros Castle, also known as San José Castle, is a castle built in the 11th century in the historic center of Cartagena, Murcia Region in Spain. It was declared a cultural site on 7 August 1997. The walls are composed of masonry and generally flat. The interior of the fortification is divided in two perimeters, the lower with rooms for the occupants and a water reservoir, and an upper space occupied by the cannons, and which has lost gunships.

Wikipedia: Despeñaperros Castle (EN)

258 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: Palacio de Aguirre

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The Aguirre Palace in Cartagena is a modernist construction of the architect Víctor Beltrí.

Wikipedia: Palacio de Aguirre (ES)

10 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 5: M.U.R.A.M.

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The Regional Museum of Modern Art (MURAM) is a contemporary art museum located in the Spanish city of Cartagena, Murcia.

Wikipedia: MURAM (ES)

310 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 6: Escuelas Graduadas

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The Graduate Schools of Cartagena were the first educational centers in Spain to divide students by age and level, in addition to having suitably sanitized classrooms for this purpose. The building where the classes were taught is located in the Spanish city of Cartagena, specifically on Gisbert Street in the old town, and has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest since May 21, 2004.

Wikipedia: Escuelas Graduadas de Cartagena (ES)

465 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 7: Teatro Romano de Cartagena

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The Roman Theatre of Cartagena is an ancient Roman theatre in Cartagena, Spain.

Wikipedia: Roman Theatre (Cartagena) (EN), Website

642 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 8: Peral

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Peral was the first successful full electric battery-powered submarine, built by the Spanish engineer and sailor Isaac Peral for the Spanish Navy, in Arsenal de la Carraca. The first fully capable military submarine, she was launched 8 September 1888. She had one torpedo tube and an air regeneration system. Her hull shape, propeller, periscope, torpedo launcher and cruciform external controls anticipated later designs. Her underwater speed was 3 knots. With fully charged batteries, she was the fastest submarine yet built, with underwater performance levels that matched those of First World War U-boats for a very short period, before her batteries began to drain. For example, the SM U-9, a pre-war German U-boat built in 1908, had an underwater speed of 8.1 knots, and an underwater range of 150 km (81 nmi) at 5.8 knots, before having to resurface to recharge her batteries. Although advanced in many ways, Peral lacked a means of charging batteries while underway, such as an internal combustion engine, thus had a very limited endurance and range. In June 1890, Peral's submarine launched a torpedo while submerged. It was also the first submarine to incorporate a fully reliable underwater navigation system. However, conservatives in the Spanish naval hierarchy terminated the project despite two years of successful tests. Her operational abilities have led some to call her the first U-boat.

Wikipedia: Peral Submarine (EN)

593 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 9: Palacio de Casa Tilly

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Palacio de Casa Tilly

The Casino de Cartagena is a private institution established in the first half of the nineteenth century in the city of Cartagena (Murcia), Spain. Similar to the casinos and cultural circles that proliferated in those years.

Wikipedia: Casino de Cartagena (ES), Website

222 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 10: Casa Cervantes

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Casa Cervantes

Casa Cervantes is a modernist house built by the architect Víctor Beltrí in 1900, located on Calle Mayor in the Spanish city of Cartagena.

Wikipedia: Casa Cervantes (ES)

83 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 11: Iglesia de Santo Domingo

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Iglesia de Santo Domingo

The Military Church of Santo Domingo is a Roman Catholic church located on Calle Mayor in the Spanish city of Cartagena.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de Santo Domingo (Cartagena) (ES)

141 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 12: Iglesia de Santa María de Gracia

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The church of Santa María de Gracia is a Catholic church located in the old town of the Spanish city of Cartagena, and the nerve center of the Holy Week processions.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de Santa María de Gracia (Cartagena) (ES)

143 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 13: Gran Hotel

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The Gran Hotel de Cartagena is a modernist building by the architect Víctor Beltrí, the most important in the Region of Murcia, Spain, inaugurated in 1916.

Wikipedia: Gran Hotel de Cartagena (ES)

153 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 14: Barrio del foro Romano

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The archaeological site of the Roman Forum Quarter is made up of a set of Roman buildings discovered in Cartagena, built around one of the main roads of the city at that time: the Decumanus. From this decumanus there was access to a large thermal complex and a large building with an atrium that has been identified as the headquarters of a collegium.

Wikipedia: Barrio y museo del foro romano de Cartagena (ES)

70 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 15: Palacio Molina

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The palace of Molina, also called the palace of Molina or erroneously the palace of the Widow of Molina, is a palace built in the eighteenth century in the old town of the Spanish city of Cartagena. It was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest on February 24, 1986.

Wikipedia: Palacio de Molina (ES)

126 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 16: Casa Maestre

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The Master House is a residential property of Modernist style of Cartagena. It was built in the 1900s under project of the architects Marceliano Coquillat and Víctor Beltrí, and is located in the Plaza de San Francisco. Since 2021 he is classified as a good of cultural interest (BIC).

Wikipedia: Casa Maestre (ES)

191 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 17: Real Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad

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The Royal Basilica of Our Lady of Charity is a neoclassical Catholic temple with a metal structure located in the Spanish city of Cartagena, in the Region of Murcia. Its interior, dominated by the dome, is reminiscent of many spaces of the same artistic tendency, based in turn on Agrippa's Pantheon.

Wikipedia: Basílica de la Caridad (Cartagena) (ES), Website

243 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 18: Molinete

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The Arx Asdrubalis is, as it was known in ancient times, one of the five hills where the urban enclosure of Qart Hadasht was built. It was on this hill where, according to the historian Polybius, the palace of the Carthaginian general and founder of the city Hasdrubal the Beautiful was located, which has not yet been located. It currently corresponds to the Molinete hill.

Wikipedia: Arx Asdrubalis (ES)

669 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 19: Casa Dorda

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Casa Dorda is a modernist building built in 1908. It is located between Calle del Carmen and Jabonerías, in the historic centre of the city of Cartagena (Murcia). It was built by the Catalan architect Víctor Beltrí.

Wikipedia: Casa Dorda (ES)

139 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 20: Nuevo Teatro Circo

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The Nuevo Teatro Circo is a theatre in the Spanish city of Cartagena, built in its old town in 1970.

Wikipedia: Nuevo Teatro Circo (ES)


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