5 Sights in Bellinzona, Switzerland (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Bellinzona, Switzerland! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Bellinzona. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Bellinzona

1. Castello di Montebello

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The castle of Montebello is located in Bellinzona. Its previous names were "Little Castle", "New Castle" and "Middle Castle" from the fourteenth to 1506, then Schwyz Castle until 1818 and finally St. Martin's Castle. The medieval complex of which it is a part, which includes Castelgrande, Sasso Corbaro and the walls that connect them, has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. Today it houses the Archaeology and History of the origins of the city section of the Civic Museum.

Wikipedia: Castello di Montebello (Bellinzona) (IT), Website

2. Collegiata dei Santi Pietro et Stefano

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Collegiata dei Santi Pietro et StefanoRoland Zumbühl (Picswiss), Arlesheim (Commons:Picswiss project) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The collegiate church of Saints Peter, Paul and Stephen is a Renaissance religious building with Baroque inserts located in Bellinzona. The building, seat of the parish of the Ticino city, houses numerous works of art dating back to a period between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. Among these are the large holy water font known as Fontana Trivulzio, dating back to 1465, and an organ whose original nucleus dates back to 1588.

Wikipedia: Chiesa collegiata dei Santi Pietro e Stefano (IT)

3. Castello di Sasso Corbaro

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The castle of Sasso Corbaro is located on the left bank of the Ticino river, near Bellinzona. With the castles of Montebello and Castelgrande and the walls that partly cross the valley, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. The "Castle of Sasso Corbaro" is also known as Cima Castle, Unterwalden Castle since 1506, St. Barbara Castle since 1818.

Wikipedia: Sasso Corbaro (IT)

4. Villa dei Cedri

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Villa dei Cedri Photo uploaded by User:RicciSpeziari. Photographer: Riccardo Speziari / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Museum of Villa dei Cedri is an art museum in Bellinzona, Italy. The museum presents the artistic production of Ticino, Lombardy and Switzerland from the nineteenth century to the present day. In particular, the collection collects monographic collections of significant artists, particularly from the area, and there is a specific focus on works on paper and graphic art. The villa owes its name to the large cedars of the park where the villa is located.

Wikipedia: Museo civico Villa dei Cedri (IT), Website

5. Castelgrande

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The Castles of Bellinzona are a group of fortifications located around the town of Bellinzona, the capital of the Swiss canton of Ticino. Situated on the Alpine foothills, the group is composed of fortified walls and three castles named Castelgrande, Montebello and Sasso Corbaro. Castelgrande is located on a rocky peak overlooking the valley, with a series of walls that protect the old city and connect to Montebello. Sasso Corbaro, the highest of the three castles, is located on an isolated rocky promontory south-east of the other two. The Castles of Bellinzona with their defensive walls have been an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.

Wikipedia: Castle of Castelgrande (EN), Website


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