27 Sights in Košice, Slovakia (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Košice, Slovakia! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Košice. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Košice

1. Saint Elisabeth Cathedral

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The Cathedral of St. Elizabeth, also called Saint Elizabeth Cathedral, is a Gothic cathedral in Košice, Slovakia. It is the largest church in Slovakia and one of the easternmost Gothic cathedrals in Europe.

Wikipedia: Cathedral of St. Elizabeth (EN), Website, Youtube

2. Nová ortodoxná synagóga

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Nová ortodoxná synagóga

The New Orthodox Synagogue, Košice was built in the years 1926–1927 at Puškinova Street near the historic centre of Košice, Slovakia. It superseded the older Orthodox Synagogue in Zvonárska Street, constructed in 1899 to the design of János Balogh.

Wikipedia: New Orthodox Synagogue (Košice) (EN), Website

3. Zoologická záhrada Košice

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Zoologická záhrada Košice

The Košice Zoo is a zoo in Košice, Slovakia in the borough of Kavečany. It covers 292 hectares and is the largest zoo in Slovakia and the third largest in Europe. Visitors are allowed in only about one third of the site. Another area outside the visitors area is preserved as the Carpathian Biom, with many wild Slovak species of fauna and flora, including the Imperial Eagle, Black Storc, and Raven. The zoo hosts about 250,000 visitors each year. Inside the zoo is a large Slovak "Jurassic Park" and many educational trails.

Wikipedia: Košice Zoo (EN), Website, Facebook

4. Kostol Najsvätejšej Trojice

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The Church of the Holy Trinity or commonly known as the Premonstratensian Church, or initially the Jesuit Church, is a Roman Catholic church in Košice, Slovakia. It is an example of Baroque architecture in the city and was the site of the martyrdom of three saints in 1619.

Wikipedia: Church of the Holy Trinity, Košice (EN), Website

5. Chrám Narodenia Presvätej Bohorodičky

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The Greek Catholic Cathedral Church of Virgin Mary's Birth is located at Moyzesova Street in the historic centre of Košice, Slovakia. It is the cathedral of the Eparchy of Košice of the Slovak Greek Catholic Church.

Wikipedia: Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, Košice (EN), Website, Url

6. Košická detská historická železnica

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The Košice Children's Heritage Railway is a 4.2 km (2.6 mi) long single-track heritage railway with a track gauge of 1,000 mm. The railway was opened on 20 September 1955 as a pioneer railway near Košice in Slovakia and is still in operation today. It is located in the rural part of the city's Košice-Sever borough.

Wikipedia: Košice Children's Heritage Railway (EN), Website

7. Romathan

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The Romathan Theatre is a theatre of the Roma national minority in the city of Košice. It was founded in 1992 and is the only theatre of its kind in Slovakia. He presents his performances in Romani and Slovak.

Wikipedia: Divadlo Romathan (SK), Website

8. Kostol Nanebovzatia Panny Márie

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The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary or commonly known as the Dominican Church at Dominikánske námestie is the oldest church in Košice, Slovakia, and also the oldest preserved building in the town.

Wikipedia: Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Košice (EN), Website, Url

9. Evanjelický kostol

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The Evangelical Church or Protestant Church in Mlynská ulica in Košice, Slovakia is a Neoclassical church building of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia, a Lutheran denomination. It has Sunday services at 09:30 and 18:00 in Slovak, and at 08:15 in Hungarian.

Wikipedia: Evangelical Church of Košice (EN)

10. Kostol Ducha Svätého

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Kostol Ducha Svätého

The Holy Spirit Church or Hospital Church of the Holy Spirit is the oldest building in Košice-Juh, Košice, Slovakia. It is located at beginning of Južná trieda, close to the historic centre of medieval Košice.

Wikipedia: Holy Spirit Church (Košice) (EN), Website, Url

11. Múzeum letectva

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The Museum of Aviation is a transport and military history museum in Košice, Slovakia. It is a branch of the Slovak Technical Museum in Košice and is located near the Košice International Airport, on the outskirts of the city. It opened on August 23, 2002. After a general reconstruction and enlargement period that lasted since 2004, the museum reopened on September 2, 2006.

Wikipedia: Museum of Aviation (Košice) (EN), Website

12. Miklušova väznica

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The Mikluš Prison in Košice is a set of two interconnected Gothic burgher houses from the first half of the 15th century, which were adapted at the beginning of the 17th century for the needs of the city prison and torture chamber. It served for these purposes until 1909, then it was administered by the Upper Hungarian Museum, which planned to install an exhibition of the city's history in it. This happened only after a comprehensive reconstruction in the war years 1940 - 1942. The exhibition is located on Pri Miklušova Prison Street.

Wikipedia: Miklušova väznica (SK), Website

13. Pozostatok mosta

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Pozostatok mosta

Košice city fortifications is a fortress system of gradually built walls, water ditches, parks, rondels, barbacans, bastions, ravelins and glacis, defending the city of Košice. The establishment of urban walls is dated to 1260 - 1290. In the 15th century the fortification was supplemented in connection with the development of military equipment - firearms and artillery. In the 16th century with increased Turkish danger, the walls were rebuilt from the rondel system to bastion. Kosice has become one of the most important Habsburg forts. Often, however, they got into the rebel hands, which was not due to the fragility of the fortifications, but by the political will of Košice burghers. In the 17th century, the improvement of the bastion system continued, and the forwarded separate citadel was added to the recurring uprisings. At the beginning of the 18th century, the construction of Ravelin and Glacis reached the development of the Košice city fortifications. Due to the transfer of the center of gravity of Habsburg combat operations outside the Košice region, the importance of the fortifications passed. In the years 1783 - 1840 it was gradually demolished. To this day, there are some parts or whole fortification objects that are testimony to the importance and maturity of this developed defense system in a pan -European context.

Wikipedia: Košické mestské opevnenie (SK)

14. František II. Rákoczy

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František II. Rákoczy Marian Gladis / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Rákóczi's sculpture in Košice is a bronze statue of Francis II Rákóczi, situated in the Executioner's Bastion in the historical centre of Košice, Slovakia. It is placed in front of Rákóczi's memorial house, a replica of his house in the Turkish exile in Rodosto.

Wikipedia: Rákóczi's sculpture in Košice (EN)

15. Thália

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The Thalia Theatre is a theatre of the Hungarian national minority in the city of Košice. The theatre was established in 1969. Under the name of the Thália Színház Theatre in Košice, it operates under the founding competence of the Košice Self-Governing Region. It is a travelling theatre, most of its performances take place outside of Košice, especially in the south of Slovakia and, of course, in Hungary.

Wikipedia: Divadlo Thália (SK), Website

16. Hradová

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Hradová is a hill located in Košice in the city district of North. There is an observation tower on the top, from which there is an excellent view of almost all city districts of the city of Košice.

Wikipedia: Hradová (vrch) (SK)

17. Archeologické múzeum

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Archeologické múzeum

The Archaeological Museum in Košice is a museum of Košice's city fortifications, specifically its Lower Gate. The area was uncovered during the reconstruction of Hlavná Street (1995-1996). The archaeological survey was led by Košice conservationists Marcela Ďurišová and Jozef Duchoň. The project of the museum is the work of engineer Alexander Lami. The museum under a large concrete slab was opened to the public in 1998.

Wikipedia: Archeologické múzeum (Košice) (SK)

18. Obetiam nehody električky č. 6

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The accident of tram line No. 6 occurred in Košice on October 30, 1978. It is the largest accident in the history of urban transport in Slovakia and at the same time one of the most tragic tram accidents in the history of Central Europe. The Tatra T3 tram set on line 6 got out of control while driving downhill on SNP Avenue to the Amphitheater and derailed, overturned and crashed into trees due to excessive speed. 9 people died and 90 were injured in the accident. The youngest victim was only 14 years old.

Wikipedia: Nehoda električky v Košiciach v roku 1978 (SK)

19. Múzeum Vojtecha Löfflera

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The Vojtech Löffler Museum is a museum of contemporary art located in Košice. The museum was established by the city district of Košice - Old Town on December 17, 1993. The museum presents an exhibition of the important Košice sculptor Vojtech Löffler. The exhibition was dedicated by Vojtech and his wife Klára Schönherz to the city.

Wikipedia: Múzeum Vojtecha Löfflera (SK), Website, Facebook, Website

20. Kasárne Kulturpark

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The Kulturpark Barracks is the largest and most extensive investment project within the European Capital of Culture Košice 2013. After the reconstruction, one of the largest cultural centers in Slovakia was created from dilapidated, but historically interesting and spacious barracks buildings. The transformation of the buildings created a comprehensive background for the creation, presentation and support of art and contemporary creative, authentic and very experimental culture. The main goal of the cultural center is to provide an exceptional space for the creation and presentation of high-quality multi-genre artistic production.

Wikipedia: Kasárne Kulturpark (SK), Website

21. Ruiny Citadela

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Ruiny Citadela

The Košice Citadel was a Baroque citadel located in the territory of Košice from 1671 to 1713. The citadel was one of the gradually built parts of the Košice city fortifications. It was built south of the city walls and part of it was uncovered during archaeological research, which preceded the construction of the Aupark shopping center on Liberator Square. The remains of the citadel can be found in front of the main entrance to Aupark, as well as in its underground parking lot.

Wikipedia: Košická citadela (SK)

22. Múzeum obetí komunizmu

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The Museum of the Victims of Communism is an audiovisual museum in Košice on Moyzesova Street. It was founded on June 24, 2021 as the first of its kind in Slovakia. It was created in honor of the memory of the victims of communism. It allows visitors to look into the stories of imprisoned and tortured survivors.

Wikipedia: Múzeum obetí komunizmu (SK), Website, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube

23. Katova Bašta

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Katova Bašta

The Executioner's Bastion is the largest and best-preserved building monument from the medieval fortifications of the city in Slovakia. It is located in Košice and its origin dates back to the 15th century.

Wikipedia: Katova bašta (SK)

24. Regional information point

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Regional information point

Košice Region Tourism is an organization dealing with destination management for the region of the Košice Region. The organization focuses on marketing and development of the destination, but also on the creation of tourism products.

Wikipedia: Košice Región Turizmus (SK), Website

25. DinoPark

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DinoPark Košice is a fun and educational attraction suitable for families with children of all ages and school excursions. The park was opened on June 1, 2013. It is located in a forest valley with a stream on an area of 6 ha. Life-size models of prehistoric animals installed in more than 20 scenes can be seen here in the environment in which they probably inhabited our planet more than 65 million years ago. The models are manufactured using a special patented technology based on current scientific knowledge and fossils found. In addition to paleontologically accurate models of dinosaurs, visitors can get acquainted with information about individual species, the development of life on Earth, the movement of continents, etc.

Wikipedia: DinoPark Košice (SK)

26. Palác hornouhorského generálneho kapitanátu

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Palác hornouhorského generálneho kapitanátu Maros M r a z (Maros) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Palace of the Upper Hungarian General Captaincy is a historic building on Hlavná Street in Košice. As the name implies, in the past it was the seat of the Upper Hungarian Main Captaincy. Today, the Slovak Technical Museum is located here. The palace was built in the years 1876 - 1899 in the Art Nouveau style.

Wikipedia: Palác hornouhorského generálneho kapitanátu (SK)

27. Kostol Kráľovnej pokoja

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The Church of the Queen of Peace is a church located in the South district of Košice on Mercy Street. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, and since 1963 it has been a national cultural monument of the Slovak Republic.

Wikipedia: Kostol Kráľovnej pokoja (Košice) (SK), Website, Url


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