7 Sights in Zwolle, Netherlands (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Zwolle, Netherlands! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Zwolle. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Zwolle

1. De Passiebloem

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The Passiebloem is an octagonal scaffolding oil mill with storage sheds from 1776 on the Vondelkade in Zwolle. The mill could store 50 loads (100,000 kg) of seeds, 80,000 cakes and 530 barrels of oil in three oil cellars. There was room for 50,000 peats in the attached barn, according to an announcement of sale in 1864.

Wikipedia: De Passiebloem (molen) (NL)

2. Monument aan de Meppelerstraatweg

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The monument on the Meppelerstraatweg, which is located on the street of the same name in Zwolle, was erected in memory of five residents of Kampen, Zwolle and Zwollerkerspel who were executed on 31 March 1945 in reprisal for an act of resistance. They were the last of a total of 19 men who were executed in Zwolle between 3 October 1944 and 31 March 1945.

Wikipedia: Monument aan de Meppelerstraatweg (NL)

3. TOP Zwolle

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TOP Zwolle

A Tourist Transfer Point (TOP) is a 'natural junction', where various cycling, sailing, skating and walking routes start. Each TOP is recognizable by its landmark, a kind of obelisk is used in the east of the country, a blade of grass in the Green Heart and a remarkably large information column in the Gooi & Vecht region and the Rivierenland region. At TOPs there are often also some seats, a bicycle rack and a signpost. TOPs in the Gooi & Vecht region are also always equipped with bicycle rental, catering, (free) toilets, an ANWB Bicycle Service Box and a VVV information point.

Wikipedia: Toeristisch Overstappunt (NL), Website

4. Ter Pelkwijkpark

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The Ter Pelkwijkpark is a park in the center of the city of Zwolle, which is named after the Overijssel politician Johannes ter Pelkwijk. It was built on the eastern part of the former fortress belt of Zwolle, which was dismantled from 1790 onwards. This is where the Ter Pelkwijkstraat was later created. In the park there is a memorial monument designed by Titus Leeser for the more than 700 Zwolle residents who died during the Second World War due to persecution and violence.

Wikipedia: Ter Pelkwijkpark (NL)

5. Potgietersingel

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The Potgietersingel is a park in the city of Zwolle. The park was created at the beginning of the nineteenth century on former fortifications, dating from the seventeenth century. The park is named after the Zwolle-born writer-poet and De Gids editor Everhardus Johannes Potgieter.

Wikipedia: Potgietersingel (NL)

6. Sassenpoort

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The Sassenpoort is a gatehouse in the city wall of Zwolle, the Netherlands. It was built in 1409 out of dimension stone, mostly trachyte and tuff, and restoration work was done in 1893-1898. The gatehouse is a rijksmonument and is part of the Top 100 Dutch heritage sites.

Wikipedia: Sassenpoort (EN)

7. Diezerpoort

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The Diezerpoort is a former city gate in the city wall of Zwolle, which was demolished in 1828 and 1829. Today, only the contours in the road surface remain where the gate once stood. The start in the form of a curve has also been incorporated into the city wall.

Wikipedia: Diezerpoort (stadspoort) (NL)


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