Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Busto Arsizio, Italy


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Paid Tours & Activities

Tour Facts

Number of sights 9 sights
Distance 6.3 km
Ascend 54 m
Descend 70 m

Explore Busto Arsizio in Italy with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Busto Arsizio

Sight 1: Museo delle arti di palazzo Bandera

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The Museum of Arts of Palazzo Bandera is a private museum open to the public and located in Busto Arsizio. It houses a permanent exhibition with about 100 works including sculptures, drawings and engravings, created from 1938 to 1991 by the artist Carlo Paganini. It also hosts temporary exhibitions and educational workshops.

Wikipedia: Museo delle arti di palazzo Bandera (IT)

753 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 2: Monumento equestre a Enrico dell'Acqua

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The monument to Enrico dell'Acqua is an equestrian monument located in Piazza Volontari della Libertà in Busto Arsizio, in front of the entrance to the railway station. It is dedicated to Enrico dell'Acqua (1851-1910), a pioneer in the export of cotton from Italy abroad and a gold medalist from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Wikipedia: Monumento equestre a Enrico dell'Acqua (IT)

1255 meters / 15 minutes

Sight 3: Chiesa di San Gregorio Magno in Camposanto

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The church of San Gregorio Magno in Camposanto is one of the churches that were built in the seventeenth century in Busto Arsizio. It is located in Piazzetta San Gregorio, an extension to the south-west of Piazza Trento e Trieste.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Gregorio Magno in Camposanto (IT)

175 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Parco Norma Cossetto

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The Norma Cossetto Park is a park in the municipality of Busto Arsizio that owes its name to its location: it is in fact located along the street of the same name, in particular between the church of San Gregorio Magno in Camposanto and the building in Via Ludovico Ariosto. To the east it is bordered by a recently built building of the Paolo Candiani Art School.

Wikipedia: Parco Norma Cossetto (IT)

146 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 5: Ex sede della Società Elettrica Alto Milanese

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The headquarters of the Alto Milanese electricity company is a liberty style building designed by the architect Luigi Carlo Cornelli and located in Busto Arsizio, in the province of Varese, near the Ugo Foscolo park.

Wikipedia: Sede della Società Elettrica Alto Milanese (IT)

333 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 6: Teatro Sociale Delia Cajelli

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The Teatro Sociale "Delia Cajelli", also known as the small Scala of Busto Arsizio, is one of the theaters of Busto Arsizio, dating back to the end of the nineteenth century.

Wikipedia: Teatro Sociale (Busto Arsizio) (IT)

661 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 7: Chiesa di San Rocco

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Chiesa di San Rocco Paolo Tacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The church of San Rocco di Busto Arsizio is one of the four churches belonging to the prepositural parish of San Michele Arcangelo.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Rocco (Busto Arsizio) (IT)

1722 meters / 21 minutes

Sight 8: Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo

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The Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is one of the two churches located in the center of the Sacconago district, in Busto Arsizio. It is called "new church" in contrast to the older church of the same name located a few tens of meters away.

Wikipedia: Chiesa nuova dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo (IT)

1206 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 9: Chiesa di Madonna in Campagna

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The church of Madonna in Campagna is a religious building in Sacconago, a hamlet of the municipality of Busto Arsizio. It is dedicated to Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Madonna in Campagna (IT)


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