Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Toulouse, France


Self-guided Tours
Paid Tours & Activities

Are you ready for an unforgettable time in Toulouse, France? Then you've come to the right place with our sightseeing tours. Whether you prefer a guided free walking tour with insider knowledge or enjoy the freedom of a self-guided route, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Click on a tour and find out more about the highlights that await you!

Activities in ToulouseIndividual Sights in Toulouse
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 4.7/5 stars, 223 ratings

 Fun facts and interactive city and food tour of the rose city, Toulouse
Toulouse is a city that has a feel of a small town. The center is connected by all its little streets. Why choose me? Because I am your personal guide from the moment you sign on to my tour. I...
Book for free on GuruWalk*

Freetour: Harry's Free Tour

* Show tour on map
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 3 hours
Reviews 9.8/10 stars, 407 ratings

Harry's Free Tour
So, you understand English, like the "Free Tour" format and are in Toulouse, most likely on Vacation. You'll be looking for me then! ;) I've lived here 20 years now and have spent quite a lot of...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 9.7/10 stars, 135 ratings

Free Tour of Medieval Toulouse
A journey through medieval Toulouse! Come and discover for yourself why all attendees value it positively. The Middle Ages was a time of crusades, heresies, passions, and miracles. Join me on a...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2h 30min
Reviews 9.7/10 stars, 26 ratings

Fun Facts and Interactive Free Walking Tour of the Rose City, Toulouse
Toulouse is a city that has a feel of a small town connected by all its little streets. Come join us on an informative, interactive, and fun tour to discover the rose city. I will send you old...
Book for free on Freetour*
Price 0$
Languages English
Duration 2 hours
Reviews 9.4/10 stars, 42 ratings

Free Walking Tour of Toulouse
Take a journey through history on this free walking tour of Toulouse! You'll be accompanied by an expert guide as you explore this French city's most iconic monuments.
Book for free on Civitatis*

Self-guided Tour #1

Show tour on map
Number of sights 11 sights
Distance 1.8 km
Ascend 14 m
Descend 12 m

  • Jardin des Plantes
  • Jardin botanique Henri-Gaussen
  • Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle
  • Église Saint-Exupère
  • Quai des savoirs
  • Jardin Royal
  • Église du Gésu
  • Palais de justice
  • Vestige de rempart
  • Maison Seilhan
  • Temple du Salin
Details for Tour #1 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #2

Show tour on map
Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 0.9 km
Ascend 7 m
Descend 7 m

  • Basilique Saint-Sernin
  • Chapelle des Carmélites
  • Église Notre-Dame-du-Taur
  • Chapelle des Cordeliers
  • Ruines de l'église des Cordeliers
Details for Tour #2 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #3

Show tour on map
Number of sights 24 sights
Distance 5.6 km
Ascend 50 m
Descend 51 m

  • La Halle aux Grains
  • Rempart Gallo-Romain
  • Palais Niel
  • Cathédrale Saint-Étienne
  • Hôtel de Puivert
  • Musée des Augustins
  • Chapelle Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  • Hôtel Pierre Comère
  • Hôtel d'Arnaud de Brucelles
  • Hôtel de Nupces
  • Église Notre-Dame de la Dalbade
  • Hôtel de la Mamye
  • Hôtel des chevaliers de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem
  • Hôtel du Vieux-Raisin
  • Temple du Salin
  • Maison Seilhan
  • Palais de justice
  • Église du Gésu
  • Jardin Royal
  • Église Saint-Exupère
  • Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle
  • Jardin botanique Henri-Gaussen
  • Jardin des Plantes
  • Quai des savoirs
Details for Tour #3 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #4

Show tour on map
Number of sights 22 sights
Distance 5.6 km
Ascend 93 m
Descend 104 m

  • Synagogue
  • Square du Général de Gaulle
  • Office de Tourisme
  • Théâtre du Capitole
  • Église Saint-Jérôme
  • Hôtel Caulet-Resseguier
  • Chapelle Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  • Hôtel Pierre Comère
  • Musée du Vieux-Toulouse
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de la Daurade
  • Pont Neuf
  • Château d'eau Charles Laganne
  • Pont de la Daurade
  • Église Saint-Nicolas
  • Place Saint-Pierre
  • Auditorium Saint-Pierre des Cuisines
  • EDF Bazacle Complex
  • Les Abattoirs
  • Los Pès del parpalhòl
  • What’s a public sculpture?N°3
  • Acrobates et Musiciens
  • Agoraphobia
Details for Tour #4 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #5

Show tour on map
Number of sights 28 sights
Distance 8 km
Ascend 115 m
Descend 105 m

  • Les Abattoirs
  • Los Pès del parpalhòl
  • What’s a public sculpture?N°3
  • Acrobates et Musiciens
  • Agoraphobia
  • Église Saint-Nicolas
  • Pont de la Daurade
  • Château d'eau Charles Laganne
  • Pont Neuf
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de la Daurade
  • Musée du Vieux-Toulouse
  • Hôtel Pierre Comère
  • Hôtel d'Arnaud de Brucelles
  • Hôtel de Nupces
  • Église Notre-Dame de la Dalbade
  • Hôtel de Puivert
  • Musée des Augustins
  • Chapelle Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  • Église Saint-Jérôme
  • Hôtel Caulet-Resseguier
  • Square du Général de Gaulle
  • Office de Tourisme
  • Théâtre du Capitole
  • Église Notre-Dame-du-Taur
  • Synagogue
  • Cathédrale Saint-Étienne
  • Rempart Gallo-Romain
  • La Halle aux Grains
Details for Tour #5 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #6

Show tour on map
Number of sights 7 sights
Distance 2 km
Ascend 23 m
Descend 19 m

  • La Halle aux Grains
  • Palais Niel
  • Jardin Royal
  • Hôtel du Vieux-Raisin
  • Hôtel des chevaliers de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem
  • Hôtel de la Mamye
  • Église Notre-Dame de la Dalbade
Details for Tour #6 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #7

Show tour on map
Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 2.1 km
Ascend 38 m
Descend 26 m

  • Église Saint-Paul
  • Héraklès archer
  • Jardin d'Embarthe
  • Hôtel Jean du Barry
  • Musée Saint-Raymond
  • Basilique Saint-Sernin
Details for Tour #7 in Toulouse

Self-guided Tour #8

Show tour on map
Number of sights 7 sights
Distance 2.8 km
Ascend 15 m
Descend 20 m

  • Musée Georges Labit
  • Jardin des Plantes
  • Jardin botanique Henri-Gaussen
  • Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle
  • Église Saint-Exupère
  • Palais de justice
  • Ancienne prison Saint-Michel
Details for Tour #8 in Toulouse


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Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Toulouse at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.