32 Sights in A Coruña, Spain (with Map and Images)
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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in A Coruña, Spain! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in A Coruña. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.
Sightseeing Tours in A Coruña1. Rose Compass
A compass rose or compass star, sometimes called a wind rose or rose of the winds, is a polar diagram displaying the orientation of the cardinal directions and their intermediate points. It is used on compasses, maps, or monuments. It is particularly common in navigation systems, including nautical charts, non-directional beacons (NDB), VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) systems, satellite navigation devices ("GPS").
2. Tower of Hercules
The Tower of Hercules is the oldest known extant Roman lighthouse. Built in the 1st century, the tower is located on a peninsula about 2.4 km (1.5 mi) from the center of A Coruña, Galicia, in northwestern Spain. Until the 20th century, it was known as the Farum Brigantium. The Latin word farum is derived from the Greek Φάρος, Pharos, for the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The structure stands 55 metres (180 ft) tall and overlooks the North Atlantic coast of Spain. The tower was renovated in 1791.
3. Sir John Moore's Tomb
Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, also known as Moore of Corunna, was a senior British Army officer. He is best known for his military training reforms and for his death at the Battle of Corunna, in which he repulsed a French army under Marshal Soult during the Peninsular War.
4. Casares Quiroga House Museum
Santiago Casares y Quiroga was Prime Minister of Spain from 13 May to 19 July 1936. Casares Quiroga resigned just 48 hours after the beginning of the military insurrection that led to the Spanish Civil War.
5. Vicente Risco
Vicente Martínez Risco Agüero was a Galician intellectual of the 20th century. He was a founder member of Xeración Nós, and among the most important figures in the history of Galician literature. He is well regarded for his writings on Galician nationalism, as well as a contributor to the Galician New Narrative. He is also the father of Spanish novelist and critic Antonio Risco.
6. Colexiata de Santa María do Campo
The Royal College of Santa Maria do Campo is a Catholic temple located in Coruña. It was also known as the nicknames of the Sea and the Portal. It was declared Ben of Cultural Interest or June 3, 1931.
7. The Fine Arts Museum
The Museum of Fine Arts of A Coruña, owned by the state and transferred to the Ministry of Culture, Education and University of the Xunta de Galicia, is a modern building that is located in the former Capuchin convent.
8. Igrexa de San Francisco de Asís
The church of San Francisco is a religious temple located on Paseo das Pontes de A Coruña, a crusade area diagonally by an old aqueduct. It was originally in the Old City and was part of the primitive Franciscan convent located outside the old walls, on a hill elevated over the rocks, in front of the sea. This location outside the walls was precisely the reason for its destruction, since during the English siege of A Coruña, in the 16th century, it was set fire to prevent the enemy from being fortified in the convent.
9. Emilia Pardo Bazán House Museum
The Emilia Pardo Bazán House Museum is a house museum located in the family home of the Countess in Coruña. Hoxe shares dependencies with the Royal Galician Academy, which depends, and was bequeathed by the Herdeiras.
10. Coliseum
Coliseum da Coruña is an indoor arena for concerts and shows used in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain. The venue holds 11,000 people for concerts. It was designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, built in 1990 and open on August 12, 1991. It is also occasionally used for ice skating and bullfighting.
11. Galerías da Mariña
A gallery is a constructive element of architectural composition, built in the northern part of the peninsula, especially in Galician architecture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Na arquitectura bourgeois residencial galega acadou o seu maior grao de desenvolvemento ao se convert nunha peza fundamental dos edificios de vivendas.
12. Obelisk
The Obelisk of the Cantons is a monument of the city of A Coruña, located in the street of the Canton Grande. It was built in 1895 in memory of Aureliano Linares Rivas, deputy, senator and minister of Compostela during the reign of María Cristina.
13. Science Museum

A Casa das Ciencias is a two Scientific Museums in A Coruña. It is located in Santa Margarida Park. It contains, among other cousas, modules to experience surprising phenomena, an incubator where you can see the birth of pitiños de galiña, exhibitions and a planetarium that offers live and recorded programs. I conceived it as a place to have fun with science and Umberto Eco qualified as one of the most formidable museums in the world.
14. Opera House

The Palace of the Opera of A Coruña is a building located in the Glorieta de América da Cidade Herculina, located next to the Santa Margarida Park. It is the headquarters of the Galician Symphony Orchestra.
15. María Pita House Museum
A Casa Museo de María Pita é una casa museo da Coruña que lembra a vida de esta heroine que loitou contra unha inglesa no século XVI led by Francis Drake. Not soar that occupies rose in the sixteenth century a dwelling owned by the first husband of Maria Pita, Xoán Alonso de Rois. Hoxe is located in Rúa dos Ferreiros.
16. Millenium
O Millenium is a monument in the shape of an obelisk located on the Paseo Marítimo da Coruña. Ergueuse to commemorate the beginning of the XXI week and have as references the Tower of Hercules and the Obelisk of the Cantons. It is 46 meters high and is 147 rock trees brought from the Baixos Countries.
17. Military Historical Museum of A Coruña
The Regional Military Museum of A Coruña is dedicated to military history and pre-Roman objects – mainly Galician – and has a large collection of weapons, uniforms, flags, models, maps and material of interest.
18. Colon Theatre
The Teatro Colón is a stage performance center located in the Xardíns de Méndez Núñez, center of the city of Coruña. The Teatro Colón is owned by the Provincial Council of A Coruña and commissioned by Novacaixagalicia since its reopening in 2006.
19. Capela de Santa María de Oza
The Chapel of Santa María de Oza is a Romanesque relixious temple built between the middle and end of the twelfth century and renovated in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The annexation of the council of Oza in the center of A Coruña in 1912 was converted into one of the oldest buildings of the Herculino council. It is part of the Historical-Artistic Conxunto of the former Sanatorium of Oza.
20. Picasso House Museum
A Picasso House Museum is a house museum of the city of A Coruña inaugurated on December 18, 2002. In the museum, 33 works are reproduced, 4 of them are from the country and the rest of them were made by Picasso during his stay in the city of Herculina, the works are integrated into the decoration of the house in different rooms in the bedrooms. Among the works exhibited there are oils on lenzo, oils on wood, pencil and pen debuxos, inks, charcoals and watercolors. A house that houses the museum resided or painter Pablo Picasso between 1891 and 1895. It is a typical dwelling in the area of the nineteenth century A Coruña expansion, and it is preserved the same as it was when the Ruiz Picasso family lived with furniture, objects and original aparellos and of the time. The house is located on the second floor of number 14 of Paio Gómez street, in the heart of the city.
21. Rosalía de Castro Theatre
The Rosalía de Castro Theatre is a cultural institution of the city of A Coruña, owned by the municipality, founded by the Coruña Municipal Entertainment Institute (IMCE) of the City Council of A Coruña and directed by Javier Sabadie Iglesias. It is a center of scenic representation located in the center of the Herculine city, in the middle of Rúa Real and moi near Praza de María Pita. On 20 May 1994, the Biblioteca da Deputación Provincial da Coruña was also attached to the Biblioteca da Deputación Provincial da Coruña.
22. Emilia Pardo Bazán
The monument to the Countess of Pardo Bazán is a sculptural ensemble by the artist Lorenzo Coullaut Valera commissioned by the council of A Coruña in memory of the writer Emilia Pardo Bazán. Atópase nos Xardíns de Méndez Núñez.
23. Saint Margarida's Park

The park of Santa Margarida is a place of learning, nature, knowledge and culture in the city of A Coruña. It is located in the center of the hill teied with trees and is visible from a good part of the city.
24. Collegiate Church Religious Art Museum
The Museum of Sacred Art of the Colexiata of Santa Maria do Campo is a museum of A Coruña. Exhibit a collection of prata fishes, of a religious character, belonging to Colexiata de Santa Maria do Campo, from different periods and artistic styles, among which a monstrance of the late seventeenth century stands out.
Wikipedia: Museo de Arte Sacra da Colexiata de Santa María do Campo (GL)
25. Kiosk Afonso
O Quiosco Alfonso, Kiosco Alfonso or Quiosco Afonso is an exhibition hall in the city of A Coruña. It holds all kinds of exhibitions, artistic, informative, photographic, industrial and graphic, architectural, holographic, etc. as well as other types of events, such as conferences, round tables, catalogue editions. It is located in the heart of the city, in the heart of the city.
26. Faro de Oza
The lighthouse of Oza is a lighthouse located in Punta de Oza, where it is also located in the beach of Oza, in the parish of Oza. It is built in Forte de Oza, built in the sixteenth century and which housed a coastal battery. The construction of the lighthouse was completed in 1915 and entered service in 1917. He was discharged in 1963, suffering abandonment and ruin in 1996, when he was rehabilitated. Therefore, since that is not taken to use and the state of abandonment that it suffers has caused continuous protests. It is part of the Historical-Artistic Council of the old Sanatorium of Oza.
27. National Museum of Science and Technology - MUNCYT
The National Museum of Science and Technology is a technology museum in Spain devoted to technology promotion and preservation. It owns a collection of more than 19,000 scientific instruments, technological devices, vehicles, machines and industrial tools from the 16th century until nowadays. Dependent on the Ministry of Science, it is one of the National Museums of Spain, and it is managed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
Wikipedia: National Museum of Science and Technology (Spain) (EN)
28. Panoramic Elevator San Pedro Mount
The panoramic elevator of Monte de San Pedro is a spherical elevator of cremalleira located in the city of A Coruña. It was inaugurated in April 2007 and connects the promenade of the city with Monte de San Pedro Park. The elevator was designed and built by the company of Narón Ártabro Samdeu.
29. Monumento a Curros Enríquez
The Monument to Curros Enríquez is a work made by the Galician sculptor Francisco Asorey and located in Xardíns de Méndez Núñez da Coruña. It was inaugurated in 1934 as a tribute to Manuel Curros Enríquez, who died in 1908.
30. Batería de San Pedro
The battery of cannons of Monte de San Pedro is part of an old military installation of coastal defense of the interwar period, located at the top of Monte de San Pedro in the Galician city of A Coruña. After many years of abandonment, Monte de San Pedro was converted into a park and the military installations rehabilitated as a museum. Now the Monte de San Pedro is an area to visit and enjoy contemplating the landscape and the historic installations, which highlight the two huge cannons and bunkers.
31. Parque de Oza
The Oza park is a green space with an extension of 55,000 square meters located in the city of A Coruña, not in the Castrillón neighborhood, or that becomes an urban green space and a lung for the city.
32. Parque de Bens

O Parque de Bens is a park in the municipality of A Coruña located in Bens. It was inaugurated on 5 June 2001, World Environment Day, on the old landfill of the city, which collapsed in 1996 causing the death of a Portiño neighbourhood.
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