Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #2 in Budapest, Hungary
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4.6 km
109 m
Experience Budapest in Hungary in a whole new way with our free self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.
Activities in BudapestIndividual Sights in BudapestSight 1: Király Thermal Bath
Király Bath or Király fürdő was a thermal bath that was built in Hungary between 1566-1572, during the time of Ottoman rule. It was commissioned by Sokollu Mustafa Pasha who was the longest-serving governor general (1566-1578) of the Ottoman province of Budin and who built similar baths at Rudas, Rác and Veli bej which are also operational in Budapest. The bath and its neighborhood then became part of the consolidated city of Budapest.
Sight 2: Szent Ferenc sebei-templom
The Catholic church, named after the wounds of St. Francis, was built in the middle of the 18th century in Baroque style in Buda, in the immediate vicinity of today's Batthyány Square.
Wikipedia: Szent Ferenc sebei templom (Budapest) (HU), Url Miserend
Sight 3: Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna-templom
The parish church of St. Anna in Budapest-Felsővízváros is one of the Roman Catholic churches of the first district of Budapest, the parish church of the northern part of the Buda Watertown, one of the most significant buildings of Batthyány Square, a characteristic element of the view of the Danube bank in Buda. Its construction was started by Kristóf Hamon, master builder from Buda, in 1740, and completed by Máté Nöpauer in 1761.
Wikipedia: Budapest-Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna-plébániatemplom (HU), Url Miserend
Sight 4: Szilágyi Dezső téri református templom
Szilágyi Dezső Square Reformed Church is a Protestant church in Budapest. It was built by Samu Pecz from 1893 to 1896.
Sight 5: Erdélyi bástya
Erdélyi Bastion is a bastion at Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary. It is sometimes called in English the Transylvanian bastion.
Sight 6: Red Hedgehog House
The Red Hedgehog House is Budapest oldest building still in use today, named after the inn that once operated in it.
Sight 7: Koller Galéria
The Koller Gallery is a private gallery in the Castle District of Budapest, founded in 1953. At the top floor of the three storied atelier-house, there is a memorial room for the Hungarian artist Amerigo Tot.
Sight 8: Lutheran Church of Budavár
Lutheran Church of Budavár is the oldest Lutheran church of Buda. It was built in 1895 at Vienna Gate Square in the 1st District of Budapest. The first church for the Lutherans of Buda was built by Maria Dorothea, third wife of Palatine Joseph, in 1846, at hu:Dísz tér. The site was taken over by the Ministry of Defence, so a new church was built near Vienna Gate.
Sight 9: Vienna Gate

The Vienna Gate is located at the Vienna Gate Square, Buda Castle, in 1st District, Budapest, Hungary. As the name suggests, it was the port connecting the Castle with the highway to Vienna.
Sight 10: Bécsi kapu tér

Vienna Gate Square is a public space located in Budapest I. district, in the Buda Castle District, at the junction of Ostrom Street, Táncsics Mihály Street and Nándor Street.
Sight 11: Church of Saint Mary Magdalene
The Church of Mary Magdalene is one of the oldest churches in the Buda Castle. It was built in the 13th century in the Gothic style. Today, only the tower of the church remains.
Sight 12: Museum of Military History
Institute and Museum of Military History. The museum will be closed from May 21, 2023. The Military History Archives and the Military History Library remain open to researchers.
Wikipedia: Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum (HU), Website, Facebook
Sight 13: Koszorús Ferenc
Ferenc Koszorús is a Hungarian soldier. His best-known military act was the prevention of the so-called "gendarmerie coup" on July 6, 1944, which made it possible to stop the deportation of Budapest's Jews. On March 15, 1991, President Árpád Göncz posthumously promoted him to colonel general.
Sight 14: Vérmező
Vérmező is a public park in Budapest I. district, Krisztinaváros. It was here that the beheading of Ignatius Martinovics and his associates took place on May 20, 1795.
Sight 15: Magyar Pénzmúzeum és Látogatóközpont
The Hungarian Money Museum and Visitor Centre is a museum dedicated to the history of money in Budapest, in the building of the former Post Palace. Its entrance opens from Sándy Gyula köz. It is an institution under the National Bank of Hungary.
Wikipedia: Magyar Pénzmúzeum és Látogatóközpont (HU), Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website, Youtube
Sight 16: Városmajori Kistemplom

The Városmajor Heart of Jesus Church, often referred to as the Városmajor Small Church, the Városmajor Chapel is a religious building under monument protection in Budapest.
Wikipedia: Városmajori Jézus szíve kistemplom (HU), Website, Url
Sight 17: Árkay Aladár-emlékkút
Sight 18: Hősi halottak kápolnája
The Parish Church of the Heart of Jesus in Városmajor is a multi-element building complex in the XII. district of the capital, on the eastern edge of Városmajor, Csaba Street. It consists of the bell tower, the large church and the small church – built in 1923 – functioning as a community centre, which are connected by a series of semicircular reinforced concrete structures. The building complex, built in several phases – together with other works of art associated with the architectural elements – is an outstanding work of 20th-century Hungarian church art, and has rightly been declared a monument. The church of Városmajor is usually understood as the Great Church, and this article deals primarily with this.
Wikipedia: Városmajori Jézus szíve plébániatemplom (HU), Website
Sight 19: Mindszenty József

József Mindszenty was a Hungarian cardinal of the Catholic Church who served as Archbishop of Esztergom and leader of the Catholic Church in Hungary from 1945 to 1973. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, for five decades "he personified uncompromising opposition to fascism and communism in Hungary".
Sight 20: Városmajori Jézus Szíve plébániatemplom
The Parish Church of the Heart of Jesus in Városmajor is a multi-element building complex in the XII. district of the capital, on the eastern edge of Városmajor, Csaba Street. It consists of the bell tower, the large church and the small church – built in 1923 – functioning as a community centre, which are connected by a series of semicircular reinforced concrete structures. The building complex, built in several phases – together with other works of art associated with the architectural elements – is an outstanding work of 20th-century Hungarian church art, and has rightly been declared a monument. The church of Városmajor is usually understood as the Great Church, and this article deals primarily with this.
Wikipedia: Városmajori Jézus Szíve-plébániatemplom (HU), Website, Url, Url Miserend, Url Muemlekem, Url Architect
Sight 21: Városmajor Open-air Theatre
The Városmajor Open-Air Stage is one of the open-air stages of Budapest. It is located in Városmajor, not far from Széll Kálmán Square. The Open Space Theatre also operates the Margaret Island Water Tower and the Margaret Island Open-Air Stage.
Wikipedia: Városmajori Szabadtéri Színpad (HU), Website, Facebook
Sight 22: Barabás-villa
Villa Barabás is almost the only building that has survived intact from the era of the first settlers of Városmajor Street in Budapest XII. district. Its renovation, completed in 2003, was awarded the Europa Nostra Award.
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