42 Sights in Oslo, Norway (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Oslo, Norway. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 42 sights are available in Oslo, Norway.

Sightseeing Tours in OsloActivities in Oslo

1. The Monolith

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«Monolitten» er en 17 meter høy steinsøyle hugget ut av en steinbauta som inngår i Vigelandsanlegget i Frognerparken i Oslo. Den er plassert på «Monolittplatået» på høyden Tørtberg. Steinblokken ble tatt ut av ingeniør Anders Beer ved steinbruddet ved Hov ved Iddefjorden i 1922, og siden fraktet til Oslo på en lekter. Den ble ferdigstilt av Gustav Vigelands steinhuggerassistenter, svensken Nils Jönsson, dansken Karl Kjær, og nordmannen Ivar Broe i 1943. Søylen, som består av 121 figurer, står på Vigelandsanleggets og Frognerparkens høyeste punkt og er 17 meter høy. Den monumentale skulpturen er omgitt av en sirkeltrapp med 36 figurgrupper av granitt anbrakt som rader oppover trappen. Monolittplatået omkranses av en lav balustrade av granitt med åtte dobbeltporter av smijern. Navnet antyder at skulpturen er hugget av en eneste granittblokk.

Wikipedia: Monolitten (NO)

2. Nobel Peace Center

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The Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway, is a showcase for the Nobel Peace Prize and the ideals it represents. The center is also an arena where culture and politics merge to promote involvement, debate and reflection around topics such as war, peace and conflict resolution. The center is located in Oslo, Norway at the City Hall Square (Rådhusplassen).

Wikipedia: Nobel Peace Center (EN), Website

3. Kirsten Flagstad

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Kirsten Malfrid Flagstad was a Norwegian opera singer, who was the outstanding Wagnerian soprano of her era. Her triumphant debut in New York on 2 February 1935 is one of the legends of opera. Giulio Gatti-Casazza, the longstanding General Manager of the Metropolitan Opera said, “I have given America two great gifts — Caruso and Flagstad.”

Wikipedia: Kirsten Flagstad (EN)

4. Frogner Park

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Frogner Park is a public park in the central West End borough of Frogner in Oslo, Norway. The park is historically part of Frogner Manor and is Oslo's largest park, open to the public at all times. It includes the manor house which is the seat of Oslo Museum, the nearby Henriette Wegner Pavilion, the Vigeland installation of sculptures created by sculptor Gustav Vigeland, Frogner Baths, Frogner stadion, Frognerparken Café, the restaurant Herregårdskroen and the largest collection of roses in the country with 14,000 plants of 150 species. Frogner Park is the most visited tourist attraction in Norway.

Wikipedia: Frogner Park (EN)

5. Madserud gård

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Madserud gård

Madserud gård er et tidligere gårdsanlegg vest i Oslo kommune. Gården var opprinnelig en husmannsplass under Søndre Skøyen og fikk navn etter en mann kalt Mads, far til Niels Madsen, som en gang bodde der. Fra 1812 tilhørte plassen kjøpmann Jacob Erasmus Dybwad, som også eide Fredriksberg på sørsiden av Frognerelva. Midtpartiet av våningshuset er muligens reist en gang i perioden 1852-74 av grosserer Stener Rosenberg, i senklassisistisk stil med innslag av nyrenessanse. Senere eier var kommandørkaptein Fredrik Georg Wilhelm Sverdrup, som i 1890 forlenget huset med en innebygget glassveranda mot øst. Fra 1903 var gården eiet av Harald Løvenskiold. I 1913 bygde han på huset mot vest, slik at det ble symmetrisk, og tilføyde søylepartiet på langsiden mot sør. Arkitekten for dette var Herman Backer. Dermed fikk huset den form det har i dag.

Wikipedia: Madserud gård (NO)

6. Gamlebyen kirke

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Gamlebyen Church is a private church, belonging to Oslo University Hospital and is also called Oslo Hospital's Church, located in the old town of Oslo, Norway. It is leased to the Diocese of Oslo of the Church of Norway and serves as the parish church for the Gamlebyen parish in Oslo. Up to 1925 it had the name Oslo Church, but when the city changed its name from Kristiania to Oslo, the church got the present name. The present church building is listed in 1796 partly on the foundations of the Franciscan monastery church built around 1290. The church is located at the foot of the north-facing slope Ekeberg, across the street from the Gamlebyen Cemetery. The chapel at the cemetery is abandoned as a burial chapel and leased to the Ethiopian community in Oslo. At funerals, the church itself is now used instead.

Wikipedia: Gamlebyen Church (EN)

7. Sinsenparken

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Sinsenparken is a park between Lørenveien road and the Gjøvik Line at Sinsen, in Oslo, Norway. The 21.2 acre park is used for recreational purposes. The area is bounded by 6 storey residential buildings on three sides, and has Sinsen Church framing the south. There is a leisure and recreation area for the community, which is used for exercise, dog walking, games, sunbathing, barbecuing, social gatherings and other recreation. The entire surface is covered with grass, and in the northeastern part of the park are some tall trees. In the park stands a memorial in remembrance of the 24 Sinsen residents who fell during World War II. The monument was unveiled by Alfred Seland in September 1949.

Wikipedia: Sinsenparken (EN)

8. Villa Stenersen

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Villa Stenersen Hans A. Rosbach / CC BY-SA 3.0

Villa Stenersen in Oslo is drawn by architect Arne Korsmo for the financier, art collector and author Rolf Stenersen and his family in 1939. The house were intended to serve both as a residence and as a gallery for his large art collection, and is considered as one of the main works of architecture in the Norwegian functionalism style. It is also the only Norwegian member of Iconic Houses. At the moment, it is in the middle of a restoration process headed by Statsbygg, in collaboration with the National Gallery and the Stenersen family. The villa is operated by the National Gallery of Norway and is open to the public every Sunday during the summer half of the year.

Wikipedia: Villa Stenersen (EN), Website

9. Vestbanehallen

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VestbanehallenNina-noThis photo was taken by Nina-no. Please credit this photo Nina Aldin Thune in the immediate vicinity of the image.Distribution: Creative CommonsKunsthistorie.com Farmasihistorie.com / CC BY-SA 2.5

Oslo West Station or Oslo V, is a former railway station located in Vika in Oslo, Norway. It was the terminus of the Drammen Line between 1872 and 1980, until the Oslo Tunnel opened. The station remained in use until 1989, when all traffic was moved to the new Oslo Central Station. Until its closure it was the main station for trains on the Sørland Line, the Drammen Line and the Vestfold Line. There was no passenger rail connection to Oslo Ø, the eastern station that served the eastern lines and trains to Bergen. The only connection was the Oslo Port Line that went partially through some of the most trafficked streets in Oslo.

Wikipedia: Oslo West Station (EN)

10. Gamle rådhus

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Gamle rådhus is a building with a long history in Oslo, Norway. It is one of the oldest buildings in the Norwegian capital. It was built as the first town hall in Christiania in 1641. The construction of the town hall got financial support by King Christian IV. The building has historically been used for many purposes. A restaurant was appointed in a side wing in 1856 and moved to the main house in 1925. From 1980 to 2010 a theatre museum was located in the side wing of the first floor. The Old Town Hall is listed and protected by law by the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage.

Wikipedia: Gamle rådhus (Oslo) (EN)

11. Bjølsenfossen

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Bjølsenfossen Halfdan Møller / Oslo Museum / CC BY-SA 4.0

Bjølsenfossen er med et fall på 16 meter den høyeste fossen i Akerselva i Oslo. Den ligger sør for Treschows bru på Bjølsen, og har navn etter gården Bjølsen. På 1300-tallet ble Bjølsen mølle anlagt ved fossen. Fossen var på 1800-tallet viktig for industriutviklinga i området, og forsynte blant annet Bjølsen Valsemølle med kraft. Valsemølla ble etter hvert den største melprodusenten i Norge. Fossen ligger inne på valsemøllas industriområde, så allmennheten kommer normalt ikke tett på den.

Wikipedia: Bjølsenfossen (NO)

12. Museum of Cultural History

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Museum of Cultural History Vassia Atanassova - Spiritia / CC BY-SA 3.0

Museum of Cultural History is an association of museums subject to the University of Oslo, Norway. KHM was established in 1999 as Universitetets kulturhistoriske museum with the merging of the bodies Universitetets Oldsaksamling which housed a collection of ancient and medieval objects, Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset) at Bygdøy, the Coin Cabinet (Myntkabinettet) and Ethnographic Museum. In 2004 the name was changed to Kulturhistorisk museum.

Wikipedia: Museum of Cultural History, Oslo (EN), Website

13. Sonja Henie

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Sonja Henie

Sonja Henie was a Norwegian figure skater and film star. She was a three-time Olympic champion in women's singles, a ten-time World champion (1927–1936) and a six-time European champion (1931–1936). Henie has won more Olympic and World titles than any other ladies' figure skater. She is one of only two skaters to defend a ladies' singles Olympic title, the other being Katarina Witt, and her six European titles have only been matched by Witt.

Wikipedia: Sonja Henie (EN)

14. Geology Museum

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Geologisk og paleontologisk museum ble etablert i 1917 og er en del av Naturhistorisk museum ved Universitetet i Oslo. Museet ble til på initiativ fra geologi-professor Waldemar Christopher Brøgger, og publikum fikk adgang til utstillingene fra 1920. Da museets nybygg på Tøyen ble påbegynt i 1911, var det 100 år etter at mineralsamlingen ved Bergseminaret på Kongsberg ble overført til det nye universitetet.

Wikipedia: Geologisk museum (Oslo) (NO), Website

15. Det Andre Teatret

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Det Andre Teatret (DAT) er et teater som ligger i Ivan Bjørndals gate 9, mellom Sagene og Torshov i Oslo. Teatret ble åpnet høsten 2011 av improvisatorer fra Teater Liksom, som da holdt til i lokaler på Chateau Neuf i Oslo. De som startet teatret var Nils Petter Mørland, Mats Eldøen, Tony Totino, Veslemøy Mørkrid, med flere. Den selvstendige improgruppen Improtent har også vært sentral i driften av DAT.

Wikipedia: Det Andre Teatret (NO), Website

16. Middelalderparken

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The Medieval Park is located in the borough of Gamle Oslo in Oslo, Norway. The park was opened in the year 2000 at Sørenga in what was once the southern part of the medieval city of Oslo. The park is located within an area which also included the Minneparken and Ladegården on the north side of Bispegata. Development in the area is prohibited due to ruins and cultural layers above and below ground.

Wikipedia: Middelalderparken (EN)

17. Sofienberg kirke

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Sofienberg kirke

Sofienberg Church is located at Sofienberg in Oslo, Norway and is designed by the Danish-born architect Jacob Wilhelm Nordan. It was first known as Paulus Kirke but its name was changed to Petrus Kirke in 1892 and finally to Sofienberg Kirke in 1962. The church is surrounded by Sofienberg Park, where it was previously a cemetery. The church was consecrated in 1877 and seats approximately 500.

Wikipedia: Sofienberg Church (EN)

18. Livshjulet

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LivshjuletJean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, France / CC BY 2.0

"Life wheel" is a sculpture by Gustav Vigeland in the Vigeland facility in the Frogner Park in Oslo. The sculpture was modeled in 1933-1934 and erected in 1949. It depicts a rotating wreath of women, men and children and ends the 850 meter long main axis in the plant in the west. The life wheel is a symbol of, among other things, the perishable earth life and eternity.

Wikipedia: Livshjulet (Gustav Vigeland) (NO)

19. Clemenskirken

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St. Clement's Church was one of the Roman Catholic parish churches of Oslo, Norway. Ruins of St. Clement's Church are now exposed and included as part of Middelalderparken in the inner city of Oslo (Gamlebyen). It was located between the former Klemetsallmenningen and Østre strede. It is south of the ruins of Oslo Kongsgård estate and St. Hallvard's Cathedral.

Wikipedia: St. Clement's Church, Oslo (EN)

20. Kampen kirke

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Kampen kirke

Kampen Church is a church in the neighborhood of Kampen in Oslo, Norway. The church was consecrated 29 November 1882. After a fire in Kampen in 1878, the plans for the reconstruction of the neighborhood included a new church. In 1880, the neighborhood was founded a new congregation, that was located elsewhere until the church was finished.

Wikipedia: Kampen Church, Oslo (EN)

21. Slottskapellet

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Slottskapellet Unknown / Oslo Museum / CC BY-SA 4.0

Slottskapellet is a chapel in the Royal Palace in Oslo, Norway. It is the scene of many events of the Norwegian royal family like the royal baptisms and confirmations, in addition to church concerts and chamber music concerts. Slottskapellet is used for worships for students as well, a tradition of more than a hundred years of history.

Wikipedia: Slottskapellet (Oslo) (EN), Website

22. The Ibsen Museum

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The Ibsen Museum

The Ibsen Museum (Ibsenmuseet) occupies the last home of the playwright Henrik Ibsen. It is located close to the Royal Palace on Henrik Ibsens gate (street) in Oslo, Norway. The museum is closed; however, regarding the possibility of having the museum open during Summer 2023: the government has been petitioned, to provide financing.

Wikipedia: Ibsen Museum (Oslo) (EN), Website

23. Kunstnernes hus

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Kunstnernes Hus is an art gallery in Oslo, Norway. It is Norway's largest gallery under the direction of artists, and has served as a major center for exhibits of Norwegian and international contemporary art. It is also a prominent example of Functionalist architecture situated in Wergelandsveien 17, across the Royal palace park.

Wikipedia: Kunstnernes Hus (EN)

24. Bülow Hanssens plass

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Bülow Hanssens plass

Bülow Hanssens plass er en plass med parkanlegg i Oslo. Plassen ligger ved Trondheimsveien foran Sophies Minde i strøket Carl Berner, rett nord for Carl Berners plass. Plassen er 4 dekar stor og ble anlagt som park i 1938. I den vestlige delen av plassen ligger en plaskedam. Mot tre sider vender plassen mot boliggårder.

Wikipedia: Bülow Hanssens plass (Oslo) (NO)

25. Sinnataggen

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«Sinnataggen» er en skulptur i Vigelandsanlegget i Frognerparken i Oslo. Den forestiller en liten, sint gutt og regnes som Gustav Vigelands mest kjente skulptur. «Sinnataggen», som er støpt i bronse, ble sannsynligvis modellert i 1928 og montert som én av 58 skulpturer på «Broen» i skulpturparken i 1940.

Wikipedia: Sinnataggen (NO)

26. Defence Musuem

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Defence Musuem

The Armed Forces Museum of Norway is a museum located at Akershus Fortress in Oslo, Norway. Previously it was named Hærmuseet, The Army Museum. The museum consists of mostly army materiel. The Armed Forces Museum is the main museum sorting under the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum superstructure.

Wikipedia: Armed Forces Museum (Norway) (EN)

27. Sædfuck

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Sædfuck er en graffiti malt under en betongbro som fører Utmarkveien over General Ruges vei ved Bøler T-banestasjon i Oslo. Sædfuck har lenge hatt kultstatus i Oslo, og har gitt navn til et punkband og er blitt trykt på T-skjorter. Sædfuck ble opprinnelig malt i svart, men er nå rød.

Wikipedia: Sædfuck (NO)

28. Etterstadparken

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Etterstadparken er en park i bydel Gamle Oslo. Den ble anlagt som kjerne i boligstrøket Etterstad, som ble anlagt med frittstående lavblokker i siksakkmønster i 1940- og 50-årene. Store grønne områder mellom bygningene går over i parken. Dette dannet mønster for senere drabantbyer.

Wikipedia: Etterstadparken (NO)

29. Minneparken

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Minneparken is situated in Gamle Oslo adjacent to Oslo torg at Gamlebyen in Oslo, Norway. The park is bounded by St. Hallvards plass and Oslo gate in the west, Bispegata in the south, St. Hallvards gate in the southeast, Egedes gate in the east and Arups gate in the north.

Wikipedia: Minneparken (EN)

30. Vålerenga kirke

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Vålerenga Church is a church located in Oslo, Norway. Vålerenga church stands in the middle of Vålerenga park in the neighborhood of Vålerenga. The church belongs to the parish of Vålerenga of the Oslo arch-deanery within the Diocese of Oslo of the Church of Norway.

Wikipedia: Vålerenga Church (EN)

31. Sagene kirke

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Sagene kirke

Sagene Church is located in Oslo, Norway. The church is one of the most rugged and prominent in Oslo. The church was built in gothic revival style and it was consecrated in 1891. It was designed by architect Christian Fürst in neo-Gothic style. There are 600 seats.

Wikipedia: Sagene Church (EN)

32. Fossum kirke

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Fossum Church is a church center at Stovner in Oslo, Norway. The church was designed by the architectural firm Anker & Hølaas and created by Selvaagbygg. The church was consecrated in September 1976. Fossum church has 200 seats in the nave and 400 in the aisles.

Wikipedia: Fossum Church (EN)

33. Halléngården

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Halléngården er en treetasjes murgård fra 1880 i Thorvald Meyers gate 59 i Oslo. Ifølge Byantikvaren i Oslo har interiøret og fasaden stor antikvarisk verdi. Fredning og videre bruk av det særpregede bygget har vært sterkt omdiskutert i en årrekke.

Wikipedia: Halléngården (NO)

34. Korskirken

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The Holy Cross Church was a small medieval parish church for the northern part of the Old Town of Oslo, Norway. The ruin was rediscovered in 1922 and is now a part of Minneparken containing the ruins of the church and the larger St. Hallvard's Cathedral.

Wikipedia: Holy Cross Church, Oslo (EN)

35. Oslo Stock Exchange

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Oslo Stock Exchange is a stock exchange within the Nordic countries and offers Norway's only regulated markets for securities trading today. The stock exchange offers a full product range including equities, derivatives and fixed income instruments.

Wikipedia: Oslo Stock Exchange (EN)

36. Medianfiguren

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Medianfiguren er en statue i sink som er plassert utenfor Realfagsbiblioteket i Oslo, foran Pytagoras' hage. Den har stått på denne plassen siden 1980-tallet. I venstre hånd holder medianfiguren en liten Athenefigur med hjelmen skjøvet bakover.

Wikipedia: Medianfiguren (NO)

37. Sommerfrydhagen

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Sommerfrydhagen er en park med lekeplass og universell tilgjengelighet på Tøyen i Oslo, spesielt tilrettelagt for bevegelseshemmede. Navnet kommer sannsynligvis fra løkken Sommerfryd, som på 1800-tallet lå der parken i dag ligger.

Wikipedia: Sommerfrydhagen (NO)

38. Fridtjof Nansen

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Fridtjof Nansen

Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen was a Norwegian polymath and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He gained prominence at various points in his life as an explorer, scientist, diplomat, humanitarian and co-founded the Fatherland League.

Wikipedia: Fridtjof Nansen (EN)

39. National Library

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The National Library of Norway was established in 1989. Its principal task is "to preserve the past for the future". The library is located both in Oslo and in Mo i Rana. The building in Oslo was restored and reopened in 2005.

Wikipedia: National Library of Norway (EN), Website, Blog, Flickr, Facebook

40. Peer Gynt-parken

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Peer Gynt-parken Jim Dine / CC BY 3.0

Peer Gynt Sculpture Park is a sculpture park located in Oslo, Norway. The sculpture park was created in honour of the Norwegian writer, Henrik Ibsen as a monumental presentation of one of his plays Peer Gynt, act by act.

Wikipedia: Peer Gynt Sculpture Park (EN)

41. Ole Høiland's Cave

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Ole Høiland's Cave

Ole Pedersen Høiland was a renowned Norwegian burglar and jail-breaker. He was arrested several times for theft; he became legendary for his many successful escapes, and for his spectacular robbery of Norges Bank.

Wikipedia: Ole Høiland (EN), Website

42. University Botanical Garden

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The University Botanical Garden is Norway's oldest botanical garden. It was first established in 1814 and is administered by the University of Oslo. It is situated in the neighborhood of Tøyen in Oslo, Norway.

Wikipedia: University Botanical Garden (Oslo) (EN), Website


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