Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #3 in Savona, Italy


Churches & Art
Water & Wind
Heritage & Space
Paid Tours & Activities

Tour Facts

Number of sights 7 sights
Distance 4.5 km
Ascend 118 m
Descend 167 m

Explore Savona in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Savona

Sight 1: Chiesa del Nome di Maria

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Chiesa del Nome di Maria Antonello Piccone / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of the Name of Mary, better known as the Church of the Two Lions, is a religious building located on a hill in Rocca di Legino, in the municipality of Savona.

Wikipedia: Chiesa del Nome di Maria (Savona) (IT)

1879 meters / 23 minutes

Sight 2: Santa Maria Ausiliatrice

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The church of Mary Help of Christians is located in Savona, in Via San Giovanni Bosco, outside the historic city center, in an urban area developed between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Maria Ausiliatrice (Savona) (IT)

412 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 3: Oratorio dei Santi Pietro e Caterina

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The Oratory of Saints Peter and Catherine is an eighteenth-century religious building that is the seat of the confraternity of the same name, located in the center of Savona.

Wikipedia: Oratorio dei Santi Pietro e Caterina (IT)

214 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: San Giovanni Battista in San Domenico

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The church of San Giovanni Battista in San Domenico is located on the edge of the historic center of Savona, at the intersection of the main nineteenth-century artery and what had been the pivotal road axis of the medieval historic center.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista in San Domenico (IT)

207 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 5: Teatro Comunale Gabriello Chiabrera

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Teatro Comunale Gabriello Chiabrera Nessun autore leggibile automaticamente. Basilico presunto (secondo quanto affermano i diritti d'autore). / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Gabriello Chiabrera Theatre is located in Savona, it is the main theatre in the city and in the province and is named after the poet and playwright Gabriello Chiabrera.

Wikipedia: Teatro Gabriello Chiabrera (IT), Website

450 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 6: Chiesa di Santa Lucia

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The church of Santa Lucia is a small religious building that stands in Savona, on a spur of rock once overlooking the sea, along the old road connecting with Albissola Marina. The Confraternity of Saints Augustine and Monica resides here.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Santa Lucia (Savona) (IT)

1363 meters / 16 minutes

Sight 7: Torretta

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The Leon Pancaldo Tower or Quarda Tower, commonly called "Torretta", is a medieval building located on the port of Savona, at the entrance to the central Via Paleocapa, and is considered the symbol of the city.

Wikipedia: Torre Leon Pancaldo (IT)


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