Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #1 in Alicante, Spain


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 9 sights
Distance 2.6 km
Ascend 70 m
Descend 63 m

Explore Alicante in Spain with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Activities in AlicanteIndividual Sights in Alicante

Sight 1: Explanada de España

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The Esplanade of Spain, also known as Paseo de la Explanada, is a promenade in the Spanish city of Alicante. It runs parallel to the port and the Paseo de los Mártires de la Libertad, from the Puerta del Mar to the Canalejas park, and is one of the most popular pedestrian thoroughfares in the city.

Wikipedia: Paseo de la Explanada (ES)

265 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 2: La Aguadora

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The Water Carrier, also called Moza del cántaro, is an urban sculpture located above a fountain in the Plaza de Gabriel Miró in the city of Alicante (Spain).

Wikipedia: La Aguadora (ES)

1 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 3: Plaça de Gabriel Miró / Plaza de Gabriel Miró

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Gabriel Miró Square is a square located in the city of Alicante, Spain. It is also popularly known as Plaza de Correos, in memory of the main offices of the Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos that were located in the square.

Wikipedia: Plaza de Gabriel Miró (Alicante) (ES)

420 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 4: Eleuterio Maisonnave

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Eleuterio Maisonnave

The monument to Eleuterio Maisonnave y Cutayar is located on Maisonnave Avenue in Alicante, Spain. It represents Eleuterio Maisonnave, who was the first mayor of Alicante elected by universal (male) suffrage, as well as Minister of the Interior during the First Spanish Republic and founder of the first savings bank in the city of Alicante.

Wikipedia: Monumento a Maisonnave (ES)

32 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 5: Cruz de los Caídos

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Cruz de los Caídos

The Cross of the Fallen is a monument in the city of Alicante, Valencian Country, located at a traffic roundabout between the avenues of Dr. Gadea and Federico Soto, and tangent in the square of Calvo Sotelo, in the place that originally occupied the monument. to Maisonnave. Initially it was called a monument to those fallen by Spain and the homeland.

Wikipedia: Creu dels Caiguts (CA)

390 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 6: Parc de Canalejas / Parque de Canalejas

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Canalejas Park is the oldest park in the Spanish city of Alicante. It is located parallel to Loring Avenue and the sports port, and is adjacent to the esplanade of Spain.

Wikipedia: Parque de Canalejas (ES)

236 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 7: Museo de la Lonja del Pescado

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Museo de la Lonja del Pescado

La Lonja del Pescado is a historic building located on the Paseo Almirante Julio Guillén Tato in the Spanish city of Alicante.

Wikipedia: Lonja del Pescado (Alicante) (ES)

538 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 8: Plaça de l'Arquitecte Miguel López / Plaza del Arquitecto Miguel López

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Plaza Arquitecto Miguel López is a square in the Spanish city of Alicante. It is located in the neighbourhood of Ensanche-Diputación, at the intersection of Elche, Loring and Óscar Esplá avenues, in front of the Casa Mediterráneo.

Wikipedia: Plaza Arquitecto Miguel López (ES)

738 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 9: Teatre Arniches

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Teatre Arniches

The Arniches Theater is located on Avenida Aguilera in the city of Alicante, Valencian Country. In addition to theatrical functions, it hosts music concerts and congresses.

Wikipedia: Teatre Arniches (Alacant) (CA)


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