13 Sights in Schiedam, Netherlands (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Schiedam, Netherlands! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Schiedam. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Schiedam

1. Babbersmolen

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The Babbersmolen is located along the Poldervaart in the municipality of Schiedam in South Holland. It is the oldest stone polder mill in the Netherlands. For a long time, only the 16-metre-high hull was still intact, but since 2013 the polder mill has been restored to its original state. The mill is located on the allotment complex 'Vijfsluizen'. It can be seen from the metro to Hoek van Holland and from the Poldervaart.

Wikipedia: Babbersmolen (NL), Website

2. Liduina Basiliek

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The Basilica of St. Liduina and Onze Lieve Vrouw van de Rozenkrans is a neo-gothic Roman Catholic Church in Schiedam, built in the period 1878-1881. The church is known locally under the names Singelkerk and St. Liduinabasiliek. It is a design by Evert Margry, a student of P.J.H. Cuypers. The church is dedicated to the Holy Liduina van Schiedam

Wikipedia: Basiliek van de H. Liduina en Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van de Rozenkrans (NL), Website

3. Noletmolen

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Dutch: De Nolet is a wind turbine in Schiedam, Netherlands that is disguised as a traditional Schiedam windmill. De Nolet has a tower height of 43 metres (141 ft) and a gross height of 55 metres (180 ft) including its rotor tips. The turbine's rated capacity is 150 kW.

Wikipedia: De Nolet (EN)

4. De Nieuwe Palmboom

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The Palmboom is a windmill in the South Holland city of Schiedam that was originally built in 1781 to grind raw materials for gin production. In 1901, during a fire on the other side of the Vest, a spark struck and the mill burned down completely. The mill stump remained standing and was rebuilt in 1991-1993. The rebuilt mill was then given the name De Nieuwe Palmboom (The New Palm Tree).

Wikipedia: De Palmboom (molen) (NL)

5. De Noord

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Dutch: De Noord is a windmill located on the Noordvest 38 in Schiedam, Netherlands. It is the tallest windmill in the world with a roof height of 33.3 metres (109 ft) and a wing span of 26.6 metres (87 ft). The mill is one of the five remaining windmills in Schiedam, and has been a national monument since 29 May 1969. Today De Noord houses a restaurant.

Wikipedia: De Noord (EN)

6. Nationaal Jenevermuseum

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Since 1996, the National Jenever Museum Schiedam has been located in a former malt wine distillery and distillery De Locomotief at Lange Haven 74 in the South Holland city of Schiedam, the city that became known as the gin capital of the world.

Wikipedia: Jenevermuseum (Schiedam) (NL), Website

7. De Vrijheid

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De Vrijheid is a windmill in Schiedam, the Netherlands. The mill at Noordvest 40 is the "neighboring mill" of mill De Noord and was built in 1785 on behalf of a number of burners as a stone scaffolding mill between the mill De Noord and the former mill De Star, but against the wishes of several other burners. They were afraid that the new mill would obstruct the windage for other mills due to its width and size. The mill milled for the distilleries until 1917.

Wikipedia: De Vrijheid (Schiedam) (NL)

8. De Walvisch

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De Walvisch is a windmill in Schiedam, the Netherlands. The mill on the Westvest was built in 1794 and the foundation stone layer was A. Nolet. The mill is named after the Greenland whaling industry, which flourished at the end of the 18th century. The Walvisch was leased by 26 distillers. He ground grains for the gin. Around 1900 the mill lost a piece of inner rod during a storm; It took eight months before he had 4 blades again.

Wikipedia: De Walvisch (Schiedam) (NL), Website

9. Oude Stadhuis

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The Old Town Hall of Schiedam is located on the Grote Markt. The building, built in 1538, was rebuilt after a fire (1604) in 1606, and in 1637 it was given the current gables. The double staircase dates from 1717-1718. In 1782 it was modernized by the then city architect Rutger van Bol'es.

Wikipedia: Oude stadhuis (Schiedam) (NL)

10. Korenbeurs

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The Schiedammer Korenbeurs or Koopmansbeurs is a national monument from 1786-'92. In the Korenbeurs, malt wine, grains and swill were traded. This trade was directly related to the distilleries for gin located in Schiedam. The Beurs is seen as one of the monuments of Schiedam's gin industry.

Wikipedia: Korenbeurs (Schiedam) (NL)

11. H.H. Jacobus en Martinus

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St. James' Church is a Roman Catholic parish church located on the Kerkweg in the Kerkbuurt of Kethel in the municipality of Schiedam. The church building was designed by Adrianus Bleijs and was completed in 1890. The church is dedicated to James the Greater and later also to Saint Martin and it is the church of the James and Martin parish.

Wikipedia: Sint-Jacobuskerk (Kethel) (NL)

12. De Plantage

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De Plantage, a park in the South Holland town of Schiedam, is located between the Lange Nieuwstraat and the Tuinlaan. It was built in 1767 by city architect Arij van Bol'es. At the time, the area was the green zone on the outskirts of Schiedam. In 1826, the Plantage was redesigned under the direction of landscape architect Jan David Zocher. Around 1954, the Plantage was redesigned by Jan Bijhouwer, who removed many nineteenth-century elements and, if requested, added a playground and a music stage. Bijhouwer worked together with the head of the Schiedam parks department, Jan Jacob Schipper.

Wikipedia: Plantage (Schiedam) (NL)

13. Nederlandse Protestanten Bond

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The Zaalkerk in Schiedam is a church building that was built for the local branch of the Dutch Protestant Association. The church was designed by architect Henri Evers and was consecrated on 26 December 1909.

Wikipedia: Zaalkerk (Schiedam) (NL)


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