Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #6 in Budapest, Hungary


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 14 sights
Distance 4.7 km
Ascend 69 m
Descend 78 m

Experience Budapest in Hungary in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in BudapestIndividual Sights in Budapest

Sight 1: Baross Gábor

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Baross Gábor

Noble Gábor Baross de Bellus was a Hungarian statesman in Hungarian parliament, was born at Barossháza now Pružina near Trencsén. He was for a time one of the professors there under Cardinal Kolos Vaszary. After acquiring considerable local reputation as chief notary of his county, he entered parliament in 1875, where he apparently gained a nickname "Slovak blackman", due to his darker tanned complexity. He at once attached himself to Kálmán Tisza and remained faithful to his chief even after the Bosnian occupation had alienated so many of the supporters of the prime minister.

Wikipedia: Gábor Baross (EN), Website

544 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: II. János Pál pápa tér

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122 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 3: Erkel Theatre

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The Erkel Theatre is a theatre in Budapest, Hungary. Being the largest public building in the city for decades, it was made part of the Hungarian State Opera House in 1951.

Wikipedia: Erkel Theatre (EN)

1116 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 4: Szent Rókus-kápolna

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Szent Rókus-kápolna Nincs megadva géppel olvasható szerző. Feltételezhetően Kaboldy (a szerzői jogi adatok alapján). / CC BY-SA 3.0

The St. Rókus Chapel in Budapest is named after Saint Rocus, the miracle-working Franciscan monk and patron saint of those cured of plague epidemics. In its present form, it has been standing since 1765 along Kerepesi, today's Rákóczi Road, on the Józsefváros side of the road.

Wikipedia: Szent Rókus-kápolna (Budapest) (HU), Url Miserend

297 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 5: Kéthly Anna tér

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Kéthly Anna tér Attila Terbócs / CC BY 2.5

Kethly Anna Square is a new square in Budapest VII. district, Erzsébetváros. It got its name in 2001. The square was designed by Katalin Baraczka.

Wikipedia: Kéthly Anna tér (HU)

238 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Klauzál tér

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The Klauzál tér was the largest square in the former Jewish quarter of Budapest, Hungary. Located in the seventh district, it was the heart of the city's old Jewish quarter. Nowadays, this area is also known as the party district in Hungarian bulinegyed, because of its many pubs nearby.

Wikipedia: Klauzál tér (Budapest) (EN)

425 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 7: Szimpla Kert

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Szimpla Kert is a ruin bar or romkocsma, which means "Simple Garden" in Hungarian, located in the Jewish Quarter of the 7th district of Budapest, Hungary. It is considered the pioneer of ruin bars. The pub started as a place for people to find a cheap drink in a relaxed environment, but has grown to become a tourist attraction and community center. Movie showings, live music performances, an art gallery, the Kazinczy Living Library, the Szimpla Farmers' Market, and the Szimpla Bringa bicycle flea market are just a few of the community activities that are held at the bar.

Wikipedia: Szimpla Kert (EN), Website, Facebook

850 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 8: Belvárosi Ferences templom

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The St. Peter Church of Alcantra in Budapest, often just a downtown Franciscan church, is a church of the Franciscans in downtown Pest, on Ferenciek Square. Roman Catholic, protected as a monument Franciscan church. Its patron saint is St. Peter of Alcantara. Parish church, next to it stands a Franciscan monastery.

Wikipedia: Alcantarai Szent Péter-templom (Budapest) (HU), Url Miserend

61 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Nereidák kútja

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The Fountain of the Nereids or the Fountain of the Nayads is a group of statues depicting two female figures with dolphins and shells on their pedestals in Ferenciek Square in District V of Budapest.

Wikipedia: Nereidák kútja (HU)

115 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 10: Katona József színház

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Katona József színház Katona József Színház / engedélyezett logó

The Katona József Theatre has been operating as a theatre with its own company in Petőfi Sándor Street since the autumn of 1982. In a short time, it became Budapest decisive, artistic theater. Even after three decades, he continues to entertain his audience with demanding, internationally renowned productions. The company performed abroad for the first time in 1985, and since then it has visited forty countries in five parts of the world.

Wikipedia: Katona József Színház (Budapest) (HU)

226 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 11: Belvárosi Szent Anna-plébániatemplom

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The St. Anne's Church in the City Centre, also known as Servita Church, is located in Budapest, in the city center, on Szervita Square. Until the end of World War II, it operated under the administration of the Servite order, today it belongs to the Downtown Assumption Parish. The church is a category I monument under Act LIV of 1997 under trunk number 15394.

Wikipedia: Belvárosi Szent Anna-plébániatemplom (HU), Url Miserend

242 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 12: Pesti Színház

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The Pest Theatre is the chamber theatre of the Vígtheatre in Budapest, the venue located in district V has a capacity of 538 spectators.

Wikipedia: Pesti Színház (HU)

294 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 13: Peterffy palace

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The Péterffy Palace is a baroque city palace located next to March 15 Square in Budapest, at 2 Piarista Street. It is an important monument of Hungarian Baroque architecture, the only secular Baroque building preserving Pest's original form. Since 1831, the Centennial Restaurant has been operating in it.

Wikipedia: Péterffy-palota (HU)

146 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 14: Istenszülő elhunyta Nagyboldogasszony-székesegyház

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Istenszülő elhunyta Nagyboldogasszony-székesegyház

The Assumption Cathedral of the Blessed Mother of God is a Russian Orthodox cathedral in Budapest, district V. It is part of the World Heritage View along the Danube.

Wikipedia: Istenszülő elhunyta Nagyboldogasszony-székesegyház (Budapest) (HU), Website


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