Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #4 in Cádiz, Spain


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 20 sights
Distance 6.3 km
Ascend 100 m
Descend 93 m

Explore Cádiz in Spain with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in CádizIndividual Sights in Cádiz

Sight 1: Faro de San Sebastián

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The San Sebastián lighthouse is a lighthouse located in the fortress of entry to the port of Cádiz, the Castle of San Sebastián, in the province of Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain. The fortress is classified as a good of cultural interest since 1993 and the lighthouse has been managed by the Port Authority of the Port of the Bay of Cádiz.

Wikipedia: Faro de San Sebastián (ES)

1196 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 2: Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real

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The Spa of Our Lady of Palma and the Royal is a spa located in Cádiz, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1990.

Wikipedia: Spa of Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real (EN)

429 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 3: Castillo de Santa Catalina

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The Castle of Santa Catalina is a castle located in Cádiz, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993.

Wikipedia: Castle of Santa Catalina (Cádiz) (EN)

622 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 4: Gran Teatro Falla

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The Gran Teatro Falla is a theater in the city of Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain. It is located in the Plaza Fragela, facing the Casa de las Viudas and adjacent to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cádiz.

Wikipedia: Gran Teatro Falla (EN)

58 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 5: Monumento a Cayetano del Toro

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The people of Cadiz, in recognition of gratitude, tried to place a monument to Don Cayetano del Toro y Quartiellers in the Plaza de Mina, at the indication of the Hon. Mrs. Patrocinio de Biedma, wishing that it would be sculpted by Mariano Benlliure. This project never came to fruition. When he died, the Academia Hispanoamericana de Cádiz did not want to delay this tribute any longer and encouraged the collection that was to erect it in what was then called Plaza de Méndez Núñez. Patrocinio de Biedma died on September 14, 1927, in Cádiz, without seeing his purpose of making the monument to his friend Cayetano del Toro fulfilled.

Wikipedia: Monumento a Cayetano del Toro (Cádiz) (ES)

295 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 6: Parque Genovés

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Genovés Park is a historic garden located by the sea in the historic centre of Cadiz, Spain. It is one of the most outstanding in the city. Its origin dates back to the end of the eighteenth century, although throughout its history, it has undergone several extensions and remodellings.

Wikipedia: Parque Genovés (ES)

133 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Monumento a José Celestino Mutis

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The Gaditano José Celestino Mutis y Bosio, baptized in the parish of Santa Cruz, managed to create a fair universal fame, for his botany studies.

Wikipedia: Monumento a José Celestino Mutis (Cádiz) (ES)

434 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 8: Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen

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The church of El Carmen or church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen y Santa Teresa located in the Alameda Marqués de Comillas, in the city of Cádiz is a Catholic temple in Baroque style.

Wikipedia: Iglesia del Carmen (Cádiz) (ES)

579 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 9: Oratorio de San Felipe Neri

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The Church of Oratorio de San Felipe Neri is a church built between 1685 and 1719, located in Cádiz, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1907.

Wikipedia: Iglesia del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri (EN)

294 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 10: Antigua Fábrica de Salazones Romana

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The salting factory of the Teatro de Andalucía in Cádiz (Spain) gives its name to an archaeological site that corresponds to an industrial complex from Roman times.

Wikipedia: Factoría de salazones del Teatro de Andalucía (ES), Website

479 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 11: Arco del Pópulo

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Arco del Pópulo is an archway of the city of Cádiz, southern Spain. It has been declared a Bien de Interés Cultural site.

Wikipedia: Arco del Pópulo (EN)

85 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 12: Cádiz

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Cádiz is a city in Spain and the capital of the Province of Cádiz, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. It is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula off the Atlantic Ocean separated from neighbouring San Fernando by a narrow isthmus.

Wikipedia: Cádiz (EN)

91 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 13: Segismundo Moret

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The Monument to Moret is an instance of public art in Cádiz, Spain. Designed by Agustín Querol, it consists of a bronze statue of Liberal politician Segismundo Moret put on top of a pedestal displaying elaborated allegorical reliefs.

Wikipedia: Monument to Moret (Cádiz) (EN)

376 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 14: Emilio Castelar

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The Monument to Emilio Castelar in Cádiz (Spain), the work of the sculptor Eduardo Barrón, is located in the centre of what was once Plaza de Castelar, now Plaza de la Candelaria. It pays tribute to Emilio Castelar, from Cadiz, who was born at number 1 of the same square, on September 7, 1832. In its place there was previously a small fountain. The initiative was due to Mayor Luis José Gómez Aramburu. The foundry was made in 1905 by Ignacio Arias, in Madrid.

Wikipedia: Monumento a Emilio Castelar (Cádiz) (ES)

333 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 15: Casa Palacio de los Mora

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The Mora Casa-Palacio is located on Wide Street, within the Historic Center of the City of Cádiz (Spain). The property, listed as a good of cultural interest since 1981, dates from the mid -nineteenth century and is the work of the architect Juan de la Vega and Correa.

Wikipedia: Palacio de Mora (ES)

263 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 16: Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco

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The Convent of San Francisco de Cádiz is a former Franciscan convent located inside the old town of the city, in the central square of the same name. Of the original complex, only the cloister and the church remain.

Wikipedia: Convento de San Francisco (Cádiz) (ES)

178 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 17: Oratorio de la Santa Cueva

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The Oratorio de la Santa Cueva is a church composed of two chapels, one superimposed above the other, adjacent to the Holy Rosary church in Cádiz.

Wikipedia: Oratorio de la Santa Cueva (EN)

242 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 18: Diputación Provincial de Cádiz

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The Palacio de la Aduana, also known as the Palacio de la Diputación, is a building located in the city of Cádiz, Spain. It is located within the neoclassical style, sober and with wide and balanced proportions. It currently houses the facilities of the Provincial Council of Cadiz.

Wikipedia: Palacio de la Aduana (Cádiz) (ES)

171 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 19: Plaza de España

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The Plaza de España de Cádiz is one of the most emblematic of the Cadiz capital.

Wikipedia: Plaza de España (Cádiz) (ES)

0 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 20: Monumento a la Constitución de 1812

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The Monument to the Constitution of 1812 is a monument in Cádiz, Spain that commemorates the centennial of the signing of the Constitution of 1812. The monument, commissioned in 1912 and completed in 1929, is located in the centre of the Plaza de España in Cádiz.

Wikipedia: Monument to the Constitution of 1812 (EN)


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