13 Sights in Melilla, Spain (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Melilla, Spain! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Melilla. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Melilla

1. Plaza de toros de Melilla

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Plaza de toros de MelillaMiguel González Novo from Melilla, España / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Melilla bullring also known as the bullfighting mosque is a bullring in Melilla, Spain. It is one of the nine bullrings in Africa, along with Tangier, Luanda, Oran, Oujda, Villa Sanjurjo and Maputo, and is the only active one on the continent. In neo-baroque style, it is located in the Modernist Ensanche that is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Plaza de toros de Melilla (ES)

2. Mezquita Central

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The Central Mosque is the aljama or major mosque of the Spanish city of Melilla. Located in the Modernist Ensanche, on García Cabrelles Street, it is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Mezquita Central de Melilla (ES)

3. Sinagoga de Or Zaruah

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The Casa de Yamín Benarroch is a neo-Arab historicist building in the Modernist Expansion of Melilla, located on Calle López Moreno in the Spanish city of Melilla, which houses the Or Zaruah synagogue and is part of the Historic Site of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Casa de Yamín Benarroch (ES)

4. Faro de Melilla

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The Melilla Lighthouse is the lighthouse of the Spanish city of Melilla, it is located on Miguel Acosta Street in Melilla la Vieja and is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Faro de Melilla (ES)

5. Fuerte del Rosarío

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The Fuerte del Rosario is a fort located in the area of El Cubo, on Avenida Cándido Lobera in the Spanish city of Melilla, it is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Fuerte del Rosario (ES)

6. Hospital del Rey

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The Hospital del Rey is a building in the Spanish city of Melilla that houses the Central Archive of Melilla.Se is located in the Plaza de la Parada, in Melilla la Vieja in Melilla (Spain), and is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Hospital del Rey (Melilla) (ES), Url

7. Monumento a los Héroes y Mártires de las Campañas

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Monumento a los Héroes y Mártires de las CampañasMartijn.Munneke from Netherlands / CC BY 2.0

The Monument to the Heroes and Martyrs of the Campaigns is a monument located in the center of the Plaza de España, within the Modernist Eixample of the Spanish city of Melilla. It is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, being an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Monumento a los Héroes y Mártires de las Campañas (ES)

8. Héroes de Taxdirt

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The Monument to the Heroes of Taxdirt is a monument in the Spanish city of Melilla. It is located in the Plaza de Pedro Segura in the Modernist Expansion of the city, and is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Monumento a los Héroes de Taxdirt (ES)

9. Fortín de Reina Regente

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The Fortín de Reina Regent is one of the so-called outer forts of the Spanish city of Melilla, it is located on the Milky Way Road, in the vicinity of the Millan Astray Barracks, headquarters of the Tercio Gran Capitán 1º of the Legion on the outskirts of Melilla and is listed as an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Fortín de Reina Regente (ES)

10. Baluarte de San José Bajo

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The Baluarte de San José Bajo is a bastion located at the southwestern end of the Second Fortified Enclosure of Melilla la Vieja in the Spanish city of Melilla, and is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Baluarte de San José Bajo (ES)

11. Memorial a los Héroes de España

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Memorial a los Héroes de EspañaMartijn.Munneke from Netherlands / CC BY 2.0

The Monument to the Heroes of Spain is a monument in the Spanish city of Melilla. It is located in the Plaza Héroes de España, in the Modernist Expansion of the city, and is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Monumento a los Héroes de España (ES)

12. Baluarte de San Pedro Alto

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The bastion of San Pedro Alto is a bulwark located at the northwest end of the second fortified enclosure of the Spanish Citadel of Melilla La Vieja, in Melilla. It is part of the historical artistic group of the city of Melilla, a good of cultural interest.

Wikipedia: Baluarte de San Pedro Alto (ES)

13. Baluarte de San Fernando

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The Baluarte de San Fernando is a bastion located at the southwestern end of the Third Fortified Enclosure of Melilla la Vieja in the Spanish city of Melilla and is part of the Historic-Artistic Complex of the City of Melilla, an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Baluarte de San Fernando (ES)


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