Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #3 in Siena, Italy
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Tour Facts
5.2 km
265 m
Experience Siena in Italy in a whole new way with our free self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.
Activities in SienaIndividual Sights in SienaSight 1: San Giovannino della Staffa
San Giovannino della Staffa, also known as San Giovannino in Pantaneto is a Renaissance style Roman Catholic church on Piazetta Virgilio Grassi, in the Contrada del Leocorno, Siena, Tuscany, Italy.
Sight 2: San Vigilio
San Vigilio is a Renaissance and Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on Via San Vigilio, Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. The exterior has a sober classical facade, while the interior has rich Baroque decorations. The church is dedicated to the Bishop and martyr St Vigilius; it now serves as the chapel for the University of Siena. It stands across the street from the Castellare Ugurgieri, and down the street from the Palazzo Bandini Piccolomini found on the junction with Via Sallustio Bandini.
Sight 3: Palazzo Chigi Zondadari
Get Ticket*Palazzo Chigi Zondadari is located in Siena, in Piazza del Campo. It is the first building that is encountered in the hemicycle from the outlet of Via dei Rinaldini.
Sight 4: Palazzo Sansedoni
Palazzo Sansedoni is a Gothic style urban palace and tower, whose concave facade is situated facing the Palazzo Pubblico across the Piazza del Campo in the political center of the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy.
Sight 5: Fonte Gaia
The Fonte Gaia is a monumental fountain located in the Piazza del Campo in the center of Siena, Italy.
Sight 6: Croce del Travaglio
The Croce del Travaglio is the street center of the city of Siena, the meeting point of the three main streets that form the backbone of the three Thirds.
Sight 7: Loggia della Mercanzia
The Loggia della Mercanzia is located in Siena, at the back of Piazza del Campo, in the so-called Croce del Travaglio between Via Banchi di Sopra, Via Banchi di Sotto and Via di Città.
Sight 8: Teatro dell'Accademia dei Rozzi
The Teatro dei Rozzi is a live-performance theater located on Piazza Indipendenza #15, in the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy; while this structure was inaugurated in 1817, the sponsoring organization dated to 1531.
Sight 9: Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Siena Cathedral is a medieval church in Siena, Italy, dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian church, and now dedicated to the Assumption of Mary.
Sight 10: Opera del Duomo Museum
The Museo dell'Opera del Duomo is an art museum in Siena, in Tuscany in central Italy. It houses works of art and architectural fragments that were formerly in, or a part of, the Duomo of Siena. These include a number of Italian Gothic sculptures by Giovanni Pisano and his school from the façade of the cathedral; the Maestà of Duccio di Boninsegna, which was the altarpiece from about 1311 until 1505 or 1506; and works by Ambrogio and Pietro Lorenzetti. There are also works moved to the museum from other churches in the area, such as the Madonna of Duccio brought from the Pieve di Santa Cecilia at Crevole in the comune of Murlo.
Sight 11: Battistero di San Giovanni
The Battistero di San Giovanni is a religious building in Siena, Italy. It is in the square with the same name, near the final spans of the choir of the city's cathedral.
Sight 12: Cattedrale di Siena e Libreria Piccolomini
The Piccolomini Library is a monumental room in the cathedral of Siena. Located along the left aisle, before the transept, it was built in 1492 by the archbishop of Siena, Cardinal Francesco Piccolomini Todeschini to house the very rich book heritage collected by his uncle Pope Pius II. Between about 1502 and 1507 it was completely frescoed by Pinturicchio and his assistants, including the Bolognese Amico Aspertini and the young Raphael Sanzio.
Sight 13: Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata
The church of the Santissima Annunziata is a Catholic place of worship in the city of Siena, Tuscany.
Sight 14: Chiesa di San Sebastiano in Vallepiatta

San Sebastiano in Vallepiatta is an ancient church next to Piazzeta della Selva in Siena, Italy. It is located in the Contrada della Selva.
Sight 15: Fontebranda
Fontebranda is one of the medieval fountains of Siena, located in Terzo di Camollia, in the Contrada of Oca, near the Porta of Fontebranda.
Sight 16: Chiesa del Crocifisso
The sanctuary of Santa Caterina is located in Siena on the Costa di Sant'Antonio. The sanctuary incorporates the ancient residence of the Benincasa, the birthplace of St. Catherine, and is divided into various porticoes, loggias, churches and oratories.
Sight 17: Chiesa di San Pellegrino Alla Sapienza
San Pellegrino alla Sapienza o della Sapienza is a Gothic style, Roman Catholic church located at the intersection of via della Sapienza and via delle Terme in Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. It is located across from the Teatro dei Rozzi.
Sight 18: Palazzo Tolomei
The Palazzo Tolomei is an imposing, Gothic style urban palace, located on Via Banchi di Sopra in the present contrada of Civetta, Terzo di Camollia of the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy.
Sight 19: Chiesa di San Cristoforo
San Cristoforo is a Roman Catholic church located on Piazza Tolomei in the Northern Terzo di Camollia and contrada of Civetta in the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. Across the piazza from the church is the Palazzo Tolomei, one of the oldest buildings in the city. The Tolomei for many years were associated with the church.
Sight 20: Collegiata di Santa Maria di Provenzano
Santa Maria in Provenzano, or the Insigne Collegiata di Santa Maria in Provenzano, is a late-Renaissance-Baroque style, Roman Catholic, collegiate church in Piazza Provenzano Salvani, in the Terza Camollia, just southwest of the basilica of San Francesco, in the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. This Marian shrine was built around a 14th-century terracotta icon of the Madonna, which was credited with miracles. The Palio of Siena takes place on the day of veneration of this Marian devotion.
Sight 21: San Pietro a Ovile
San Pietro a Ovile is a medieval Roman Catholic church located on the Via del Giglio in Siena, Tuscany, Italy.
Sight 22: Basilica of Saint Francis

San Francesco is a basilica church in Siena, Tuscany, Italy.
Sight 23: San Donato all'Abbadia

San Donato, also called San Michele al Monte di San Donato, is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on the Piazza on Via dell'Abbadia, Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. The Monte de Paschi di Siena, whose original offices were in the Palazzo Salimbeni, whose rear facade faces the church, has a Pinacoteca/Museum called San Donato.
Sight 24: Fonte d'Ovile
La Fonte d'Ovile is a historic reservoir in Siena, located in via Baldassare Peruzzi just outside the Porta a Ovile.
Sight 25: Palazzo Spannocchi
The Palazzo Spannocchi is a Renaissance style urban palace located on the Piazza Salimbeni, just off Via Banchi di Sopra in the Terzo di Camollia of the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. The building was associated with an ancient mercantile family of Siena.
Sight 26: Palazzo Salimbeni

Palazzo Salimbeni is a Gothic style urban palace located on the Piazza Salimbeni, just off Via Banchi di Sopra in the Terzo di Camollia of the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. The building, associated with an ancient mercantile family of Siena, currently houses the main offices of the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the oldest bank in the world.
Sight 27: Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Nevi
Santa Maria delle Nevi is a small Renaissance style Roman Catholic church or oratory located on Via Banchi di Sopra in the Terzo di Camollia of the city of Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy.
Sight 28: Stanze della Memoria
Since 2007, the Rooms of Memory have been a museum and educational itinerary located in the premises of the former Barracks of the Italian Social Republic of Siena, which was the place of interrogations and torture of Sienese anti-fascists until the Liberation.
Sight 29: Oratorio di Santa Caterina del Paradiso
The oratory of Santa Caterina del Paradiso is a small church in Siena located in Piazza Giacomo Matteotti 19, oratory of the Contrada del Drago.
Sight 30: Basilica Cateriniana di San Domenico
The Basilica of San Domenico, also known as Basilica Cateriniana, is a basilica church in Siena, Tuscany, Italy, one of the most important in the city. The basilica is an example of Cistercian Gothic style.
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