Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Pompei, Italy


Self-guided Tours
Paid Tours & Activities

Are you ready for an unforgettable time in Pompei, Italy? Then you've come to the right place with our sightseeing tours. Whether you prefer a guided free walking tour with insider knowledge or enjoy the freedom of a self-guided route, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Click on a tour and find out more about the highlights that await you!

Individual Sights in Pompei

Self-guided Tour #1

Show tour on map
Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 4.7 km
Ascend 75 m
Descend 64 m

  • Santuario della Beata Vergine del Santo Rosario
  • Palestra Grande
  • Regio II
  • Regio III
  • Casa della Venere in Bikini
  • House of Pomarius Felix
  • Casa dell'Efebo
  • House of the Ceii
  • Quadriportico dei Teatri
  • Teatro Piccolo
  • Doric Temple
  • Samnite Gymnasium
  • Foro Triangolare
  • Lupanar (brothel)
  • Regio IX
  • Pompeii
  • Domus Lucreti
  • House of the Faun
  • Regio VI
  • Casa di Sallustio
  • Temple of Fortuna Augusta
  • Temple of Jupiter
  • Macellum
  • Regio VII
  • Santuario dei Lari Pubblici
  • Edificio di Eumachia
  • Regio VIII
  • Foro di Pompei
  • Temple of Apollo
  • Basilica
Details for Tour #1 in Pompei

Self-guided Tour #2

Show tour on map
Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 4.8 km
Ascend 72 m
Descend 88 m

  • Casa di Sallustio
  • Regio VI
  • Casa dei Dioscuri
  • House of the Labyrinth
  • House of the Faun
  • Castellum aquae
  • House of the Ara Maxima
  • Casa VI 14, 28.33 Sog. Casa di Laocoonte
  • Casa di Cecilio Giocondo
  • Regio V
  • Casa dei Gladiatori (V.5.3)
  • Regio IX
  • Domus Lucreti
  • Macellum
  • Basilica
  • Foro di Pompei
  • Edificio di Eumachia
  • Lupanar (brothel)
  • Foro Triangolare
  • Samnite Gymnasium
  • Quadriportico dei Teatri
  • House of the Ceii
  • Casa dell'Efebo
  • House of Pomarius Felix
  • Casa della Venere in Bikini
  • Casa di Octavius Quartione
  • Regio III
  • Regio II
  • Palestra Grande
  • Regio IV
Details for Tour #2 in Pompei

Self-guided Tour #3

Show tour on map
Number of sights 17 sights
Distance 2.8 km
Ascend 54 m
Descend 38 m

  • Palestra Grande
  • Regio II
  • House of Julia Felix
  • Casa di Octavius Quartione
  • Regio III
  • Schola Armaturarum
  • Regio I
  • Regio IX
  • Pompeii
  • Regio VII
  • Casa del chirurgo
  • Regio VI
  • Casa dei Dioscuri
  • House of the Labyrinth
  • House of the Faun
  • Casa di Cecilio Giocondo
  • Regio V
Details for Tour #3 in Pompei

Self-guided Tour #4

Show tour on map
Number of sights 17 sights
Distance 3.5 km
Ascend 67 m
Descend 69 m

  • Villa of the Mysteries
  • Villa di Diomede
  • Necropoli di Porta Ercolano
  • Regio VI
  • House of the Labyrinth
  • Castellum aquae
  • House of the Ara Maxima
  • Casa VI 14, 28.33 Sog. Casa di Laocoonte
  • House of the Silver Wedding
  • Regio V
  • Casa dei Gladiatori (V.5.3)
  • Pompeii
  • Regio IX
  • Regio III
  • House of Julia Felix
  • Regio II
  • Regio IV
Details for Tour #4 in Pompei

Self-guided Tour #5

Show tour on map
Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 1.4 km
Ascend 30 m
Descend 29 m

  • Pompeii
  • Regio VI
  • Casa del chirurgo
  • Necropoli di Porta Ercolano
  • Villa di Diomede
  • Villa of the Mysteries
Details for Tour #5 in Pompei


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Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Pompei at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.