Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Badalona, Spain


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 17 sights
Distance 8.4 km
Ascend 193 m
Descend 176 m

Explore Badalona in Spain with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Badalona

Sight 1: Parc de la Riera de Canyadó

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Parc de la Riera de Canyadó

The Parc de la Riera de Canyadó is a park located next to the neighborhoods of Canyadó, Casagemes, Les Guixeres, Pomar and Morera in Badalona, on the stretch of the homonymous stream and that runs between the B-20 road and the N-II. The park has an extension of 2 hectares and its project was carried out by the architect Isabel Bennassar.

Wikipedia: Parc de la Riera de Canyadó (CA)

788 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 2: parc de Can Solei i Ca l'Arnús

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parc de Can Solei i Ca l'Arnús

Can Solei i Ca l'Arnús Park is a park located in the Casagemes district of Badalona. It is considered today the great park and the true green lung of Badalona, both for its size and for its historical, landscape value and its plant and fauna richness; So much so that it is part of the network of metropolitan parks.

Wikipedia: Parc de Can Solei i Ca l'Arnús (CA)

913 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 3: Baetulo

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Bètulo is a city founded by the Romans on a hill by the sea around 100 BC, where the city of Badalona is currently located. The walled enclosure of the city occupied an approximate space of 11 hectares and was part of a project of foundations close to the Mediterranean coast. It is worth noting the exceptional nature of Baetulo, since in Catalonia there are few examples of currently inhabited cities that have remains of this magnitude. The declaration of Baetulo as a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN) in 1995 definitively confirmed this exceptionality.

Wikipedia: Baetulo (CA)

50 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 4: Museu de Badalona

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The Badalona Museum, opened in 1966, hosts the remains of the Roman city of Baetulo. The remains include Roman baths, shops, housing complexes, and part of the cardo maximus and decumanus maximus. Its museum holds a collection of artifacts from its own excavations and objects from other eras relevant to the city.

Wikipedia: Badalona Museum (EN)

39 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 5: Jardi de Quint Licini

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Jardi de Quint Licini

The garden of Quintus Licinius is an archaeological site from the Roman era of Badalona, currently a museum and part of the set of spaces of the Museum of Badalona, and which is located in the basement of the Plaça de l'Assemblea de Catalunya, 3. It is an ancient garden of a Roman domus in the city of Baetulo, in the center of which was a swimming pool, today only partially preserved.

Wikipedia: Jardí de Quint Licini (CA)

288 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Torre Vella

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Torre Vella

The Torre Vella is a building in Badalona, a historical monument protected as a Cultural Asset of National Interest. It is located in the neighborhood of Dalt de la Vila, the old town of today's Badalona, next to the parish of Santa Maria, and was for centuries the residence of the so-called lords of Badalona.

Wikipedia: Torre Vella (Badalona) (CA)

524 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 7: Teatre Zorrilla

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The Zorrilla Theater is a Badalona show room founded in 1868. It was the second theater in the city, and throughout its history it has hosted different types of shows, as well as functioning as a cinema between 1905 and 1970 , from 1954 by the name of Cinema Aya. Many prominent companies and actors, such as Enric Borràs or Margarida Xirgu, have performed. It has been owned by the City Council of Badalona since 1986 and is one of the three municipal theaters in the city. On January 21, 1999 he was reopened as the performing arts center in Badalona. It has a stable program, as well as being the seat of festivals such as Filmets, the Li-Chang Magic or the Blues & Rhythms.

Wikipedia: Teatre Zorrilla (Badalona) (CA)

73 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 8: Farmàcia Hereus Torras Surroca

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Farmàcia Hereus Torras Surroca

The Surroca Pharmacy is an Art Deco style work by Joan Amigó i Barriga located in Badalona (Barcelonès) and protected as a cultural asset of local interest.

Wikipedia: Farmàcia Surroca (CA), Website

112 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Farmàcia Serentill

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Farmàcia Serentill

Serentill Pharmacy is a commercial pharmacy establishment that, due to its historical and architectural heritage character, is protected as a cultural asset of local interest in Badalona (Barcelonès). The business was founded in the late nineteenth century by Eduard Serentill i Tebé, and has continued to operate since then in the hands of the same family. The current appearance of the pharmacy, which dates back to 1924, is the work of the architect from Badalona Joan Amigó i Barriga, who gave it a Noucentista look.

Wikipedia: Farmàcia Serentill (CA)

200 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Teatre Margarida Xirgu

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Teatre Margarida Xirgu

The Margarida Xirgu Theater, formerly called Teatre Principal, is a theater in Badalona (Barcelonès). It is located on Francesc Layret street, in the Centre neighbourhood.

Wikipedia: Teatre Margarida Xirgu (CA)

1164 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 11: Casa Agustí

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Casa Agustí is a modernista building in the Progrés quarter of Badalona built in 1893. It was designed by the renowned architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner as the residence of the engineer Eduard Agustí Saladrigas. The building became a restaurant in 1936 and currently serves food and refreshments. Among its remarkable features are the round red brick tower and the surrounding gardens. The nearest existing Barcelona Metro station is Pep Ventura, and notoriously the undergoing extension of the metro network has allegedly damaged its façade.

Wikipedia: Casa Agustí (EN)

1269 meters / 15 minutes

Sight 12: parc del Turó d'en Caritg

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parc del Turó d'en Caritg

The Turó d'en Caritg, the official name given by the Badalona City Council, although it has also been standardized by the ICGC as a hill of Carig, and previously known as the hill of Claris, is a small elevation of The city of Badalona today converted into an urban park. It is located in the Sistrells district and stands out as the second highest point of the Serra d'en Mena, at an altitude of 71m.

Wikipedia: Turó d'en Caritg (CA)

663 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 13: Escorxador Municipal de Badalona

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Escorxador Municipal de Badalona Carlos Casado Martínez / CC BY-SA 2.5 es

The old municipal slaughterhouse of Badalona is a Noucentista work protected as a cultural asset of local interest in the municipality of Badalona (Barcelonès).

Wikipedia: Escorxador municipal de Badalona (CA)

304 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 14: Mare de Déu de la Salut

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Mare de Déu de la Salut

The church of Mare de Déu de la Salut is a Catholic parish church in the La Salut district of Badalona, at Passeig de La Salut, núm. 38. It belongs to the Archbishopric of Badalona Sud, to the Archbishopric of Barcelona.

Wikipedia: Església de la Mare de Déu de la Salut (Badalona) (CA)

632 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 15: Blas Infante

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Blas Infante

The Blas Infante Theater is a cultural center and theater in Badalona (Barcelonès). It is located on Andrés Segovia street, in the Sant Mori neighborhood of Llefià, being the only one of the public theaters in Badalona that is not in the Center neighborhood.

Wikipedia: Teatre Blas Infante (CA)

489 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 16: Centre Cívic Torre Mena

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Centre Cívic Torre Mena

The Mena Tower is a building protected as a cultural asset of local interest in Badalona (Barcelonès).

Wikipedia: Torre Mena (CA)

906 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 17: parc del Gran Sol

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parc del Gran Sol

Parc del Gran Sol is a park located in the Sant Joan de Llefià district of Badalona. It has 1.80 ha and is bounded by Doctor Bassols Avenue, Asia Street, Juan Valera and Africa Avenue, with access in all perimeter streets. It was inaugurated in 1985 and is an urban park for neighborhood use located within a sector of high-density housing.

Wikipedia: Parc del Gran Sol (CA)


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