18 Sights in Sibiu, Romania (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Sibiu, Romania. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 18 sights are available in Sibiu, Romania.

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1. Piața Mare

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The Great Square of Sibiu is the central square of Sibiu, existing since 1366, with the completion of the third fortification belt of the city. Maior Circulus vulgariter Kornmargt is attested as such in a document from 1408, in which Mathias Baldi is mentioned. He bought and repaired a stone house from Pipo de Timiș in that place. Another document, from 1411, attests to the sale of a stone house by Mathias Tromenauer to Nicolaus Jenkowicz for 1000 guilders in the same place.

Wikipedia: Piața Mare din Sibiu (RO)

2. Brukenthal National Museum

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The Brukenthal National Museum is a museum in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, established in the late 18th century by Samuel von Brukenthal (1721-1803) in his city palace. Baron Brukenthal, governor of the Grand Principality of Transylvania established his first collections around 1790. The collections were officially opened to the public in 1817, making the museum the oldest institution of its kind on the territory of modern-day Romania.

Wikipedia: Brukenthal National Museum (EN), Website

3. Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary

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The Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary is the most famous Gothic-style church in Sibiu, Transylvania, central Romania. Its massive 73.34 m high steeple is a landmark of the city. The four turrets situated on top of the steeple are said to have been a sign to let foreigners know that the town had the right to sentence to death. It belongs to the Lutheran, German-speaking Evangelical Church of Augustan Confession in Romania.

Wikipedia: Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral (EN), Website

4. Franz Binder World Ethnography Museum

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The "Franz Binder" Museum of Universal Ethnography is a department of the "ASTRA" National Museum Complex in Sibiu, which was inaugurated in 1993 as a response to the principle of cultural otherness, of knowing one's own identity by comparing oneself with the values of other cultures. It operates in a building in Piața Mica nr. 11 declared a historical monument.

Wikipedia: Muzeul de etnografie universală "Franz Binder" (RO), Website

5. Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral

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The Holy Trinity Cathedral, Sibiu, located at 35 Mitropoliei Street, Sibiu, Romania, is the seat of the Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania. It was built in the style of a Byzantine basilica, inspired by Hagia Sophia, with the main spires influenced by Transylvanian church architecture and Baroque elements.

Wikipedia: Holy Trinity Cathedral, Sibiu (EN)

6. Episcop Georg Daniel Teutsch

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The monument to Georg Daniel Teutsch in Sibiu is a bronze monument dedicated to the Saxon evangelical historian, politician and bishop Georg Daniel Teutsch (1817-1893), which was made by the German sculptor Adolf von Donndorf in 1899. The monument is located in Huet Square in Sibiu, in the courtyard of the Evangelical Cathedral.

Wikipedia: Monumentul lui Georg Daniel Teutsch din Sibiu (RO)

7. Potters’ Tower

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The Potters' Tower of Sibiu is a tower built in the fifteenth century by the Saxon guild of potters in the city of Sibiu. The tower was part of the city's third fortification belt. The Potters' Tower is one of the three towers located on str. The fortress, being located between the Arquebusiers' Tower and the Carpenters' Tower.

Wikipedia: Turnul Olarilor din Sibiu (RO)

8. ASTRA National Museum Complex

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ASTRA National Museum Complex No machine-readable author provided. Qyd assumed (based on copyright claims). / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Museum of Traditional Folk Civilization is one of the largest open-air museums in Romania. Located immediately south of Sibiu, the museum contains creations of traditional, pre-industrial Romanian folk civilization. Houses, workshops and building complexes are sprinkled around a lake, among the trees of Dumbrăvii Sibiului.

Wikipedia: Muzeul Civilizației Populare Tradiționale „ASTRA” din Sibiu (RO)

9. Statuia Sf. Nepomuk

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The statue of Ioan Nepomuk in Sibiu is a stone monument dedicated to Saint John Nepomuk, which was placed in 1734 in the Great Square of Sibiu. It was dismantled in 1948 and stored in the courtyard of the Brukenthal Museum, being reinstalled in 1988 in the inner courtyard of the Roman Catholic parish house in the Great Square.

Wikipedia: Statuia lui Ioan Nepomuk din Sibiu (RO)

10. Emil Sigerus Museum of Saxon Ethnography and Folk Art

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Emil Sigerus Museum of Saxon Ethnography and Folk Art

The project of establishing within the "ASTRA" National Museum Complex in Sibiu a museum unit of Saxon folk art started in 1997 and aimed to save, preserve and promote the tangible and intangible cultural heritage belonging to this minority, given that Sibiu represented a fundamental residence space for the Saxons.

Wikipedia: Muzeul de etnografie și artă populară săsească „Emil Sigerus” (RO), Website

11. Arquebusiers' Tower

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Arquebusiers' Tower Chainwit. / CC BY 4.0

The Arquebusiers' Tower of Sibiu, later called the Tower of Cloths (Panzarilor), is a tower built in the fourteenth century in the city of Sibiu and which was part of the third fortification belt of the city. It is the southernmost of the three towers located on Cetăţii Street.

Wikipedia: Turnul Archebuzierilor din Sibiu (RO)

12. Carpenters’ Tower

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The Tower of the Carpenters in Sibiu is a tower built in the fourteenth century by the Saxon guild in the city of Sibiu. The tower was the part of the third fortification belt of the city. The carpenter's tower is the most northern of the three towers on Cetăţii street.

Wikipedia: Turnul Dulgherilor din Sibiu (RO)

13. Pasajul Scărilor

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The passage of the stairs in Sibiu is a stone and brick passage in the city of Sibiu, which made the connection between the upper city and the city below. It is built in the fourteenth century and was doing the part of the third belt of the city.

Wikipedia: Pasajul Scărilor din Sibiu (RO)

14. Liars Bridge

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The Bridge of Lies is a legendary pedestrian bridge located in the center of the Transylvanian city of Sibiu in central Romania. There are many legends surrounding the bridge because of its name. It is the first cast iron bridge built in Romania.

Wikipedia: Bridge of Lies (EN)

15. The Thick Tower

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The Thick Tower of Sibiu is a tower built in the sixteenth century in the city of Sibiu and which was part of the fortifications later incorporated into the city's defense belts. It is located on Cetăţii Street and Corneliu Coposu Boulevard.

Wikipedia: Turnul Gros din Sibiu (RO)

16. Biserica Romano Catolică Sfânta Treime

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Jesuit Church, otherwise the Church of the Holy Trinity, is a Roman Catholic church located at 3 Piața Mare, Sibiu, Romania. Immediately adjacent to Brukenthal Palace, it is one of the most notable baroque churches in Transylvania.

Wikipedia: Jesuit Church, Sibiu (EN), Url Miserend

17. Statuia lui Gheorghe Lazăr

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Statuia lui Gheorghe LazărCezar Suceveanu / CC-BY-3.0

The statue of Gheorghe Lazăr in Sibiu is a bronze monument dedicated to the Romanian scholar Gheorghe Lazăr (1779-1823), which was made in 2006 by sculptor Radu Aftenie. Currently, it is located in the Great Square in Sibiu.

Wikipedia: Statuia lui Gheorghe Lazăr din Sibiu (RO)

18. Natural History Museum

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The Natural History Museum of Sibiu is a museum institution founded in 1849 in Sibiu. The current building of the museum was built in 1894-1895 in the former park of the Theatre, on Cetăţii Street nr. 1.

Wikipedia: Muzeul de Istorie Naturală din Sibiu (RO), Website


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